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Thread: Society and progress debate (do you want children derail)

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    Raver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alioth View Post
    Or you can organize it based upon a structure of laws, infrastructures, and (my personal favorite) territorial boundaries. That's what we have. Then you raise a national guard to enforce it. The problem is that "liberalism" doesn't really mean "liberalism" anymore. It's this faux-cognitive dissonance where people assume that just because we aesthetically call ourselves a "democracy," just because our governmental structure is technically a Federal Constitutional Republic, we automatically have to tolerate acts of overt aggression, both against individual citizens and against our egalitarian social structure. We vote on political representatives, so it's our humanitarian duty to funnel tax dollars into foreign aid and accept the importation of foreigners without culturally integrating them.

    Tell me, why couldn't one organize a society based on loyalty to the homeland? Why not nativity to the soil? Many of us have avoided these sentiments for years, because of a perceived implicit link to authoritarianism. But at the same time our culture's celebrated forms of territorial nationalism for years, much more bombastically, I might add, than the more so-called "traditional" cultures of, say, modern Europe. And ironically the only people who have enslaved us so far are globalists in form of the multinational corporations that effectively bypass our national laws, not nationalists from within with an authoritarian streak.

    Why not just break out the flags and tanks and sing "America! Fuck yeah!" like our ancestors did? Surely the average person has the capacity to understand that this nation was designed to run on concepts that benefit him and the homeland, and if only this fact and not the concepts themselves, he can be made to fight for it. I know I'm game. USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
    Well said Alioth, old school Liberalism isn't the same thing as modern day Liberalism and you could say the same argument comparing old school Conservatism to neoconservatism. It's very dangerous to hold on to any belief system in politics nowadays because while ~95% of the belief system may be logically sound, the other ~5% is either subtly destructive or downright dangerous. Conservatism isn't exempt from this either, but its flaws are much more obvious than Liberalism, but that doesn't mean that Liberalism is significantly better.

    I call myself a "Moderate", but the truth is I don't have any ideology, I just analyze issues individually and judge it from there if they're sound or not. The most dangerous aspect of modern day Liberalism is the relentless pursuit of egalitarianism to the point where cultures and ethnic group disappear. In Europe, this is happening right now with the influx of refugees. Don't get me wrong, refugees do require an area to find refuge in after all, but there is a recklessness occurring there where a lot aren't true refugees or where they can seek refuge in neighboring nations instead.

    The world is slowly turning globalized with certain cities already giving a foreshadowing of what is to come. Multiculturalism is great in certain countries and cities, but in other areas it is not necessary. However, to refute it at all, even in a partial manner warrants the cry of bigotry. You are either completely for egalitarianism or you're a malcontent, being in between is not acceptable within the doctrine of egalitarianism. This creates a climate of hostility towards those that do not subscribe to it and results in many keeping their true opinions to themselves.

    In the end, they head to the voting booth to share their true opinion where they are free from judgement, ad hominen attacks and ridicule. People like Trump whose opinions are extreme, harsh and biogted become president or Britain votes to exit the EU because of this. There are rapid changes occurring politically by unseen forces in order to transform the world from a nationalized one into a global one. Inevitably, a global world will result in the long term, but the process is being sped up politically. This results in a backlash from a significant amount of the populace that uses their most viable means to rebuke it.

    The 21st century will prove to be an interesting century, one where more of these changes will continue to be pushed to transform the world into a globalized consumer based world from a nationalized cultural based one. The dominoes have been set and we can only sit by on the sidelines as the events unfold piece by piece. On one hand, I am indifferent to the upcoming changes because I know that a portion of these changes are benign and will not affect me or most people negatively. However, I do care about the changes that will be negative and for these changes, the only way to prevent it is for people to resist in unison, but I remain pessimistic that enough people are not aware of what is to come to make that possible.
    Last edited by Raver; 12-31-2016 at 09:40 PM.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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