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Thread: Society and progress debate (do you want children derail)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    Yeah, well, the old ways are old for a reason. They're not coming back. Society has progressed. The people have spoken, and they refuse to be pigeonholed. Let it go. You live your life however you see fit, stop telling other people how to live theirs.
    Oh but they are... if we don't start fighting against the enemies of Western Civilization. Also, one man's progress is another's regress. From my point of view, the world has regressed... greatly. Look at the current state of both gender and race relations in the west. If you think we made "progress" in those areas in the past 8 years you're a complete and utter moron. Things have regressed and regressed in a very harsh fashion. Everyone has been atomized and polarized whereas there was at one time we could all come together in some form. Yeah, you may have had to join a certain religion or something, but at least men, women, and individuals of all races could, conceivably, become one big and happy "us" as it were. Hate on religion all ya want, it's the only force that seems to be able to supersede Ethnicity, Gender, and Skin Color as a baseline motivator for people.

    Now... now that isn't the case. Now it's total polarization. You're either an SJW or a Nazi regardless of any other factor. Any, ANY, attempt to not be either one will result in one of those sides calling you a total cuck (I'm on the right, so if there's a left wing version of that insult I'd love to hear what it is out of morbid curiosity). The middle is now marginalized, you are either with "us" or you are one of "them" as it were. To call this progress is to be a fool. I remember when one could politely disagree with someone without implicitly wishing for their violent and painful death. Now... now we stand where we were right before WWII started. The storm gathers yet again despite all efforts to prevent that from ever happening again. Progress?! Don't make me laugh! When the only effective opinions involve either another Stalinist Purge or RWDS then the game is over. We're at that point, and I'm siding with RWDS out of concerns for survival. I'm... a little too pale and non-Semitic to stand a chance of surviving the second coming of the Gulag. Tis the only reason I'm on the side I am to be honest. I'd rather just be a neutral observer, but both sides consider that fucker a cuck who implicitly aids the enemy so into the Gulag/Oven he goes!

    I just can't seem to win, that's what sucks right now. No matter how hard I try to not play the game, everyone is forcing me to do so in one way or another. If only they'd leave me be in the shadows I'm content to dwell in...
    Last edited by End; 12-27-2016 at 05:30 AM.

  2. #2
    :popcorn: Capitalist Pig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Oh but they are... if we don't start fighting against the enemies of Western Civilization.
    Fighting the "enemies" of so-called Western civilization is what got us here in this draconian nightmare in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Also, one man's progress is another's regress. From my point of view, the world has regressed... greatly. Look at the current state of both gender and race relations in the west. If you think we made "progress" in those areas in the past 8 years you're a complete and utter moron. Things have regressed and regressed in a very harsh fashion. Everyone has been atomized and polarized whereas there was at one time we could all come together in some form. Yeah, you may have had to join a certain religion or something, but at least men, women, and individuals of all races could, conceivably, become one big and happy "us" as it were. Hate on religion all ya want, it's the only force that seems to be able to supersede Ethnicity, Gender, and Skin Color as a baseline motivator for people.
    Religion is dying, especially in the USA. Teenage social media stars get more Instagram followers than the Pope. You see regression, I see evolution in action. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm excited for the outcome, because I don't pretend to know what that is or to know what is best for us. These are the things people are deciding right now. You don't need religion to overcome barriers. You can try just being a normal human being who isn't shitty.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Now... now that isn't the case. Now it's total polarization. You're either an SJW or a Nazi regardless of any other factor. Any, ANY, attempt to not be either one will result in one of those sides calling you a total cuck (I'm on the right, so if there's a left wing version of that insult I'd love to hear what it is out of morbid curiosity).
    I wouldn't know. I'm not on the left.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    The middle is now marginalized, you are either with "us" or you are one of "them" as it were. To call this progress is to be a fool. I remember when one could politely disagree with someone without implicitly wishing for their violent and painful death. Now... now we stand where we were right before WWII started. The storm gathers yet again despite all efforts to prevent that from ever happening again. Progress?! Don't make me laugh! When the only effective opinions involve either another Stalinist Purge or RWDS then the game is over. We're at that point, and I'm siding with RWDS out of concerns for survival. I'm... a little too pale and non-Semitic to stand a chance of surviving the second coming of the Gulag. Tis the only reason I'm on the side I am to be honest. I'd rather just be a neutral observer, but both sides consider that fucker a cuck who implicitly aids the enemy so into the Gulag/Oven he goes!
    If you really believe yourself, you're an idiot. Otherwise, you're a very clever troll. Either way, your opinions stink of someone who spends too much time socializing with their parents and learned everything they know about the outside world from the Internet.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I just can't seem to win, that's what sucks right now. No matter how hard I try to not play the game, everyone is forcing me to do so in one way or another. If only they'd leave me be in the shadows I'm content to dwell in...
    Because you're not going to win. The old ways, whatever fucked up nostalgic pipedream you're living, are never coming back. Your kind had their time, and now they are finished. So long. Seeya. Sayonara. Don't let the door hit you in the ass, but feel free to make use of the #SafeSpace provided in the lobby on your way out, filled with therapy kittens to soothe any butthurt you might be feeling.

    P.S. What the fuck does any of this have to do with why some people don't want to be parents? It's a choice that free people have in the free world. Stop fucking with choices.

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    @Capitalist Pig Nice helpings of crow you're fixing up there man. Hope you're prepared to eat all that in the coming years. For starters, I'm seeing a rather big comeback on the religious front in the imminent future. Atheism is born of rampant materialism and that's coming to an end once the economy collapses as it inevitably will. Add in a few more Islamic Terror attacks in the cities and I'm rather confident people will resort to being ardent Crusading Christians yet again. After all, when all else fails and the world burns around you... the concept of a "God" gets to be rather attractive. There's a reason Christianity gained and took such strong hold during the Dark Ages. Just saying the argument that there are "no atheists in foxholes" has traction for a reason. You may resume being an atheist after you survive, but during that time of greatest duress... you prayed to God. Explain that away as naive bullshit. Say what you will of God, in the moments of greatest despair, you prayed to him and it got you to calm down enough to survive that terrible moment. On that alone, I say praise God and pray to him every damn day you happen to miraculously survive!

    Also, the Nazis were just as anti-religious as the Bolsheviks (a fact few care to remember), ergo it's a "safe-space" from an identitarian perspective. If both great evils of the previous century tried to stamp it out it must be alright in this new era of multiculti bullshit! Deus Vult!

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    @Capitalist Pig Nice helpings of crow you're fixing up there man. Hope you're prepared to eat all that in the coming years. For starters, I'm seeing a rather big comeback on the religious front in the imminent future. Atheism is born of rampant materialism and that's coming to an end once the economy collapses as it inevitably will. Add in a few more Islamic Terror attacks in the cities and I'm rather confident people will resort to being ardent Crusading Christians yet again. After all, when all else fails and the world burns around you... the concept of a "God" gets to be rather attractive. There's a reason Christianity gained and took such strong hold during the Dark Ages. Just saying the argument that there are "no atheists in foxholes" has traction for a reason. You may resume being an atheist after you survive, but during that time of greatest duress... you prayed to God. Explain that away as naive bullshit. Say what you will of God, in the moments of greatest despair, you prayed to him and it got you to calm down enough to survive that terrible moment. On that alone, I say praise God and pray to him every damn day you happen to miraculously survive!

    Also, the Nazis were just as anti-religious as the Bolsheviks (a fact few care to remember), ergo it's a "safe-space" from an identitarian perspective. If both great evils of the previous century tried to stamp it out it must be alright in this new era of multiculti bullshit! Deus Vult!
    I wouldn't tout a vulnerability to bullshit under extreme stress as a positive trait, friend.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    Don't let the door hit you in the ass, but feel free to make use of the #SafeSpace provided in the lobby on your way out, filled with therapy kittens to soothe any butthurt you might be feeling.

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