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Thread: Society and progress debate (do you want children derail)

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    Default Society and progress debate (do you want children derail)

    Quote Originally Posted by Santafall View Post
    That said, I can say with certainty that I will never have offspring. I have given up on relationships all together, and I am quite happy being on my own.
    I can only weep for you. If I were you I'd have full confidence in my beauty, feminine wiles, and cooking ability that'd enable me to attract a "good" man that I'd already be actively searching on several fronts. I mean, I'd have plenty pining after me just by virtue of being a 7/10 so I gotta make em' wait a bit. PUA types can't wait more than a week for yet another pump and dump, yet the men who are truly looking for marriage material are willing stick out a filtering stage that lasts around 2 weeks at least.

    Point is, you should seek out a good man who will treasure you for the beautiful woman you are, mother his children, and appreciate how that while he isn't Chad Thundercock, he's a good, decent, respectable man who understands how important it is to raise a family and how his masculinity is actually enhanced by being a true family man. Science backs this up BTW, T-levels drop once a man gets his wive and drops yet again once he has a brood of kids he's relatively certain he fathered. The dropping T-levels aren't a bad thing, they're good... if you are a woman as that means he's less likely to beat you for no reason.

    It's the great irony, the more you fulfill your role as a "man" in most any sense your T-level drops. Get a hot woman as a loyal wifey? T-levels drop. Father a kid by her by 90 percent odds? Drops even more!!! WTF man!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Santafall View Post
    The thought of being an obedient house wife with a husband and kids who has to cook and clean up after their shit would feel like being stuck in prison to me. I enjoy having my freedom.
    You... probably don't have kids (yet I hope you do somehow manage to have them, for I do pray for your genes to make it into the next round of natural selection). Science says that the very fact of being preggers alters a female's mental structure. Makes sense from the perspective of Darwin, yet it ain't like it'd turn a hardcore 3rd wave "kill all men" feminist into an MRA just because it happened. Biology does not yet trump propaganda, indoctrination, and the other dark forces that still hold sway over the grand majority of humanity.

    It hits men too BTW, getting a steady wifey impedes Testosterone production yeah but actually sticking around to raise a kid utterly nukes it. Once he's a "family" man his T-levels dive off a sheer cliff! You'd think that wouldn't happen but it does. A great irony it is, for it is in his deep act of trust in the woman that his very source of strength and power goes away. She is the mother of *my* kids, sorry balls, don't need ya to pump out the T-levels that led me to conclude that what is best in life included the screams and lamentations of some foreign tribes women and also contributed to my gains being so big that I cleaved that other fucker in half! Don't need it, me family man now, me no want violence anymore.

    I will say this many times over, the Eugenicists are dumb. Darwin was way more of a far-left Kumbaya type than well known popular history gives him credit for.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You... probably don't have kids (yet I hope you do somehow manage to have them, for I do pray for your genes to make it into the next round of natural selection). Science says that the very fact of being preggers alters a female's mental structure. Makes sense from the perspective of Darwin, yet it ain't like it'd turn a hardcore 3rd wave "kill all men" feminist into an MRA just because it happened. Biology does not yet trump propaganda, indoctrination, and the other dark forces that still hold sway over the grand majority of humanity.

    It hits men too BTW, getting a steady wifey impedes Testosterone production yeah but actually sticking around to raise a kid utterly nukes it. Once he's a "family" man his T-levels dive off a sheer cliff! You'd think that wouldn't happen but it does. A great irony it is, for it is in his deep act of trust in the woman that his very source of strength and power goes away. She is the mother of *my* kids, sorry balls, don't need ya to pump out the T-levels that led me to conclude that what is best in life included the screams and lamentations of some foreign tribes women and also contributed to my gains being so big that I cleaved that other fucker in half! Don't need it, me family man now, me no want violence anymore.

    I will say this many times over, the Eugenicists are dumb. Darwin was way more of a far-left Kumbaya type than well known popular history gives him credit for.
    No need to be childless to find your ramblings gross.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Persephone View Post
    No need to be childless to find your ramblings gross.
    Hey, I just mention the facts I stumble upon. Science has many things to say that are not politically correct. That most humans collectively cling to sunshine and rainbows delusions in the face of terrorist attacks and the like is actually a disturbing fact. I'm very worried for the future given that .

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Hey, I just mention the facts I stumble upon. Science has many things to say that are not politically correct. That most humans collectively cling to sunshine and rainbows delusions in the face of terrorist attacks and the like is actually a disturbing fact. I'm very worried for the future given that .
    Awesome... breeding, cooking and terrorism in the same basket, let's call it science.

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    @End, it's not everyone's mission to get married and have kids. Shit doesn't always work out that way, even for those who try. Different strokes for different folks. I'm not into polygamy, but I don't judge people if that's what makes them happy. I certainly don't impose my monogamy on them or preach about relationship structures and gender roles. Knock it off, it's not how the modern world works anymore. People are sensitive and accepting and shit. Also, drop the biology talk. It's kind of creepy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You... probably don't have kids (yet I hope you do somehow manage to have them, for I do pray for your genes to make it into the next round of natural selection). Science says that the very fact of being preggers alters a female's mental structure. Makes sense from the perspective of Darwin, yet it ain't like it'd turn a hardcore 3rd wave "kill all men" feminist into an MRA just because it happened. Biology does not yet trump propaganda, indoctrination, and the other dark forces that still hold sway over the grand majority of humanity.

    It hits men too BTW, getting a steady wifey impedes Testosterone production yeah but actually sticking around to raise a kid utterly nukes it. Once he's a "family" man his T-levels dive off a sheer cliff! You'd think that wouldn't happen but it does. A great irony it is, for it is in his deep act of trust in the woman that his very source of strength and power goes away. She is the mother of *my* kids, sorry balls, don't need ya to pump out the T-levels that led me to conclude that what is best in life included the screams and lamentations of some foreign tribes women and also contributed to my gains being so big that I cleaved that other fucker in half! Don't need it, me family man now, me no want violence anymore.

    I will say this many times over, the Eugenicists are dumb. Darwin was way more of a far-left Kumbaya type than well known popular history gives him credit for.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Hey, I just mention the facts I stumble upon. Science has many things to say that are not politically correct. That most humans collectively cling to sunshine and rainbows delusions in the face of terrorist attacks and the like is actually a disturbing fact. I'm very worried for the future given that .

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    @End, it's not everyone's mission to get married and have kids. Shit doesn't always work out that way, even for those who try. Different strokes for different folks. I'm not into polygamy, but I don't judge people if that's what makes them happy. I certainly don't impose my monogamy on them or preach about relationship structures and gender roles. Knock it off, it's not how the modern world works anymore. People are sensitive and accepting and shit. Also, drop the biology talk. It's kind of creepy.
    This whole year made me into a hardcore reactionary, the 60's, hell, the whole fucking enlightenment and everything afterwards was a mistake. The old ways were right, we need to go back to them. If'n we don't, well, hope ya like Burkahs, female circumcisions, and the like because that's where we're currently heading. Forgive me for wanting my progeny to enjoy the fruits and joys of Western Civilization and the Christendom it represents.

    Also, @Aylen Phil has a good bit of wisdom on that makeup quote. Hate on him all ya want, hate Christianity all ya want, there's something there. The hating on Christianity and all its products is really a product of some deep seeded hatred of Western Civilization as a whole. I dare anyone to name a superior culture. I'm open people, what's a better world? A more equal world? Is there a culture more advanced than the west that treats minorities and women better? I've been looking around a whole lot and I'm just not seeing it. There may be cultures that are more in line with the crazed progressive utopia, but they are also still somewhere in the stone/bronze age as far as technological development is concerned (and if they are more advanced, it's because they're using Western Tech. They cannot reproduce what they are using themselves and thus are not as advanced as the progressives would like us all to think). The West is the best and I'm getting really sick and tired of people denying that obvious fact while working to destroy and replace it with absolute barbarism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    This whole year made me into a hardcore reactionary, the 60's, hell, the whole fucking enlightenment and everything afterwards was a mistake. The old ways were right, we need to go back to them. If'n we don't, well, hope ya like Burkahs, female circumcisions, and the like because that's where we're currently heading. Forgive me for wanting my progeny to enjoy the fruits and joys of Western Civilization and the Christendom it represents.

    Also, @Aylen Phil has a good bit of wisdom on that makeup quote. Hate on him all ya want, hate Christianity all ya want, there's something there. The hating on Christianity and all its products is really a product of some deep seeded hatred of Western Civilization as a whole. I dare anyone to name a superior culture. I'm open people, what's a better world? A more equal world? Is there a culture more advanced than the west that treats minorities and women better? I've been looking around a whole lot and I'm just not seeing it. There may be cultures that are more in line with the crazed progressive utopia, but they are also still somewhere in the stone/bronze age as far as technological development is concerned (and if they are more advanced, it's because they're using Western Tech. They cannot reproduce what they are using themselves and thus are not as advanced as the progressives would like us all to think). The West is the best and I'm getting really sick and tired of people denying that obvious fact while working to destroy and replace it with absolute barbarism.
    You perceived hate where there was absolute 0. Do I think he has foolish, archaic beliefs, yes. Making fun of something and hating are not the same. I just noticed similarities (beliefs) between the two of you except he would probably find your low T idea disgraceful.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    This whole year made me into a hardcore reactionary, the 60's, hell, the whole fucking enlightenment and everything afterwards was a mistake. The old ways were right, we need to go back to them. If'n we don't, well, hope ya like Burkahs, female circumcisions, and the like because that's where we're currently heading. Forgive me for wanting my progeny to enjoy the fruits and joys of Western Civilization and the Christendom it represents.
    Yeah, well, the old ways are old for a reason. They're not coming back. Society has progressed. The people have spoken, and they refuse to be pigeonholed. Let it go. You live your life however you see fit, stop telling other people how to live theirs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    You perceived hate where there was absolute 0. Do I think he has foolish, archaic beliefs, yes. Making fun of something and hating are not the same. I just noticed similarities (beliefs) between the two of you except he would probably find your low T idea disgraceful.
    Sorry, I'm used to negative mentions of Christianity being attacks either overtly or covertly. Usually overtly, which gets my blood boiling. I suppose it's a side effect of how polarized our society has become. The scary thing is this level of polarization in the West has only been seen once in modern history... the 1930's. I hope this ends more happily than it did the last time it got this bad, though things are looking grim from my perspective. I fear George Carlin called it, there's only one way the problems of our modern society will be either solved or resolved, bloodshed. Lots and lots of bloodshed, blood in the streets, it may get so bad it'll be another Brother War. God help us all if that happens again.

    Also, I'm sure Phil still feels the same way he did in 2010, but realized that saying that stuff in public hurts the bottom line and draws in bad press. Me I don't care if people are gay. No point in fighting it, it is (fortunately according to some people) an issue that resolves itself as gays don't really reproduce. Well, lesbians can with a trip to the sperm bank, but it doesn't seem to be that popular among that group. I've seen a few lesbian couples in my neck of the woods yet I've never seen one pushing a stroller around if ya catch my meaning.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    Yeah, well, the old ways are old for a reason. They're not coming back. Society has progressed. The people have spoken, and they refuse to be pigeonholed. Let it go. You live your life however you see fit, stop telling other people how to live theirs.
    Oh but they are... if we don't start fighting against the enemies of Western Civilization. Also, one man's progress is another's regress. From my point of view, the world has regressed... greatly. Look at the current state of both gender and race relations in the west. If you think we made "progress" in those areas in the past 8 years you're a complete and utter moron. Things have regressed and regressed in a very harsh fashion. Everyone has been atomized and polarized whereas there was at one time we could all come together in some form. Yeah, you may have had to join a certain religion or something, but at least men, women, and individuals of all races could, conceivably, become one big and happy "us" as it were. Hate on religion all ya want, it's the only force that seems to be able to supersede Ethnicity, Gender, and Skin Color as a baseline motivator for people.

    Now... now that isn't the case. Now it's total polarization. You're either an SJW or a Nazi regardless of any other factor. Any, ANY, attempt to not be either one will result in one of those sides calling you a total cuck (I'm on the right, so if there's a left wing version of that insult I'd love to hear what it is out of morbid curiosity). The middle is now marginalized, you are either with "us" or you are one of "them" as it were. To call this progress is to be a fool. I remember when one could politely disagree with someone without implicitly wishing for their violent and painful death. Now... now we stand where we were right before WWII started. The storm gathers yet again despite all efforts to prevent that from ever happening again. Progress?! Don't make me laugh! When the only effective opinions involve either another Stalinist Purge or RWDS then the game is over. We're at that point, and I'm siding with RWDS out of concerns for survival. I'm... a little too pale and non-Semitic to stand a chance of surviving the second coming of the Gulag. Tis the only reason I'm on the side I am to be honest. I'd rather just be a neutral observer, but both sides consider that fucker a cuck who implicitly aids the enemy so into the Gulag/Oven he goes!

    I just can't seem to win, that's what sucks right now. No matter how hard I try to not play the game, everyone is forcing me to do so in one way or another. If only they'd leave me be in the shadows I'm content to dwell in...
    Last edited by End; 12-27-2016 at 05:30 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Oh but they are... if we don't start fighting against the enemies of Western Civilization.
    Fighting the "enemies" of so-called Western civilization is what got us here in this draconian nightmare in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Also, one man's progress is another's regress. From my point of view, the world has regressed... greatly. Look at the current state of both gender and race relations in the west. If you think we made "progress" in those areas in the past 8 years you're a complete and utter moron. Things have regressed and regressed in a very harsh fashion. Everyone has been atomized and polarized whereas there was at one time we could all come together in some form. Yeah, you may have had to join a certain religion or something, but at least men, women, and individuals of all races could, conceivably, become one big and happy "us" as it were. Hate on religion all ya want, it's the only force that seems to be able to supersede Ethnicity, Gender, and Skin Color as a baseline motivator for people.
    Religion is dying, especially in the USA. Teenage social media stars get more Instagram followers than the Pope. You see regression, I see evolution in action. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm excited for the outcome, because I don't pretend to know what that is or to know what is best for us. These are the things people are deciding right now. You don't need religion to overcome barriers. You can try just being a normal human being who isn't shitty.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Now... now that isn't the case. Now it's total polarization. You're either an SJW or a Nazi regardless of any other factor. Any, ANY, attempt to not be either one will result in one of those sides calling you a total cuck (I'm on the right, so if there's a left wing version of that insult I'd love to hear what it is out of morbid curiosity).
    I wouldn't know. I'm not on the left.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    The middle is now marginalized, you are either with "us" or you are one of "them" as it were. To call this progress is to be a fool. I remember when one could politely disagree with someone without implicitly wishing for their violent and painful death. Now... now we stand where we were right before WWII started. The storm gathers yet again despite all efforts to prevent that from ever happening again. Progress?! Don't make me laugh! When the only effective opinions involve either another Stalinist Purge or RWDS then the game is over. We're at that point, and I'm siding with RWDS out of concerns for survival. I'm... a little too pale and non-Semitic to stand a chance of surviving the second coming of the Gulag. Tis the only reason I'm on the side I am to be honest. I'd rather just be a neutral observer, but both sides consider that fucker a cuck who implicitly aids the enemy so into the Gulag/Oven he goes!
    If you really believe yourself, you're an idiot. Otherwise, you're a very clever troll. Either way, your opinions stink of someone who spends too much time socializing with their parents and learned everything they know about the outside world from the Internet.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I just can't seem to win, that's what sucks right now. No matter how hard I try to not play the game, everyone is forcing me to do so in one way or another. If only they'd leave me be in the shadows I'm content to dwell in...
    Because you're not going to win. The old ways, whatever fucked up nostalgic pipedream you're living, are never coming back. Your kind had their time, and now they are finished. So long. Seeya. Sayonara. Don't let the door hit you in the ass, but feel free to make use of the #SafeSpace provided in the lobby on your way out, filled with therapy kittens to soothe any butthurt you might be feeling.

    P.S. What the fuck does any of this have to do with why some people don't want to be parents? It's a choice that free people have in the free world. Stop fucking with choices.

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    @Capitalist Pig Nice helpings of crow you're fixing up there man. Hope you're prepared to eat all that in the coming years. For starters, I'm seeing a rather big comeback on the religious front in the imminent future. Atheism is born of rampant materialism and that's coming to an end once the economy collapses as it inevitably will. Add in a few more Islamic Terror attacks in the cities and I'm rather confident people will resort to being ardent Crusading Christians yet again. After all, when all else fails and the world burns around you... the concept of a "God" gets to be rather attractive. There's a reason Christianity gained and took such strong hold during the Dark Ages. Just saying the argument that there are "no atheists in foxholes" has traction for a reason. You may resume being an atheist after you survive, but during that time of greatest duress... you prayed to God. Explain that away as naive bullshit. Say what you will of God, in the moments of greatest despair, you prayed to him and it got you to calm down enough to survive that terrible moment. On that alone, I say praise God and pray to him every damn day you happen to miraculously survive!

    Also, the Nazis were just as anti-religious as the Bolsheviks (a fact few care to remember), ergo it's a "safe-space" from an identitarian perspective. If both great evils of the previous century tried to stamp it out it must be alright in this new era of multiculti bullshit! Deus Vult!

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    @Capitalist Pig Nice helpings of crow you're fixing up there man. Hope you're prepared to eat all that in the coming years. For starters, I'm seeing a rather big comeback on the religious front in the imminent future. Atheism is born of rampant materialism and that's coming to an end once the economy collapses as it inevitably will. Add in a few more Islamic Terror attacks in the cities and I'm rather confident people will resort to being ardent Crusading Christians yet again. After all, when all else fails and the world burns around you... the concept of a "God" gets to be rather attractive. There's a reason Christianity gained and took such strong hold during the Dark Ages. Just saying the argument that there are "no atheists in foxholes" has traction for a reason. You may resume being an atheist after you survive, but during that time of greatest duress... you prayed to God. Explain that away as naive bullshit. Say what you will of God, in the moments of greatest despair, you prayed to him and it got you to calm down enough to survive that terrible moment. On that alone, I say praise God and pray to him every damn day you happen to miraculously survive!

    Also, the Nazis were just as anti-religious as the Bolsheviks (a fact few care to remember), ergo it's a "safe-space" from an identitarian perspective. If both great evils of the previous century tried to stamp it out it must be alright in this new era of multiculti bullshit! Deus Vult!
    I wouldn't tout a vulnerability to bullshit under extreme stress as a positive trait, friend.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Also, @Aylen Phil has a good bit of wisdom on that makeup quote. Hate on him all ya want, hate Christianity all ya want, there's something there. The hating on Christianity and all its products is really a product of some deep seeded hatred of Western Civilization as a whole. I dare anyone to name a superior culture. I'm open people, what's a better world? A more equal world? Is there a culture more advanced than the west that treats minorities and women better? I've been looking around a whole lot and I'm just not seeing it. There may be cultures that are more in line with the crazed progressive utopia, but they are also still somewhere in the stone/bronze age as far as technological development is concerned (and if they are more advanced, it's because they're using Western Tech. They cannot reproduce what they are using themselves and thus are not as advanced as the progressives would like us all to think). The West is the best and I'm getting really sick and tired of people denying that obvious fact while working to destroy and replace it with absolute barbarism.
    It's funny how you cite the loss of the fruits of Western liberal democracy as grounds to return to ideologies antithetical to Western liberal democracy, in order to "defend" it. It's also funny how many people assume that strong nationalism and tightly enforced borders are mutually inclusive to reactionary social positions, many of which are directly opposed to democracy -- but I derail. You do not collaborate with fascists to defend democracy. That is fighting barbarism with barbarism.

    Once religion dies, you cannot resurrect it. You can replace it with philosophy, the logical successor to religion, but philosophy is far more compatible with advanced civilizations. Religion cannot compete with philosophy. The new far right does not embrace Western Judeo-Christianity. That's the realm of the dying right wing establishment, at least in the United States.

    If the fascists come to power, Christianity will be but another exhibit in the museum of extinct races. In its place will be a philosophy, one of extreme political, economic, and social utilitarianism. This philosophy will have risen because of the extreme efficiency it provides to a collapsing world where the old establishment can't do its job properly and all other philosophies have crashed and burned. This is also why the "Stalinists" you describe are not a real risk with the state of this world while the Fascists are, because people are losing faith in lofty political ideologies that cannot be pragmatically applied, including Communism (and especially not an iteration such as Stalinism, which, as many Westerners are aware, was a gross bastardization of the real tenets of Communism/Socialism, never mind the efficacy of the political philosophy if played straight).

    That's the scary part about fascism -- it requires bloodshed to work, but unlike many other political philosophies, it actually does work, with frightening efficiency. The fascist state, with its military and technological supremacy, is a lesser god on earth.
    Last edited by Grendel; 12-29-2016 at 06:37 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alioth View Post
    It's funny how you cite the loss of the fruits of Western liberal democracy as grounds to return to ideologies antithetical to Western liberal democracy, in order to "defend" it. It's also funny how many people assume that strong nationalism and tightly enforced borders are mutually inclusive to reactionary social positions, many of which are directly opposed to democracy -- but I derail. You do not collaborate with fascists to defend democracy. That is fighting barbarism with barbarism.

    Once religion dies, you cannot resurrect it. You can replace it with philosophy, the logical successor to religion, but philosophy is far more compatible with advanced civilizations. Religion cannot compete with philosophy. The new far right does not embrace Western Jude-Christianity. That's the realm of the dying right wing establishment, at least in the United States.

    If the fascists come to power, Christianity will be but another exhibit in the museum of extinct races. In its place will be a philosophy, one of extreme political, economic, and social utilitarianism. This philosophy will have risen because of the extreme efficiency it provides to a collapsing world where the old establishment can't do its job properly and all other philosophies have crashed and burned.
    The new right ought not embrace (((Judeo-Christianity))) as that's a social construct that benefits the former at the expense of the latter. Also, well, you can ultimately organize a sane society in one of two ways. You can organize it upon Ethnicity/Race, or you can organize it upon a shared Religion. Only Religion has been proven to reliably trump race/tribe as a successful way to organize humans (who are at base tribal). Even then, it needed an outside threat, another rival religion, to really get the various tribes to ignore their differences and join in common cause against a shared enemy.

    Only Christianity could have gotten German, Anglo-Saxon, Pole, etc. to join common cause and go on Crusade. Only Islam could have gotten Turk, Arab, etc, to join in upon a great Jihad. Even then, if one wasn't the rival of the other then things would have turned out very differently.

    We got two options, RaHoWa or Holy War. I WISH this was not the case but people like me who hover around 130 IQ comprise but a mere 5 percent of the total human population. The rest are moved to action by only 2 factors, race and religion. Higher concepts? Ideal Governmental arrangements? Fuck that! He/she doesn't look like us and has a weird accent to boot! OTHER!!! Off with their fucking heads! Mount em' on pikes and hang em' outside our gates so everyone else knows how fucking hardcore we are! NOBODY fucks with our tribe without dying a horrible death! Ia Ia C'thulu F'ghtan motherfuckers! KILL EVERYONE WHO ISN'T US WITH SADISTIC GLEE!!!

    To do anything less, you see, only shows how weak you are and how much you will gladly cuck as they invade your lands, rape your women, etc...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    The new right ought not embrace (((Judeo-Christianity))) as that's a social construct that benefits the former at the expense of the latter. Also, well, you can ultimately organize a sane society in one of two ways. You can organize it upon Ethnicity/Race, or you can organize it upon a shared Religion. Only Religion has proven to reliably trump race/tribe as a successful way to organize humans (who are at base tribal).
    Or you can organize it based upon a structure of laws, infrastructures, and (my personal favorite) territorial boundaries. That's what we have. Then you raise a national guard to enforce it. The problem is that "liberalism" doesn't really mean "liberalism" anymore. It's this faux-cognitive dissonance where people assume that just because we aesthetically call ourselves a "democracy," just because our governmental structure is technically a Federal Constitutional Republic, we automatically have to tolerate acts of overt aggression, both against individual citizens and against our egalitarian social structure. We vote on political representatives, so it's our humanitarian duty to funnel tax dollars into foreign aid and accept the importation of foreigners without culturally integrating them.

    Tell me, why couldn't one organize a society based on loyalty to the homeland? Why not nativity to the soil? Many of us have avoided these sentiments for years, because of a perceived implicit link to authoritarianism. But at the same time our culture's celebrated forms of territorial nationalism for years, much more bombastically, I might add, than the more so-called "traditional" cultures of, say, modern Europe. And ironically the only people who have enslaved us so far are globalists in form of the multinational corporations that effectively bypass our national laws, not nationalists from within with an authoritarian streak.

    Why not just break out the flags and tanks and sing "America! Fuck yeah!" like our ancestors did? Surely the average person has the capacity to understand that this nation was designed to run on concepts that benefit him and the homeland, and if only this fact and not the concepts themselves, he can be made to fight for it. I know I'm game. USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alioth View Post
    Or you can organize it based upon a structure of laws, infrastructures, and (my personal favorite) territorial boundaries. That's what we have. Then you raise a national guard to enforce it. The problem is that "liberalism" doesn't really mean "liberalism" anymore. It's this faux-cognitive dissonance where people assume that just because we aesthetically call ourselves a "democracy," just because our governmental structure is technically a Federal Constitutional Republic, we automatically have to tolerate acts of overt aggression, both against individual citizens and against our egalitarian social structure. We vote on political representatives, so it's our humanitarian duty to funnel tax dollars into foreign aid and accept the importation of foreigners without culturally integrating them.

    Tell me, why couldn't one organize a society based on loyalty to the homeland? Why not nativity to the soil? Many of us have avoided these sentiments for years, because of a perceived implicit link to authoritarianism. But at the same time our culture's celebrated forms of territorial nationalism for years, much more bombastically, I might add, than the more so-called "traditional" cultures of, say, modern Europe. And ironically the only people who have enslaved us so far are globalists in form of the multinational corporations that effectively bypass our national laws, not nationalists from within with an authoritarian streak.

    Why not just break out the flags and tanks and sing "America! Fuck yeah!" like our ancestors did? Surely the average person has the capacity to understand that this nation was designed to run on concepts that benefit him and the homeland, and if only this fact and not the concepts themselves, he can be made to fight for it. I know I'm game. USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
    Well said Alioth, old school Liberalism isn't the same thing as modern day Liberalism and you could say the same argument comparing old school Conservatism to neoconservatism. It's very dangerous to hold on to any belief system in politics nowadays because while ~95% of the belief system may be logically sound, the other ~5% is either subtly destructive or downright dangerous. Conservatism isn't exempt from this either, but its flaws are much more obvious than Liberalism, but that doesn't mean that Liberalism is significantly better.

    I call myself a "Moderate", but the truth is I don't have any ideology, I just analyze issues individually and judge it from there if they're sound or not. The most dangerous aspect of modern day Liberalism is the relentless pursuit of egalitarianism to the point where cultures and ethnic group disappear. In Europe, this is happening right now with the influx of refugees. Don't get me wrong, refugees do require an area to find refuge in after all, but there is a recklessness occurring there where a lot aren't true refugees or where they can seek refuge in neighboring nations instead.

    The world is slowly turning globalized with certain cities already giving a foreshadowing of what is to come. Multiculturalism is great in certain countries and cities, but in other areas it is not necessary. However, to refute it at all, even in a partial manner warrants the cry of bigotry. You are either completely for egalitarianism or you're a malcontent, being in between is not acceptable within the doctrine of egalitarianism. This creates a climate of hostility towards those that do not subscribe to it and results in many keeping their true opinions to themselves.

    In the end, they head to the voting booth to share their true opinion where they are free from judgement, ad hominen attacks and ridicule. People like Trump whose opinions are extreme, harsh and biogted become president or Britain votes to exit the EU because of this. There are rapid changes occurring politically by unseen forces in order to transform the world from a nationalized one into a global one. Inevitably, a global world will result in the long term, but the process is being sped up politically. This results in a backlash from a significant amount of the populace that uses their most viable means to rebuke it.

    The 21st century will prove to be an interesting century, one where more of these changes will continue to be pushed to transform the world into a globalized consumer based world from a nationalized cultural based one. The dominoes have been set and we can only sit by on the sidelines as the events unfold piece by piece. On one hand, I am indifferent to the upcoming changes because I know that a portion of these changes are benign and will not affect me or most people negatively. However, I do care about the changes that will be negative and for these changes, the only way to prevent it is for people to resist in unison, but I remain pessimistic that enough people are not aware of what is to come to make that possible.
    Last edited by Raver; 12-31-2016 at 09:40 PM.
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    Hah, fuck that noise. Chad Thundercock or bust.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    I wanna make your T levels drop
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

    It's hard to find a love through every shade of grey.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post

    I wanna make your T levels drop
    gtfo bitch, end is mine

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alioth View Post
    gtfo bitch, end is mine
    come at me slut
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

    It's hard to find a love through every shade of grey.

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    End seems to be keeping a tight lid on his reactions to this. ^^^

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    End seems to be keeping a tight lid on his reactions to this. ^^^
    It's because I don't know how to react to it @Adam Strange. How... how do I respond to being either unironically liked by someone in a romantic/sexual sense and/or being involved in a complex joke/prank that makes me the punchline because I bought into it by believing the former was true somehow?

    I have been in a similar position before, romantically propositioned by a girl with an identical twin nonetheless. I thought it was a joke and reflexively rejected her but, in hindsight, perhaps I should have played along for a move or two instead. I was in middle school when it happened, I had no idea about a thing other than I thought the two of them were very pretty Asian girls . I was open to dating them insofar as my childlike innocent mind conceived of the idea, but I was also the victim of bullies and, well, I didn't wanna give em' more ammo/play into their hands so I reflexively rejected it. Being older and wiser, well, I kinda wonder what would have happened had I done something different....
    Last edited by End; 01-01-2017 at 08:18 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    It's because I don't know how to react to it @Adam Strange. How... how do I respond to being either unironically liked by someone in a romantic/sexual sense and/or being involved in a complex joke/prank that makes me the punchline because I bought into it by believing the former was true somehow?

    I have been in a similar position before, romantically propositioned by a girl with an identical twin nonetheless. I thought it was a joke and reflexively rejected her but, in hindsight, perhaps I should have played along for a move or two instead. I was in middle school when it happened, I had no idea about a thing other than I thought the two of them were very pretty Asian girls . I was open to dating them insofar as my childlike innocent mind conceived of the idea, but I was also the victim of bullies and, well, I didn't wanna give em' more ammo/play into their hands so I reflexively rejected it. Being older and wiser, well, I kinda wonder what would have happened had I done something different....
    I dunno, @End. My first impulse is to say that sometimes the rewards are worth the risks. Certainly, I've ended up looking like an idiot from time to time, and it can be extremely embarrassing. Nevertheless, most people aren't out to screw you over, and you can tell pretty quickly if they are. Most people are just as worried about taking risks as you are (Se-doms excepted here), so if they send you a note, you should respond in kind.

    If this argument doesn't appeal, then you should know that the most successful strategy in game theory is called tit-for-tat. Assume good intentions, and respond with good intentions. If someone is mean, respond once with equal meanness, and if they are nice again, be nice again. Don't go nuclear or refuse to play.

    Admittedly, the page does say that the tit-for-tat strategy fails when the opponent responds randomly (is nuts). But I have never met one of those in my entire life. Everyone has a strategy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alioth View Post
    Or you can organize it based upon a structure of laws, infrastructures, and (my personal favorite) territorial boundaries. That's what we have. Then you raise a national guard to enforce it. The problem is that "liberalism" doesn't really mean "liberalism" anymore. It's this faux-cognitive dissonance where people assume that just because we aesthetically call ourselves a "democracy," just because our governmental structure is technically a Federal Constitutional Republic, we automatically have to tolerate acts of overt aggression, both against individual citizens and against our egalitarian social structure. We vote on political representatives, so it's our humanitarian duty to funnel tax dollars into foreign aid and accept the importation of foreigners without culturally integrating them.

    Tell me, why couldn't one organize a society based on loyalty to the homeland? Why not nativity to the soil? Many of us have avoided these sentiments for years, because of a perceived implicit link to authoritarianism. But at the same time our culture's celebrated forms of territorial nationalism for years, much more bombastically, I might add, than the more so-called "traditional" cultures of, say, modern Europe. And ironically the only people who have enslaved us so far are globalists in form of the multinational corporations that effectively bypass our national laws, not nationalists from within with an authoritarian streak.

    Why not just break out the flags and tanks and sing "America! Fuck yeah!" like our ancestors did? Surely the average person has the capacity to understand that this nation was designed to run on concepts that benefit him and the homeland, and if only this fact and not the concepts themselves, he can be made to fight for it. I know I'm game. USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
    That will result in an implicit tribe. Oh sure, you can have a very slight sprinkling of another tribe in the genetic makeup (eg. most every "American" that has been here for well over 3 generations almost certainly has some "Native American" bloodtinge). But, overall, you are all of roughly the same ethnicity. Hell, ever since the colonial period ended the Europeans have started to "mongrelize" as it were. Back in the day the Slavs weren't "white" enough to be considered co-ethnics to the Western Europeans. Hell ****** wanted to erradicate/integrate them in a similar fashion to what us Americans did to the Indians. Nowadays even the most ardent Neo-Nazi's see them as brethren and eschew the prospect of a Slavic Trail of Tears.

    Point is, you can't be vague about these distinctions. You absolutely must draw a line in the sand as to who is "in" and who is "out". You must necessarily define who is "us". By doing so, you will by necessity define who is "them" and what separates "us" from "them" is a circle of implicit trust we rely on for our civilization to function. "They" can integrate and become a part of "us", but that's a very long and hard process for "them" when things are working properly. The cost of being a "Christian" is too low IMO, as is the cost of being a member of Western Civilization...

    You... cannot fail to see how making it so cheap screws over the common citizen of that religion/civilization...

    As an aside, the only way Modern Western Civilization dodges the issue of Race is to fully embrace Christendom. Once you make being a full Christian the litmus test then Black, White, Brown, and Yellow can and will get along in perfect harmony. Thing is, well, that would also involve an office of The Holy Inquisition fully empowered to burn the witch and purge the Heretic being fully sanctioned and backed by the government (i.e. you'd have to give up on Church and State being separate. It sure as hell ain't separate in Islam and you can thus see how effective it is in bringing several ethnic/racial groups together in common cause for Jihad. Religion>Ethnicity, too bad Mohammad instinctively understood how to weaponize that fact well before Christians did )
    Last edited by End; 01-02-2017 at 08:18 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    That will result in an implicit tribe. Oh sure, you can have a very slight sprinkling of another tribe in the genetic makeup (eg. most every "American" that has been here for well over 3 generations almost certainly has some "Native American" bloodtinge). But, overall, you are all of roughly the same ethnicity. Hell, ever since the colonial period ended the Europeans have started to "mongrelize" as it were. Back in the day the Slavs weren't "white" enough to be considered co-ethnics to the Western Europeans. Hell ****** wanted to erradicate/integrate them in a similar fashion to what us Americans did to the Indians. Nowadays even the most ardent Neo-Nazi's see them as brethren and eschew the prospect of a Slavic Trail of Tears.

    Point is, you can't be vague about these distinctions. You absolutely must draw a line in the sand as to who is "in" and who is "out". You must necessarily define who is "us". By doing so, you will by necessity define who is "them" and what separates "us" from "them" is a circle of implicit trust we rely on for our civilization to function.
    That's easy. If you're born within American borders and you have documents to certify this, you're one of us.
    If you weren't, you're not one of us and we shoot you, because we have to assume you're a hostile cossack here to pillage our American social services and demand reparations for shit our ancestors did.
    If you don't have documentation, we assume you're a filthy gaijin and shoot you on sight.

    "They" can integrate and become a part of "us", but that's a very long and hard process for "them" when things are working properly. The cost of being a "Christian" is too low IMO, as is the cost of being a member of Western Civilization...

    You... cannot fail to see how making it so cheap screws over the common citizen of that religion/civilization...
    And there's the rub. They don't integrate.

    They keep their shit culture because we allow them to, then they hit critical mass, dilute out the old population, and destroy the infrastructures responsible for the fruits of Western civilization because they neither understand nor care about them. Nor do they value our ways, our technology, our democracy. All they want is the short-term wealth our society is created. They care not whether posterity dies out like rats due to pollution of infrastructures they can't understand.

    And how can we blame them? We ourselves masturbate with Western self-hatred, because many of our ancestors were bloody warrior-kings and not simply scientists or philosophers, because they conquered and killed and genocided like every Earthly civilization that's ever seen the light of day. Many of the foreigners would love to see homeborn Americans hanging on trees. These mongrels only have power over us because we've given them power, because love of the Homeland has been deemed a sin by our culture of self-loathing.

    But I derail. Personality takes its deepest developmental roots in the earliest years of life. If you're born and raised in a culture that's not fully American, even technically within American borders, you'll never be loyal to American culture. You'll be loyal to the culture of whatever turd world shithole your foreign parents were smuggled in from and now you're an invasive anchor baby, an alien invader wrongly labeled as a native to the soil.

    The solution is simple: abolish immigration. Not just illegal immigration. All immigration.

    The "American Dream" is not a principle of government nor a way of life. It refers to a golden age of prosperity that's long since been swept away. It's decadence. No one's entitled to a better life than their parents just because they managed to slip through our boundaries. That's a pipe dream. It worked back in the days of Hamilton when we were an agrarian turd world shithole ourselves and needed a larger workforce in order to industrialize. But time marches on and the tides change.

    Singing "Imagine" is what got us into this mess. Fuck the tired, the poor, the huddled masses with their turd world suffering. We have our own tired, our own poor, our own American masses gasping for a break from this collective self-torture.

    As an aside, the only way Modern Western Civilization dodges the issue of Race is to fully embrace Christendom. Once you make being a full Christian the litmus test then Black, White, Brown, and Yellow can and will get along in perfect harmony. Thing is, well, that would also involve an office of The Holy Inquisition fully empowered to burn the witch and purge the Heretic being fully sanctioned and backed by the government (i.e. you'd have to give up on Church and State being separate. It sure as hell ain't separate in Islam and you can thus see how effective it is in bringing several ethnic/racial groups together in common cause for Jihad. Religion>Ethnicity, too bad Mohammad instinctively understood how to weaponize that fact well before Christians did )
    Religion is dead. The Left establishment condemns it as a relic of a barbaric past. Others see it as an opiate, and indeed opiates can be quite useful. But the New Right does not want an opiate, nor will they suffer an ideology that compromises their own loyalty with loyalty to God. The Fascist does not suffer any god but the State. Once their greater enemies are down and religion is no longer useful to them, they'll just eliminate the middleman to control the population directly

    Already we see the New Right attempting to blend in by espousing more rational rhetoric: instead of detracting the "Jews" or the "Marxists," they warn of the "Globalist," a legitimate threat feared by a growing percentage of the population. It dates all the way back to Bismarck: make allies with many weak powers to destroy the great enemy, then kill your allies one by one once the greatest enemy is down, until no power remains but you. Just like Sauron in Numenor, they'll lure us in with the promise of everlasting national life, and before you know it we're sacrificing our own people to the Morgoth of fascism. Unless fascism is what you want in your heart of hearts, in which case this conversation is pointless.

    The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. He's just another enemy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alioth View Post
    The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. He's just another enemy.
    I'm not very adept at this interface so I'll just try and get my points across with the actual quote being something I actually fully agree with. Only a fool truly believes the enemy of their enemy is their friend. They're a useful idiot at best, all who didn't get that quickly found themselves conquered by the tribe the allied with for the express purpose of eliminating an old ethnic/tribal enemy. Look up the Opium Wars and, well hell, most of the history of European Colonization to be honest. The white man was more than happy to help out tribe X defeat tribe Y. Sadly, tribe X didn't get the fact that they were working with Tribe Z and well, once the smoke cleared tribe Z just so happened to have all their troops perfectly in position to conquer tribe X. Sucks to be outplayed so completely but hey, you don't build an Empire upon which the sun doesn't set by being stupid and nice now do ya?

    Now, onto the reply. Being born within American borders ain't enough. I gotta hear an "American" accent coming out of your mouth as you speak it for me to accept ya as part of my "us" y'know. If I bump into an Asian or an Arab looking person, for example, who has an authentic Southern Drawl instead of an Asian/Arabic one, well, I'm content to let bygones be bygones. Hell, it's a little nugget of history people don't tend to know about but here's a real fucking zinger. Did you know that Jews were so well and completely integrated into Confederate/Antebellum Southern society that the CSA had a Jewish man adorning one of its dollar denominations? Kinda shatters a great deal of preconceived notions now doesn't it but there it is regardless. ANYONE can pass, but passing takes time and effort. You don't get to do it within a single generation as a given (i.e. without doing something akin to a miracle that saves a great many of the people you want to accept you BTW). Give it two or three, then you're part of the Nation. Even Church Fathers acknowledged this and wrote dissertations on the subject. First generation immigrant "other" can't be trusted very much despite any signaling they give off. Third and beyond? Well, if they've been loyal for this long despite us all treating em' like shit then they'll probably be loyal going forward. Hazing period's over, you're one of us now dude! Now cover me, I gotta take out this fucking invader/traitor brah.

    Secondly, you're fully right that many immigrants don't integrate. They need to be deported. The Historian Martin Van Crevald was once asked to name the difference between Immigration and Warfare. His answer was that there was none. Immigration is Warfare, and Warfare is Immigration. Makes sense once ya really think about it because the end result is the same. One tribe gets replaced by another. Whether it is by massive slaughter and literal replacement or demographic shifts over decades of time is of little difference. The invaders are either repulsed or victorious, how and why makes little difference. We really ought to force our ways down their shitskin throats like we did during the heyday of colonialism but, well... White Guilt, the single greatest force holding Humanity back. They don't call it "Pathological" Altruism for nothing. White People seem so preoccupied with "being good" that everyone else shamelessly and ruthlessly exploits it. They kill the goose that lays the golden eggs by doing so but hey, everyone else is so damn ethnocentric it hurts. Shortsighted fools, if I wasn't white I'd still push for White Interests solely because I know damn good and well that if ANYONE is gonna take this race into an interstellar age its gonna be white people. After that, everyone gets their own planet and we can all just leave each other alone.

    Lastly, religion ain't dead, its merely been suppressed in the Western World. Once the current Marxist anti-Pope and his pansy protestant "Churchian" bretheren are dead I'm pretty sure the next one will be Urban II tier while the second coming of Martin Luther seals the deal from the other side. They won't cuck for the Muslims or minorities who are Catholic/Christian in name only, They'll point to their crimes and remind everyone that the Battle of Lepanto, the Inquisition, and the Reformation and Counter-Reformation occurred for damn good reason. Like I said before, the only real alternative to Ethno-States in the West is Christian Theocracies complete with an office of Inquisitions. Lemme tell ya, I'd gladly work hand in hand with Christians of all races as a member of that most holy group to expunge all forms of heresy from Christendom. Deus Vult!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    Don't let the door hit you in the ass, but feel free to make use of the #SafeSpace provided in the lobby on your way out, filled with therapy kittens to soothe any butthurt you might be feeling.

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    haha, this thread

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