Quote Originally Posted by Santafall View Post
That said, I can say with certainty that I will never have offspring. I have given up on relationships all together, and I am quite happy being on my own.
I can only weep for you. If I were you I'd have full confidence in my beauty, feminine wiles, and cooking ability that'd enable me to attract a "good" man that I'd already be actively searching on several fronts. I mean, I'd have plenty pining after me just by virtue of being a 7/10 so I gotta make em' wait a bit. PUA types can't wait more than a week for yet another pump and dump, yet the men who are truly looking for marriage material are willing stick out a filtering stage that lasts around 2 weeks at least.

Point is, you should seek out a good man who will treasure you for the beautiful woman you are, mother his children, and appreciate how that while he isn't Chad Thundercock, he's a good, decent, respectable man who understands how important it is to raise a family and how his masculinity is actually enhanced by being a true family man. Science backs this up BTW, T-levels drop once a man gets his wive and drops yet again once he has a brood of kids he's relatively certain he fathered. The dropping T-levels aren't a bad thing, they're good... if you are a woman as that means he's less likely to beat you for no reason.

It's the great irony, the more you fulfill your role as a "man" in most any sense your T-level drops. Get a hot woman as a loyal wifey? T-levels drop. Father a kid by her by 90 percent odds? Drops even more!!! WTF man!