Quote Originally Posted by Mr inappropriate View Post
Ah all pepple habe feelings ... what a wildcard to have in hand in an discussion.
This thread is pretty funny, read somewhere fi types cant hide their emotions, show them in their face... When this is empasized for ESE in descriptions. People just assign the behaviour they dont like to the other party.

I said it and it is true for those I know well. I made the disclaimer of irl and also enneagram influenced. I was primarily talking about my EII sister. I was also talking about when they are triggered deeply by someone but maybe I should have clarified. I am sure she would agree that she can't hide her personal feelings when offended. My sister is going to leave before she plays nice with someone she feels is not a good person for whatever her reason. If she knows they will be attending the same event beforehand she probably would not attend though.

That was more in the past. She now makes an effort to resolve bad feelings and hold no grudges. She is an E9 sp/sx. I am leaning 469 the seeker for her again. She does not like her inner peace disrupted. She has changed a lot therefore so has my perception of Fi leads. I learned a lot here that helped me change that perspective. You didn't read the whole post I take it.

It may apply to ESE too. I can only say that because I have an ESE sister who shows everything on her face but her anger is never as strong as she would like people to think and for some reason she can't do bitch face at all. When she tries it just causes my EII sister and me to laugh which ends up making her laugh. My ESE sister could very well play nice with someone she didn't like to preserve the emotional atmosphere. She would talk about them behind their back too at the very same gathering. I don't fault her for that as she is not very confrontational and is so/sx 369.

I have posted before about how I used to see Fi leads and how my perceptions have changed since joining this forum. Actually, I am not afraid to hurt anyone's feelings since I no longer see Fi lead (or valuers) as just morality preaching, judgmental, grudge holders that don't care if they ruin the mood for everyone if they are hurting. They can't hide their feelings as well because it shows on their face. I used to see them like that but now I understand the differences and some of it enneagram related. I am not going to go into that though.

Extroverted Ethics (Fe, )

EIIs can become expressive and very lively in groups for brief periods of time, but they always gravitate to deep, focused communication between two people or a small, close-knit group. They tend to shun wildness and prefer serious, more sensitive communication.

EIIs are usually very straightforward about their feelings in front of others; what you see from them is what you get. Even at a party where everyone is supposed to be happy, they still find it hard to conceal their true feelings when they are in a bad mood. This can create distaste among the rest who feel that the EII is not cooperating by contributing to the positive and boisterous mood. This tends to lead others who don't know the EII well to have a misconception that he/she is a grouchy person by nature.