Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

FTR, I don't think Perse is angry at all. It's just that some IEI here are a bit older and have way more experience to draw on. I mean if anything maybe she is just trying to help a sister out. hahah <-- I am so going to hell...
How does criticizing someone's logical reasoning and pointing out holes in their theories makes someone personally offended? That makes zero sense.

All ethical types are prone to being more subjectively emotional and more easilly hurt than logical types, duh. Being never emotionally hurt and offended is a sign of logical types, not Fe types What, if you say to an ESE she's ugly and her cooking sucks, she'll just remain cold-blooded and rational as an LII??

So for Cassandra claiming nothing offends her(which is bs anyway imo) to prove she's not Fi , that's actually unusual for IEI or any ethical type. I've also no idea where does the idea comes from Fe girls are nicer than Fi girls. If anything, they're cattier on the outside (because they're more actively trying to influence the emotional state of the person they're offending).

Fi people are more offended because of their their values and ethics close to their heart, not just any old thing. Disagreement, conflict and being annoyed by someone or their opinion are not Fi, my god