Description of careful due to
  • attraction is naturally sparked by the perceived aesthetic attributes of the prospective partner, but cooled off if such attributes are * accompanied by a perception of "too aggressive" sexuality
  • inclination towards tenderness, "soft" rather than "hard" approach
  • prone to adopt maternal approach to the physical comfort and needs of partner
  • interest is further maintained if partner welcomes this approach
  • prone to assume that partner will need help in practical, daily matters

isn't ESI very attentive and caring to partner's needs? "the caregiver" "the guardian". usually distinguished by caring very much about close people's health. maybe sex is a different category from health?

and this is the description of aggressor due to
  • no doubts about own interest in another person
  • not prone to hesitation about whether or not to reveal that interest
  • focus is more on own interest than whether or not the other person might reciprocate
  • romantic interaction is more about "toughness" than "tenderness"
  • needs to feel some sense of "superiority" over the partner, but worthwhile only if the partner is seen as able to largely "keep up"
  • this takes the form of power games, which others might regard as cruel or bitchy
  • in the case of female Aggressors with male partners, the above tends to assume the characteristic of a woman expecting total * devotion from the partner, rather than her being "bossy"
  • little inclination to externally admit not having been the one to end a relationship, unless if adopting a "who cares" front simultaneously

ESIs seem to have a strong sexual nature (they are SEE's mirror afterall ) but not aggressive, perhaps the names are misleading, translated from Russian? it is also said and is true that LIE and EIE don't identify with the name "victim" either, i myself wouldn't identify with the adjective.

Here's also a good minimalist description : http://definitive-socionics.wikidot....otic-attitudes

And again like many things in socionics the problem is that it is not very clearly explained why exactly having Se ego makes one an aggressor and having Ni makes them victim etc.