Neat little thought I wanted touch on. My theory is that the super-ego functions are the areas where wish to develop in ourselves the most, rather then the super-id. I want to note that I think it is strictly the abilities of the conflictors that we covet, not their behaviors and mannerisms.

The super-ego is denied to us in favor of the ego. We do not consciously choose ourselves which type we become, instead it is something we our born with whether we like it or not. Though out our lives we might begin to wish to experience develop the alternative that was rejected to us by our type, which corresponds to what our conflictor was hand-given.

One of the reasons I believe conflict relations are as unpleasant as they are is because they serve as a constant reminder of what we want to be but can't. Having our super-ego as their ego, they are constantly showing off we what lack without producing anything to help us rise to their level.

The phenomenon with this is even though our conflictors most readily display the abilities that we covet, it is our duals that actually help us realize ourselves in the super-ego. Our dual produces our super-ego aspirations as a by-product of their ego and do not hold much personal attachment to it, and thus readily share, provide and teach us how to develop it ourselves. Whereas our conflictor is condescending towards our super-ego and shows us how much better they are at it then we are, our dual shows willing shows us how to develop it.