Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
@FarDraft, I said that LII's seem to hate the necessity of work, not that they hate all work. I believe they hate (or resent) the idea that they have to work to stay alive.

The impression I get of LII's is not one of a lazy person, exactly, because LII's can work mentally very hard and can meet deadlines extremely well. Also, the quality of their work is usually extremely high. But I can't recall ever actually seeing an LII initiate a project because they either were incredibly interested in it, or thought it would amass them a fortune. Instead, the modus operandi seems to be, Find something that can be done without the expenditure of much physical energy and do enough of it to get an adequate income for minimal needs.

Now, if you give an LII a reasonably comfortable, secure position and the responsibility to write a report, meet a deadline, or organize a project with the understanding that failing to do so is a personal failing which will put them out on the street and under a bridge, then they will come through every time.

How much they self-motivate, though seems to be a question. If left alone with adequate (minimal) resources, I think there is a tendency for them to fall into immobility.

I want to add a disclaimer here. I'm observing their behavior from the standpoint of an opposing quadra, and therefore am in about the worst position possible to make assumptions about their motives. My descriptions are only reflections of how I see them operating, and personal projections about why they do what they do.
I tend to agree with how you put it here.

The concept of LIIs as workaholics seems to be based on a few things that are actually true:

1. LIIs are more focused on tasks than people.
2. They are often single-minded and detail-oriented, even perfectionistic.

So, an LII will generally put more effort into the *quality* of work than most other types, just as LIEs put more effort into the quantity of work (working 18 hour days, sleeping under your desk and such). But I think your more standard workaholic tends to be an extroverted type with high Se. It makes little sense to say that LIIs are workaholics in any way that LSIs are not.