Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
I thought you were sure he was an ILE?

Take a look at the advice you were given in the thread you made for career advice for an SEI through the fresh eyes of your new LII typing? You posted your own interests and skills there.

Better yet google search the types of careers you are interested in and then look into what it would take to set yourself on that path. Look into getting a career counselor. They should be intelligent enough to help you out. https://www.thebalancecareers.com/ho...-coach-2059777


If you ask for advice under various self typings people probably won't take you as serious, unfortunately.

I don't think you would enjoy the types careers some LIIs here have since you already said as much in other threads.
I have had many professional jobs including automotive product design (much varied experience), process engineering, web UI design & programming, and marketing analytics research and project development. My original college goals were to prepare for a career in scientific research. I am still only one year away from a degree in physics with an excellent GPA. Can't afford to finish.

I was only sure my Love was my dual. So the ILE was just a conclusion made before we met in person finally. Then we spent two weeks solid together and with many other people and I was able to rebalance myself by having something of a social life, which is pretty unusual for me to have.