Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
University researcher. Electrical/software engineer. Telephone switching engineer. Chemist. Anything which involves Ti facts to be classified into a system.

The best jobs of this type for LII's will also require a minimum of contact with other people and a minimum of oversight. Throw in paid health care and guaranteed retirement, and you have LII heaven.
Yep. For me stability is also important: it's difficult for me to do a job that constantly shifts the basic parameters of what you do.

I actually had an LII boss(slash programmer) one time. You would think that such a people-oriented job would not attract an LII, but he actually found it an interesting challenge and way to become a more well-rounded person. I guess that it was mostly about developing .

However, if they fail to secure employment of the type described above, their nihilistic nature drives them to become absurdist, drug-abusing street mimes.

LII street mime.jpg