Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Indeed. Furthermore, they even ignore the legitimately interesting instances of "diversity" that proven history has to offer. For instance, where's a movie about Yasuke the OG and truly African Samurai who served Oda Nobunaga? His lord, had he survived, would have most certainly colonized Hawaii and the East Coast of the US. This would have saved the likes of me untold amounts of grief BTW. I am very sad he didn't because he was betrayed and denied his dreams. One of which, given his hatred of the Buddhist warrior monks who consistently fucked him over, would have been to convert his entire nation to Christianity. A fun alternative history we sadly don't live in.

What of Lauri Allan Törni, the Finnish man who served three armies two of which were the Waffen SS against the Red Army and later the United States during the Vietnam War with distinction? Sabaton knew of that guy and wrote a great song about him by the way. A Former SS officer is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. I fear my mere mention of this fact will cause the woke to "crusade" for his removal from that site in their absurd ignorance of who he was and why he did what he did but it illustrates yet another point I like to demonstrate.

The "Woke" are criminally and shockingly stupid and ignorant in so many ways that matter in regards to basic survival and logical comprehension that I can only attribute their current position of dominance within world cultural to be of demonic origin. They are quite dumb, but demons aren't and so long as they follow the orders of their "superiors" they'll tend to win. Right up until they don't because in the end Jesus has domain over them. I feel we're about to witness the great reversal of fortune. Where the woke not only actually think and claim that things like "gravity" or the "Square-Cube Law" are instances of "white/Christian supremacy" , but start to actually do things like jumping off buildings built exclusively by members of "the non-trinary LGBTPXYZ3497xxxxetcyyzubv--//??" community to prove it!

They will find that such things are not mere social constructs, but iron laws of reality with predictable results. Turns out it matters not who built a building nor whom jumps off of one. The average human cannot survive a lithobraking maneuverer. Or, to exercise my "colonial privilege" and "white/man/cisplain" that terminology. You just won't survive hitting a solid piece of rock/matter at 100+ Kph naked, unprotected, and unmodified no matter how much you "believe" you will. That ain't colonialism, xism, or supremacy of any kind. That's just a fact.
Damnit, I meant west coast. Basically, California and the other states/areas that compose "The Left Coast" as one Collin Woodard put it would have instead been Japanese territory if Nobunaga had survived and got to actually exercise power as the First true "Shogun" after the unification. And, like I said previously, he'd have been rather enamored of the Jesuit/Portuguese/Christian Monks/Missionaries whilst have been very, oh so very peeved at his "native" Bhuddist variants who had collectively fucked him over quite vehemently in the arse. Small wonder whose "god" he'd likely prefer his nation follow if given the chance to decide. Plus hey, "Divine Right" of kings would sound very appealing to him. Upholding a modicum of morality implicit within the Western Version of the "Mandate of Heaven" would gel right in. Harems are bad eh? Good! That rather bothersome pain in my future ass China practically lives off of that. Good to know this foreign god has granted my descendants a causus belli. Sin dims the intellect you say as well? HO boy, you really are selling me on this "Jesus" you worship! How do you navigate the seas again? I'll be sure to include more than a few of you monks within the fleet in exchange. Just, show us the way so that we may spread his most holy word. I seek to help you accomplish this "great commission" you speak of.

Sorry for the Koreans as that alternate history means that one of their greatest and most badass figures in their history/national heroes would have never been given the set of circumstances that enabled him to become the titan of their history he ultimately became. He'd have been a weird admiral/general who had crazy ideas and paranoid delusions that never came to fruition. A footnote, not a symbol of national identity. It is, sadly, a very bad future for the Koreans and the Chinese if ye denied Christ yet Japan didn't at that juncture. For it would have been thee that suffered the incident of "The Black Ships" as Japanese history put it. Far worse, you'd have seen both American and Japanese Marines/Armies disembark from them. Seeing "the White Man" exclusively disembarking would have hurt enough. But to see those who looked like you disembark as well and flat out get along and even deeply respect and admire each other? Good luck reversing those optics Satan!