Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post


Tbh, I thought this looked kind of dumb, but I rented it for my kids. It was actually pretty funny. It seemed like one big metaphor. I wouldn't want to buy it, but it was worth watching once, even as an adult. Good family movie, anyway.

Anyone seen the new IT movie yet?
I will never watch the Big Baby Boss movie in my entire life, but thanks for the review.

So I saw "It" in theatres and it was fantastic. It followed the book closely. It paid tribute to the made for TV series from the 80's by casting similar looking kids and several similar scenes. It was creepy as fuck. I never felt scared, I did feel really creeped out. It was just creepy from the first scene onwards and the pace never stopped. There were no slow spots, no useless character development spots, it was a very tight script, that moved quickly and genuinely topped each scene with a more creepy one for the next. It featured fantastic young actors who were convincing and the plot was updated with current dialogue terms which made it feel relevant to todays age while remaining true to the source materials time frame of the 80's. It had preteens being terrorized and attacked by pennywise the monster and showed several disturbing sequences. I'm told the Netflix series Stranger Things felt similar in style to the It, although I wouldn't know I couldnt get passed the second episode of that show. I would recommend the movie to watch in theatres. It was fun to see teenagers feel the fear of "It" for the first time.