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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nebula View Post
    Last Jedi was great.
    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post


    Rarely do I want to see a movie in theaters anymore, but I don't regret seeing this one in theaters. It didn't dissapoint. Might be the only one I enjoyed seeing in the last year, or thought was worth going to see in theaters (but I'm not in the loop as much as I used to be). I'll probably buy it when it comes out.
    HA! YES!! I join the club 4.7/5.

    I first thought 4/5. But after researching the Easter Eggs, everything upgraded. This got me in a party type of mood.

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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post

    Easter eggs?! I didn't know anything about easter eggs....(will have to research this).
    Do that, and look for what happened to the old books that they showed/burned in particular. A lot of lines also referred to previous movies.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    HA! YES!! I join the club 4.7/5.

    I first thought 4/5. But after researching the Easter Eggs, everything upgraded. This got me in a party type of mood.

    Visit my typing threads if you want! The cast | The characters (it's so empty there, I feel lonely ).
    I have a huge crush on Rey. She is just so pretty.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    2) I can't stand Ryan Gosling... So maybe it was worth going to see, too. La La Land was good, imo, even if he was in it. Still can't stand him, though. Guy rubs me the wrong way majorly.
    Ah, so I'm not the only one who doesn't like the guy! I just find him excessively bland though. Like a white-washed stepford version of a real person. The cardboard cut-out of whoever he's presenting himself to be with nothing behind it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nebula View Post
    I have a huge crush on Rey. She is just so pretty.
    Same. Flawless face, and so cute Rose Tico is also a big favorite.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    Blade Runner 2049 was supposed to be good, too, but I haven't seen it yet because 1) I'm not a huge fan of the first one 2) I can't stand Ryan Gosling... So maybe it was worth going to see, too. La La Land was good, imo, even if he was in it. Still can't stand him, though. Guy rubs me the wrong way majorly.
    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    Ah, so I'm not the only one who doesn't like the guy! I just find him excessively bland though. Like a white-washed stepford version of a real person. The cardboard cut-out of whoever he's presenting himself to be with nothing behind it.
    Ok hi! What I've been observing. We really have like two big camps on here for the Gos, this guy is just so polarizing Probs because of extreme cp6-ness idk, still struggling to arrive at an accurate typing. Gosh anyway I am here as I need to take a stance, LUV that guy. He's my thing. He either portrays the sweet baby boy into romance or the emotionless avenger fighting for his beloved in some orgy of violence and wtf that shit is so good. The duality of man. Like how! HOW! He's intense.

    To bring it back to movie critique. To me, Blade Runner is a good fit for him visually and Ryan complements Harrison. I wrote a review earlier in here Hit me with your reviews in case you've checked it out so we can discuss, either way: pretty epic flick going hard with cinematography and I insist Ryan is an awkward sweetie worthy of a 16types support group Need to gather some people. Ok bye!

  7. #87
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    I'm really not into Russian art, but this movie was really beautiful. I enjoy the theme of this movie, I have to say there were scenes that were uncomfortably too sweet, but it's a fairytale so I think it's legit this time. 8/10

  8. #88
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    I just saw Star Wars TLJ last night and I thought it was decent overall. I don't think it is as good as critics are making it out to be, but I don't think it is as bad as many audience think it is. Rarely do you see a film that is generally positive by critics and negative by the audience. Usually, it is the other way around.

    Anyways, I think the movie was a half hour too long. They could of done away with a subplot in the film involving two characters to shorten the film. Aside from that, the twists were interesting, but not necessarily amazing either. Worth watching if you are a Star Wars or Sci-Fi fan as there are many enjoyable moments.

    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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    @reverie I loved it <3 - agree with your score

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    Screen Shot 2017-12-31 at 02.49.04.png

    Lady Bird is a definite 4/5 for me. I would've given it a perfect score except for one obvious cliche that happens in the movie. But the performances are breathtakingly real here, the cinematography is simple but gorgeous, and I'm a sucker for the landscape shots because it gives me bittersweet memories of my childhood in California. This was a movie that took me back to my roots and reminded me that no matter how much you talk about the place you come from, especially if you reflect on the good or bad memories, that your family and roots are apart of you. It's your choice of where you choose to go in life when choosing to leave the nest. This was a tear-jerking, insightful, and effective watch.

    Yeah. I love Pokémon.

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    I recently re-watched The Garden of Words. The second paragraph will contain a few mild spoilers.

    The Garden of Words is a story about two characters: a young male student (Takao Akizuki) and a mysterious adult woman (Yukari Yukino) who touch base with each other on days where it rains. It initially starts off as an accidental meeting between two strangers, but, as time goes on, it happens so frequently that eventually the pair silently agree to meet with each other at the garden whenever it rains. Takao is an aspiring shoemaker and it's that treasured pastime which becomes the main point of conversation between him and Yukari, wherein he sheds his usually reticent deportment in favor of a talkative personality where he freely opens up to Yakuri about his pastime, which seems to be an opportunity rarely granted to him in his everyday life. Yukari's side of the story is kept hush-hush until about halfway through the movie where we start to get little peeks into who she is and what she does.

    I've never been good at writing movie reviews, but what I found interesting about the crux of the movie reviews written for The Garden of Words is that quite a few Western viewers took issue with the quiet nature of the "romance", which I felt was missing the point because romance was never meant to be the focal point of their story. It played a part, especially from Takao's perspective, but the plot centralizes around the impromptu bond that materializes between two lonely people. There's a Japanese term for this bond: "koi", which means "a sense of longing for companionship in solitude", which - in the context of The Garden of Words - is shown by Takao and Yukari finding solace in each other in times of loneliness and hardship. I think Makoto Shinkai has always taken an authentic and characteristically Japanese approach to human relationships where little is verbalized but a lot is done. It's just done quietly, but I feel like that sense of subtlety is lost on Western viewers who want a quick and fiery "Romeo and Juliet" style love affair. They're viewing it through the wrong lens. Here, it's always the simple stuff, there's a focus on companionship where romantic love usually takes a backseat to platonic love.

    If anything, I'd recommend the movie to anybody who admires high quality animation. And it's only 46 minutes long. I posted a GIF of one of my favorite scenes from the movie above, but I seriously don't feel like anything I find online will do it justice. I've never known how to rate movies because either I'm telling everyone and their moms about the movie I just watched, or it's something I forget about until someone mentions it to me years later.

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    Okay. Finally. The La La Land review I promised - 2.5/5

    The ending was unique, though admittedly I didn't quite roll with it at first. But I think there was a life lesson. The first two thirds were boring somehow, the real entertainment started in the last half. I can see why it's a hommage to Hollywood that made it deserve the OSCAR, other than that my expectations were disappointed. The genre was confusing, too.
    About Ryan Gosling: impressive piano learning journey.

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    The Mission Impossible - Fallout trailer looks incredibly well-made in so many ways. I'll go see it. Black Panther review coming soon, too! (I AM SO EXCITED FOR CHADWICK BOSEMAN AHHHH)

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    Mahoutsukai no Yome (2018) - 4/5
    Good done anime about cute magic girls, sorcerers and strange Japan mythology.

  15. #95
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    Black Panther: 3.7/5
    (0.2 more outside the usual 0.5 scale since it has two very important post-credit scenes!)

    Score, costumes, 3D effects, and CGI, set visuals all stunning and arranged masterfully. My eyes and ears were blessed throughout. As for the cast: As with almost all-female casts, an almost all-black cast unsurprisingly works out well like any other - Hollywood better catch up. The only thing I had a problem with was the plot and here's why. The movie, at its core, is not as anti-racist and revolutionary as it was touted to be. The narrative is definitely made well (Marvel is outstanding at creating an authentic new world), but behind that lurks something very weird that says divide, not unite. When I put on my SJW glasses, what I see is black people pitted against black people, damage control instead of breaking down white supremacy, and even a return of black people as servants. I only realized it much later, while I was watching I was totally positive about it. The overall excellence of Black Panther as a whole really drowned it out. But a second thought about the story changed my mind a lot, although the movie still remains highly commendable in my eyes. I merely want to write down what it really is not which has been perpetuated by white media.

    My expectation was that we really get to see PoC dropping their shackles and/or not picking them up again. That we get a statement against why discrimination is shitty. But it shines through that the idea came out of a comic made by white people. The latter are very conscious what they are doing. Martin Freeman's character gets called a colonizer. But he's still helped and accepted without any further critique. And that's just a detail! The main thing that stood out to me: The supposed villain Erik (though portraying peak toxic masculinity which does make him evil in that way) rightfully points out what has lead to this black-against-black situation and has to die despite the good intention. All while T'Challa accomodates and prefers not to tackle pressing global issues of the black community at first and is shown in a good light for that. In the meantime, the whole drama only started since T'Chaka died at the hands of white people.

    Now that eventually Wakanda chooses to share its resources, the message is: submit to the white western agenda and try to save what can be saved, instead of collapsing the entire system in the first place. The screenplay makes T'Challa go back to slave mentality of service and providing resources. They've been shielding the country with good reason, possible exploitation of vibranium is evident because it is so powerful. The Black Panther literally has to protect it. He's already confronted with racial prejudice (that was almost a shithole country level comment after he said that thing about the wall, certainly a stab at Trump but immediately countered) at the final conference, ending with the "I'll show you" look. But having anybody else tackle Wakanda's vibranium was already indicated to be a bad move.

    It only took one white guy aka Klaue to show the consequences of having their technology in the wrong hands. That is disguised by having Erik as Klaue's proxy. To make it seem like its an intraracial issue. The latter says he thought Erik was an American, not from Wakanda. That gives it away. It's good that the movie caused me to think about it, though it makes me suspicious of the enthusiastic promotion. It is a milestone with the cast and really inspiring as I hear right and left and think so myself. Hence a solid 3.7, I really recommend that you see it. But plot-wise: same old Marvel material They even erased all traces of an accent in the German synchronization while the trailer didn't.

    It's disappointing especially since Infinity War is coming up Which is the real big dog while Black Panther sadly is turned into a fish in the sea - so I am happy they continue to break records at the box office and get a lot of praise on social media. But yeah, the grand finale has few melanin involved, Wakanda is left behind in the leads:

    Last edited by Chae; 02-17-2018 at 11:10 PM.

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    Can we post old ones here?

    Watched this yesterday, Men in Black II. I'm no good at giving a score, but suffice to say it was funny. Will Smith is good (EIE in real life), Tommy Lee Jones is good as Tommy Lee Jones (SLE in real life.) I wonder how they get on in real life, being activators and all. Maybe I should pick up a new hobby, of celebrity gossip.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    Saw Blade Runner 2049 finally. 5/5, but 3.5/5 subjectively...

    It was a good movie, imo. But I didn't love it.

    So many questions at the end, but I didn't like how it ended. However, it was different and I get why they did that, but at the end I was just like.... Ugh. What? No. It was kind of dissaponting for me. But thus is life. So it gave it a more realistic edge for me. So I appreciated it, but I didn't like it? Maybe a brave story line, something different.

    Major spoilers, don't read if you haven't seen...

    Reminds me of the matrix when everyone thought Neo was the chosen one, but he was told he wasn't, but he actually was so it was ok. But what if Neo really wasn't the chosen one? Ya know? That's how this movie was for me. It's like finding out Neo isn't the chosen one for real.

    I hope there is a part 2, tho. Or I guess part 3, since this is the second one.
    I have to add I'm not a big fan of the first one. Maybe it's just not my sort of thing.
    Yeah, the 3.5 behind the 5. I feel the same. It's the Ryan Gosling curse, when he plays the lead you know that the movie has an ending bound to make you dissatisfied and puzzled. He's a strong actor but he seems to attract these types of (often senselessly violent) screenplays that overshadow his skills with how they leave us guessing. The end determines how we remember everything, it's distracting from the otherwise excellent visuals, all that. It definitely has parallels to Matrix, that showed in the original already which I found decent and revolutionary for its time at least. Needs a sequel for sure With more independent and central female characters in power positions, please. Blade Runner is a man's world and the concept needs to expand for real now. Overall... Not a film to watch twice I find, it impresses once and then you move on, I reclined watching it on DVD. I'll check the score instead, that one was completely majestic.

  18. #98
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    Default going thru the DIE HARDs -- first three!

    First movie ruled, second movie sucked, third movie most fun!

    Cool -- first movie had John as agent of relative chaos, Hans and co. thrived on order. "Iconic" one-liner noteworthy for being simultaneously awkward and smooth, said w/o full conviction, in the context of a strained convo. It worked on its own terms, and those terms never existed again, and the fucking line got beaten to death and beyond elsewhere.

    Hans slipped up in one obvious-to-me spot, and it looks like John missed it, which is odd, given the context, with all the "USA cowboy" versus "refined European" stuff in the atmosphere.

    Hans held the cigarette between his thumb and his fingers when trying to hide identity. Euro style. USA style is between index and middle finger, perpendicular. All hostage/innocents USA, all perpetrators Euro.

    Second movie -- couldn't get the movie past the fucking invasive orchestration, the movie couldn't breathe! Even a lone walk down a flight of mildly-lit stairs was jammed with roaring bassoons. First and third movies in the, series, were solid w orchestration/music usage. I couldn't count to ten without the orchestra blaring the hell away in this one. This was before Coen Bros got big? Some of the scenes would be simultaneously hilarious and deadly serious if it wasn't for the incessant and relentless orchestration. I was numb for almost the whole thing.

    Third one you just gotta see! Legit use of a few hours, more alive and free than the first. Only one part sucked imo -- the stupid and apparently obligatory-for-the-series one-liner, you know, THAT one, it'll be hard to miss, you probably know it well by now, etc., and it didn't even sink the scene.
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  19. #99
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    Three billboards, baby driver, and Wind River were the best movies of 2017.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    Saw Blade Runner 2049 finally. 5/5, but 3.5/5 subjectively...

    It was a good movie, imo. But I didn't love it.

    So many questions at the end, but I didn't like how it ended. However, it was different and I get why they did that, but at the end I was just like.... Ugh. What? No. It was kind of dissaponting for me. But thus is life. So it gave it a more realistic edge for me. So I appreciated it, but I didn't like it? Maybe a brave story line, something different.

    Major spoilers, don't read if you haven't seen...

    Reminds me of the matrix when everyone thought Neo was the chosen one, but he was told he wasn't, but he actually was so it was ok. But what if Neo really wasn't the chosen one? Ya know? That's how this movie was for me. It's like finding out Neo isn't the chosen one for real.

    I hope there is a part 2, tho. Or I guess part 3, since this is the second one.
    I have to add I'm not a big fan of the first one. Maybe it's just not my sort of thing.
    the chosen one motif was the bad thing about this movie. i groaned a little: ahh really? everything else was great. i liked how tight the story was, very intimate, and def mad respect for the source material. then ending was right where it needed to be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Yeah, the 3.5 behind the 5. I feel the same. It's the Ryan Gosling curse, when he plays the lead you know that the movie has an ending bound to make you dissatisfied and puzzled. He's a strong actor but he seems to attract these types of (often senselessly violent) screenplays that overshadow his skills with how they leave us guessing. The end determines how we remember everything, it's distracting from the otherwise excellent visuals, all that. It definitely has parallels to Matrix, that showed in the original already which I found decent and revolutionary for its time at least. Needs a sequel for sure With more independent and central female characters in power positions, please. Blade Runner is a man's world and the concept needs to expand for real now. Overall... Not a film to watch twice I find, it impresses once and then you move on, I reclined watching it on DVD. I'll check the score instead, that one was completely majestic.
    ahh..the police chief? Luv? powerful female characters in power positions? also who cares if its mans world, i ve seen enough affirmative action in film for a time. ive watched both blade runners like dozens of times now.

    and his death wasn't distracting at all. it was part of the epilogue, not the climatic action. i wasn't distracted in the least, i was engrossed in every second up until that point, probably because im an in the moment kind of guy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by whodat View Post
    ahh..the police chief? Luv? powerful female characters in power positions? also who cares if its mans world, i ve seen enough affirmative action in film for a time. ive watched both blade runners like dozens of times now.

    and his death wasn't distracting at all. it was part of the epilogue, not the climatic action. i wasn't distracted in the least, i was engrossed in every second up until that point, probably because im an in the moment kind of guy.
    Good for your standards. Not mine, those are gayer, ya dig.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Good for your standards. Not mine, those are gayer, ya dig.

  24. #104
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    Spiderman Homecoming - 3/5

    It was an enjoyable watch. My dad commented: "Refreshing" and I agree. It messed with plenty of Hollywood stereotypes* and picked up a lot of Tony Stark's story, made Peter do the right things for himself even through failure. Visuals were good, music not outstanding but okay, cameos nicely placed, plot wasn't too intricate or unpredictable. Overall good movie to see, but nothing that stays in mind for too long. It would've needed to open up much bigger societal dilemmas like Civil War did for instance, that was memorable to me. It would have been good not to carry on with their idea of superheroes making things worse than they already are and why they're needed, but I got where they were coming from.

    *which are:

    - the villain is not from some far-away place: family feud!
    - choosing a different camera format for the beginning to introduce Peter as a technophile: innovative!
    - Peter acting against all arrogance that he could have: admirable!
    - portraying the proletarians as good: Marxist!
    - not understanding your gear: realistic!
    - very capable and important side characters who carry the movie well: teamwork!
    - humble Spiderman who surpasses Iron Man's ethics: role model!
    - having a very lithe and petite protagonist who looks delicate: sexy!
    - hacking a suit because of unfair and condescending treatment: justice!
    - no romance at the end because they both have important stuff to do: pragmatic!
    - knocking over a lot of things: relatable!
    - having plenty of PoC and Asian characters: representation!
    - protagonist misses out on literally everything: new!
    - personal hygiene is mentioned: accurate!
    - adults aren't superior and err in their advice, even have to bear the consequences for dismissing youngsters: empowering!
    - lots of random wit from the protagonist: 3D and authentic!
    - mentor trope ruined: interesting!
    - roasting people who say "ohh you're a teen, I know how your body changes..." senselessly: youth-conscious!
    - ruined sappy movie kiss: finally!
    - condemning slavery: strong statement!
    - ruining a Mercedes for the anti-bourgeoise revenge against penis jokes: revolutionary!
    - letting characters be disappointed with no way out: emotionally accurate!

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    4/5 Hilarious!

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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    Yeah, I think Three Billboards and Wind River might have been my favorites I saw from 2017. Still want to see Lady Bird, The Shape of Water, and I've rented The Darkest Hour, but haven't prioritized it yet.

    Still haven't seen Get Out. I've been dragging my feet/not enthusiastic abt it for some reason.
    The Shape of Water was the best movie I've seen in a long time.

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    last movies seen :

    Edge of tomorrow 4,5/5
    Cloud Atlas 3/5 the first time years ago, 4/5 after more view
    Coherence 4/5
    Drive 3/5
    Arq 3/5
    I origin 3,5/5
    Relatos Salvajes 4,5/5
    Children of Men 5,01/5
    Interstellar 4/5

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    I walked out of the darkest hour. It was liberal revisionist garbage.

    I loved Death Wish with Bruce Willis. The original Death Wish was better. Bruce Willis is no Charles Bronson but he's good enough. I didn't like that the robbers lacked the viciousness that the robbers in the original death wish had. It's a necessary setup for the movie that there be more brutality in the break-in scene.

    I liked Red Sparrow. I love the gritty realism. I thought the killing and torture scenes were great. "did you give boucher to the americans?" "you gave Boucher to the cute American didn't you?" This movie is not for the easily triggered. At least two people walked out just as the skin-grafting torture scene commenced. But even just the scene with her beating two people with a golf club as they were having sex in the sauna, the image of her leg having broken that it bended like a limp noodle, and the fact the garrot didn't just strangle the man but actually penetrated through his neck, added to the realism and, to be honest, I found it arousing (which means the brutality is realistically depicted). The characters are also three dimensional, and the plot is very clever.

    Here's a good article on it:

    ...Ex CIA Agent Says New Movie Gets Spy Life Right
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 03-11-2018 at 12:02 AM.

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    Black Panther is overhyped (whoa Teapot, tell me something new). I get why people like it and personally I get all teary eyed when I see how well they managed to merge a beautiful, heartwarming and strong culture with high technological advancement and the Marvel villain actually has some personality ... But the plot is predictable and slow, the humor is lame, the music forgettable (as usual) and the original ending is just meh.


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    I walked out of Hereditary in this heavy daze of vicarious heartbreak and dread and almost forgot my purse. It took me like 20 minutes to feel normal again after it was over. It was intense. I personally wasn't that scared but maybe that's because I saw it in a theater with other people. Mostly to me it was a very heavily emotional movie. Highly recommend it to anybody who wants to feel like a movie has punched them in the stomach.

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    i just keep thinking about this movie and i've watched a bunch of reviews today and the beginning of this one hahaha yes

    (he starts giving spoilers about 3:29)

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    Look Who's Back (Er Ist Wieder Da)

    5/5 really enjoyable if you like dark, dry humour. The scariest parts were the interviews shot Gonzo style with unsuspecting people (Sacha Baron Cohen style) who freely shared their views.

    ... and even if you're not a fan of the Leftist political message, I know one or two white supremacists who laughed at some of the jokes.
    Last edited by xerx; 07-27-2018 at 01:25 AM.

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    Jurrasic World 2 or watever


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    Went to see Phantom Thread, I'd give it a 3.5/4. The whole thing is really charming, even pretty good but it was as if it was left undone... both the atmosphere, the tailoring of the 50's and the dynamics of the romance are interesting, but somehow the director doesn't delve into either of these aspects, in the end I had the impression that something was missing.

    But it was fun to be in the theatre, it was full of people and everyone was comments on the romantic choices of the protagonists aloud

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    Wanted to see this in theaters when it came out but it wasn't showing anywhere around. Reviews said it was boring. They were right. Terribly boring. It was sad and dissapointing.
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    Halloween: He never stops walking. heh.

    Hereditary: The fuck the director thinks he is, Andrei Tarkovsky. Great horror is like great porn: the artsier it is, the more it sucks.

    Mission Impossible, Fall-out: Too many previews.

    Deadpool 2: It doesn't touch the first one.

    Skyscraper: Burn, baby, burn.

    Game night: Game Night reminded me of the grandmother from Flannery O'Connor's A Good Man Is Hard To Find: "The Misfit takes a moment to clean his glasses and pick up the grandmother's cat; he states that the grandmother would have been a good woman if "it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life."

    Equalizer 2: I liked the violence in the first one better. It had a John Wick style like John Wick and Cassian. The Equalizer part one was special in that it showed you the different uses of a corkscrew and contained a high kill count....Denzel was totally off the grid. Part two tones the violence down. I hate it when they do it.

    Superfly: The Snow Patrol was corny as fuck. They could have at least made the depiction of the drug business realistic instead it came across like the drug business as depicted in a decked-out two hour music video. For all the special effects in the remake, the original is so much better.

    Peppermint: Even a broken clock is right twice a day, except for that broken-ass clock of a movie.

    Blindspotting: Miles! Now there's a Funny as fuck SLE, total street animal. I love the fight in the house-party when Miles goes ballistic. It shows that Miles is more than just a poser, that he really has a lot of fight in him. There's a difference between being a fighter and being tough. Teddy Atlas explains this very well about Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson was tough. He had so much talent and strength that he could knock out a lot of guys. But when he got in the ring with somebody who brought the fight to him (Buster Douglas, Holyfield, Lewis, etc), Tyson would sorta give up and get beat, he didn't want to be there, because he didn't have that fight in him which is distinct from just being talented. He was tough, but not a fighter.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 11-05-2018 at 11:41 AM. Reason: it was skyscraper, not rampage.

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    Watched Sicario a few days ago. Thought it was a really good movie.
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    Ok, I just watched Hereditary. By myself. lol. Was I scared? Yes, I was. I had my hand over my mouth in a state of shock or over my eyes after prob 30 minutes in. I'm somewhat mortified, thought it was almost as disturbing and fucked up as Mother!, and I slightly regret watching it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    Ok, I just watched Hereditary. By myself. lol. Was I scared? Yes, I was. I had my hand over my mouth in a state of shock or over my eyes after prob 30 minutes in. I'm somewhat mortified. I thought it was almost as disturbing and fucked up as Mother! I slightly regret watching it.
    Aw, I feel kinda bad for mentioning it now. Have you seen "room?" Its also a somewhat intense thriller involving a family but it ends on a much more uplifting and kind of beautiful note, its really very touching. I think it might be my favorite movie, since I saw it around a month ago. Its on Netflix.

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