Rogue One


Con: Started out nice, then got tedious. No solid character developments, the bad guys weren't cruel/villainous enough (Vader should've been used way more! He was a total badass!), music wasn't persuasive and bombastic, the usual humor and friendship moments were cut out. Female protagonist (nice!) but didn't talk much Katniss-style, ratio of female-male was extremely disappointing in general. We had like 6 front-row women yet 400+ plot-relevant guys. Boring. The Star Wars signature droid/force/lightsaber dynamics were left out as well :/ There was no actual wit coming across, and the spiritual dimension was lacking. The rebellion wasn't credible either since it was touched on in a superficial/impersonal manner. Very confusing introductions of new places and people without a proper backstory. It should have been more intense, suspenseful, personal.

Pro: finally a blind character! For real! Disabled people representation in Star Wars was always a strong point (see Luke, Anakin). The cast aimed at being diverse, two Asians, one black man, that could be developed though. The visuals were pretty cool. Interpersonal workings were aimed at a good direction. Plot was unpredictable. It ended on a good note despite all tragedy, that was well-made. No unnecessary shock scenes, gore or much slime. The way they digitally restored old actors was a surprise. Costumes were ok but not stunning. Landscapes and wide shots were pretty excellent. Stunts: decent. Mads Mikkelsen was completely awesome as usual, he carried his role. Very authentic and emotional. Fake romance for romance's sake yada yada was finally abandoned - it really doesn't fit space battles let's get that straight - and conflict was emphasized, there was an actual Star War even if it got dull after some time. Movie was placed neatly into the context of the other movies.