Adam Strange

I don't look upon N as intuitive or intuition as the dictionary would define these words. I view all information at all levels of granularity as having relative (N) and absolute (S) components. Pixels on a screen mean nothing without each having coherence to the neighbours and combined form a picture sequenced in time with others, which can be inputted to my brain differently than yours. We each get different facsimiles of the same set of pictures because we select different sets of pixels which have to be connected differently as well; this reduces the data set for processing. Intuition in the dictionary sense has to involve rationalization in perhaps our background (likely closed-loop) processors that control automatic response; I doubt that intuition has anything to do with Socionics classifications. In a sense, I look upon N as the set of connections among facts with the set of facts being S.

a.k.a. I/O