Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
I agree that we have been talking apples and oranges - and perhaps not that productive for either of us. However, I did appreciate your responses and found them interesting.....
Well, it is not that simple. Our goal is to match eight information aspects with eight cognitive processes, so we need to consider both. How do we describe/define a cognitive process? There are (at least) three ways. We can describe the effects of a process (Te dominant types like to organize etc.), we can describe our experiences of a process (i.e. a phenomenological approach...this is my method) and we can try to define a process (which is your method).

The problem with Socionics is that it focused too much on defining the information aspects, and too little on matching aspects with cognitive processes.

N colors input processes in that one has a bias toward the linkages more than the entities of information at any level of granularity; however, linkages and entities can only be separated in theory not in reality.
N and S symbolize orientation differences toward the same information which affects the order of information processing - information cannot be separated from rationalization in a dynamic control system.
To use a crude example, two balls are connected by a string; the balls and string each by themselves can form three entities or them combined can form one entity. N's first inclination may be toward how such a configuration would function ignoring the details of the entities as opposed to S first focusing on its physical details then moving to function; the former is top down and the latter is bottom up.
Okay, so you are saying that N is more than the linkage. But what exactly do you mean by "ignoring the details of the entities" in this example?

N is theoretical - the sum of the linkages that input processes generate; however, input without rationalization is not recognition. Recognition is the connection of two entities, one of which is residing in your memory and the other in your input register. Both have to go through a CPU for recognition to occur.
Does N connect the two entities (i.e. information in memory and input register) in your view?