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Thread: How to develop yourself for personal growth(Socionics)

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    Lightbulb How to develop yourself for personal growth(Socionics)

    This idea popped in my mind right now so I decided to write it down.

    Well as you all know, a person will only grow in the realm of Ego-functions and everyone has 2 functions each.

    There are base function and creative function in every sociotype.

    Base function is 'what you are', creative function is 'what you do' if decribed briefly.

    What I want to say today is if you want to develop yourself and be more effective, you should concentrate on your creative function the most.

    That doesn't mean you should ignore base function(and you can't because it is your strongest function after all).

    Here is why :

    1. If you use your creative function effectively, you may control and develop your base function too.

    2. As a result, you may not be in your super-ego functions domain more frequently because your creative function will make sure you are in your power zone.

    To those who are not aware of themselves, they first need to find their base function first because it is the essence of oneself.

    Base function is your 'true self', in contrast role function is not.

    So if one found his/her base function, then it is better to improve your creative function to develop oneself.

    This prevents oneself going to role function mode from base function because creative function is loyal to the base function.

    Also, you wouldn't be so painful from your vulnerable function once your creative function is strong enough.

    In short, you will become more of yourself rather than you are forced to be which is very suffering.

    For example, base function is the 'warrior', and creative function is his 'weapon'.

    Even if you are aware of yourself being a warrior, you can't be strong and grow without your weapon.

    So the warrior needs to train himself physically and his weapon mastery in order to be effective and to push his limits to the highest!

    It is also applicable to mages or ninjas who would concentrate on their spells and techniques.

    They don't become powerful by thinking themselves like 'I am I. I am myself.' Rather they hone their powers and skills to improve and become themselves.

    Well you may apply to other figures which you may find it more easy for you to think of as well.

    For those who knows their own type but having trouble being or developing themselves should check their creative function rather than base function.

    Summary :

    Base function : "You yourself". It does not change.

    Role function : something you don't want to be but forced to be due to not being yourself.

    Vulnerable function : your worst enemy and try to torture and prison you by deceiving and downplaying you.

    Creative function : Your finest and only weapon that will help and save you from your damned state.
    Last edited by Godric; 11-25-2016 at 03:24 PM.

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    I like this! But, isnt there a difference of finding self and developing self? When you focus on your base and creative in order to "be yourself" you kind of taking off everything that aint you in order to reveal who you are. The other way around is when you understanding how each function work in tandem and the ways they are related you can develop and build on your core base. When in trouble, go ego-block!

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    Is this based on theorization or personal experience?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    I like this! But, isnt there a difference of finding self and developing self? When you focus on your base and creative in order to "be yourself" you kind of taking off everything that aint you in order to reveal who you are. The other way around is when you understanding how each function work in tandem and the ways they are related you can develop and build on your core base. When in trouble, go ego-block!

    As I mentioned my friend, finding yourself and developing youself is a different thing but also very related to each other. The former is to find your true base function and to realize yourself, and the latter is to develop your creative function and to fortify yourself.

    And yes if you know how all of the 8 functions work in the model, you may get the knowledge but still you are only availble to use your functions in the ego block in reality.

    The other functions are quite beyond your grasp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Is this based on theorization or personal experience?
    Based on both theories and my personal experience.

    With my observation of how others behave in the real world and researching of some famous Socionists and members in this forum.

    Plus, my struggle to how to become stronger and develop myself for years which I had a hard time understanding all of these personality kinds of stuff(they were quite abstract from my perspective).

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    Quote Originally Posted by metal89 View Post
    Based on both theories and my personal experience.

    With my observation of how others behave in the real world and researching of some famous Socionists and members in this forum.

    Plus, my struggle to how to become stronger and develop myself for years which I had a hard time understanding all of these personality kinds of stuff(they were quite abstract from my perspective).
    okay. I'm not sure if I agree that the creative function needs more development than the leading function. You could say the leading function is "developed" by applying it and using it for more complex tasks, and for society. I would also point out that it's very important to develop the super-id. The subdued functions are much more difficult to develop but I would argue that they all deserve some basic level of attention.

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    Hmmm arent contact functions all capable of growth, as they retain data from outside sources proactively?

    I think the socionics part is really unnecessary for this, and actually detracts from the growth aspect. Live your life and as you come across things you dont want to do, do them. Identify your habits, and actively do something else instead. Growth comes from struggle, and no one is good at things they havent practiced. Thus, the quickest way to grow is to make yourself do things you havent.
    Last edited by Pookie; 11-24-2016 at 04:15 AM.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    okay. I'm not sure if I agree that the creative function needs more development than the leading function. You could say the leading function is "developed" by applying it and using it for more complex tasks, and for society. I would also point out that it's very important to develop the super-id. The subdued functions are much more difficult to develop but I would argue that they all deserve some basic level of attention.
    Yup you are using your base function constantly whether it is consciously or unconsciously because it is your own perspective on how you view the world and life(still the strongest function in yourself even if you train your creative function). But your creative function makes it more efficient and controllable using your leading function. That was my point.

    And you mentioned that you should also develop your super-id. Well the fact is, we can't really develop these functions because it is not our area of control(even though you try hard). Super-id block is actually the same functions as the super-ego block contains but the direction of the functions are different. So we may appreciate those who perform the super-id block very effectively but you can't develop them for yourself. Duals are the ones who can do the dirty jobs for us and to make complement each other.

    So the point is : you only can be effective at your own Ego-block by honing your own 2 functions and the rest of the functions we are not good at will be quite compensated by doing this.
    Last edited by Godric; 11-24-2016 at 04:35 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    Hmmm arent contact functions all capable of growth, as their retain data from outside sources proactive?

    I think the socionics part is really unnecessary for this, and actually detracts from the growth aspect. Live your life and as you come across things you dont want to do, do them. Identify your habits, and actively do something else instead. Growth comes from struggle, and no one is good at things they havent practiced. Thus, the quickest way to grow is to make yourself do things you havent.
    Haha I think you are trying to negate what I have mentioned, hmm?

    Personal growth is implied in Not only socionics but the other human personality things as well. They are the tools for seeing and observing ourselves. We only need to apply it for ourselves in a proper way.

    And I'm living my life fully enough to experience what life has to offer so don't worry about me Socionics is one of those things to explore human nature in my real life.
    So I think you don't really need to deny the whole contribution of socionics in this criterion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by metal89 View Post
    Haha I think you are trying to negate what I have mentioned, hmm?

    Personal growth is implied in Not only socionics but the other human personality things as well. They are the tools for seeing and observing ourselves. We only need to apply it for yourself in proper way.

    And I'm living the life fully enough to experience what life has to offer so don't worry about me Socionics is one of those things to explore human nature in my real life.
    So I think you don't really need to deny the whole contribution of socionics in this criterion.
    I was using you in the second person point of view sense. I wasnt talking about you.

    If the goal is growth, I think filtering it through socionics is inhibiting, so id advise against it.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    I was using you in the second person point of view sense. I wasnt talking about you.

    If the goal is growth, I think filtering it through socionics is inhibiting, so id advise against it.

    Then my apology for misunderstanding your intention haha.

    Well still I think socionics is a valuable tool for personal growth even if you disagree though.

  12. #12
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    This fits in nicely with contact and inert function dichotomy. With creative being contact (weapon) and base being inert (warrior).

    contact: union or junction of surfaces.

    inert: not engaged in work or activity.

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    Bear in mind, personal growth can also come from stepping outside of one's comfort zone, in this instance, following super-ego functions. Growth is holistic and involves both personal power (ego block) and​ pain (super-ego block).

    super-ego: could, should, must, feedback rules from the outside world.

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    As one ages, having knowledge and using all information elements, at least in some capacity, is the only way to survive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by metal89 View Post
    Yup you are using your base function constantly whether it is consciously or unconsciously because it is your own perspective on how you view the world and life(still the strongest function in yourself even if you train your creative function). But your creative function makes it more efficient and controllable using your leading function. That was my point.

    And you mentioned that you should also develop your super-id. Well the fact is, we can't really develop these functions because it is not our area of control(even though you try hard). Super-id block is actually the same functions as the super-ego block contains but the direction of the functions are different. So we may appreciate those who perform the super-id block very effectively but you can't develop them for yourself. Duals are the ones who can do the dirty jobs for us and to make complement each other.
    Yeah, I don't agree with that at all. It's very common to see SLEs and ILEs that have developed their oratory and communication skills (Donald Trump, John Baez, maybe Scott Aaronson), EIEs and LIEs that take on leadership roles and become materially successful people (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs), etc. The mobilizing function is a huge point of personal growth.

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    @metal89 I would argue that developing the hidden agenda (aka mobilizing) function is one of the easier ways to bring about personal growth. In my view, it is hugely important that people not rely on their duals to do everything for them, because this lends itself to dependence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    As one ages, having knowledge and using all information elements, at least in some capacity, is the only way to survive.
    First of all, thanks for your comments and likes

    Instead of stating my opinion, I want to recommend a book and a website that'll make my point clear.

    Now, discover your strengths

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Yeah, I don't agree with that at all. It's very common to see SLEs and ILEs that have developed their oratory and communication skills (Donald Trump, John Baez, maybe Scott Aaronson), EIEs and LIEs that take on leadership roles and become materially successful people (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs), etc. The mobilizing function is a huge point of personal growth.
    Yeah, if you say so(although I don't agree with some of your typings of famous people you mentioned here, even if those are the most popular opinions of them).

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    Quote Originally Posted by hacim View Post
    @metal89 I would argue that developing the hidden agenda (aka mobilizing) function is one of the easier ways to bring about personal growth. In my view, it is hugely important that people not rely on their duals to do everything for them, because this lends itself to dependence.
    The mobilizing functions is to be supported by others, not to be developed by oneself(even if you try hard enough).
    And you don't need to worry about dependence since you are already suck in that area whether sb is helping you in that area or not(in short, not so much of it changes really).

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    I find that being given a structure for my PoLR from my dual is what develop me the most.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    I find that being given a structure for my PoLR from my dual is what develop me the most.
    I agree. Since duals are stronger in that field of your PoLR function, they may able to help you in that matter(which is very relieving from your perspective).

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    I'm prolly gonna sound like Wayne Dyer/Tony Robbins for a moment but...

    Improving your self is very much like playing an RPG. When you roll a Wizard (or more like you were a mage class since birth), you want to put most of your stat points in your already strongest inherent base stat (which is Int) and then kind of learn to love/laugh at your weaknesses. That is the surest path of success in your career life, which will ultimately make you happier internally as well because you will be a successful Jew and not a poor dirty goyim nobody ever listens to.

    Yeah sure, a wizard can *try* to like be some Chad-ish physical strength Warrior class and lift a bunch of weights and try to improve themselves that way. But it's not natural or base to who he is- I mean even though working out is healthy for everybody- trying to make that his career when it's not- is stupid. Jack of all trades = useless liberal arts degree that leads to no employment. Football players were meant to throw a ball around, writers were meant to write- video game designers were meant to design video games. It's about improving what your ego is calling you towards. It's both incredibly specific and expansive and something that gives you great confidence.

    The other stuff- the weak stuff inside of us, is the stuff we need other people's help, love and support on- and that's okay!

    But you may ask the question, what if the only thing I'm good for is actually hurting other people and making them feel bad? Well that's actually what the best social workers do, ironically enough! Get somebody so pissed off at themselves or at some unfairness - they have no other choice then to change. They hit you out of anger at your sadism- you just unlocked them out of depression/powerless and into the next vibration: anger. So you actually are probably the most important person of all in a sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    I'm prolly gonna sound like Wayne Dyer/Tony Robbins for a moment but...

    Improving your self is very much like playing an RPG. When you roll a Wizard (or more like you were a mage class since birth), you want to put most of your stat points in your already strongest inherent base stat (which is Int) and then kind of learn to love/laugh at your weaknesses. That is the surest path of success in your career life, which will ultimately make you happier internally as well because you will be a successful Jew and not a poor dirty goyim nobody ever listens to.

    Yeah sure, a wizard can *try* to like be some Chad-ish physical strength Warrior class and lift a bunch of weights and try to improve themselves that way. But it's not natural or base to who he is- I mean even though working out is healthy for everybody- trying to make that his career when it's not- is stupid. Jack of all trades = useless liberal arts degree that leads to no employment. Football players were meant to throw a ball around, writers were meant to write- video game designers were meant to design video games. It's about improving what your ego is calling you towards. It's both incredibly specific and expansive and something that gives you great confidence.

    The other stuff- the weak stuff inside of us, is the stuff we need other people's help, love and support on- and that's okay!

    But you may ask the question, what if the only thing I'm good for is actually hurting other people and making them feel bad? Well that's actually what the best social workers do, ironically enough! Get somebody so pissed off at themselves or at some unfairness - they have no other choice then to change. They hit you out of anger at your sadism- you just unlocked them out of depression/powerless and into the next vibration: anger. So you actually are probably the most important person of all in a sense.
    That's right, you got the point.

    The most important thing is to know your true self and develop. So being aware of base function is essential to your growth.

    And of course you are the most important person in the world. In the end, the only person you can rely on is yourself anyway haha.

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    SX/SP perspective ahead Going from the self-development aspect - which is important, yet no (wo)man is an island - to the idea of joint development: Personal growth is something that relies on reassurance, too. You can observe in duality how the mutual appreciation (based on the principle "you can express what I cannot express but I value it") can build up confidence. It's that complementary dimension that makes it beneficial, it's way easier than self-development. Where there is confidence, ease sets in. Ease is relaxing to the mind and brings about growth That's why it's so important to find an environment or partner that reassures you instead of criticizing every part of your being Being criticized, especially by someone who means a lot to you, will likely stifle growth. In that case, self-reliance is the superior way, and you're better off on your own developing what is there.

    The weapon analogy is pretty good imo. Consequently, the contact subtype is more armed

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    I think the idea is valid as it applies the 80/20 principle, 80% of your growth comes from 20% of your functions (75/25 in our case I guess)

    the problem here is you focus on growth for the sake of growth (since you ask yourself what am I good at? then improve them), even though it is better than nothing it is not directed
    I believe growth should be the by product of you moving to your dreams, so a better question for growth would be "who do I want to become? and what is the difference I want to make in the world? and WHY?"

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    This thread is very consistent with the personal development theories of good (cognitive functions-based) Myers-Briggs practitioners. In particular, check out this page on the importance of developing your "co-pilot" function (i.e., creative function). Also check out this page on developing your "10-year-old" function (i.e., mobilizing function). It notes that your mobilizing function is wonderful for growth, but ONLY IF your creative is already very good! Skipping use of your creative to just go between your base and mobilizing (what Myers-Briggs calls "tertiary loops") results in immature use of your mobilizing and hinders growth.

    I'm quite a fan of this "cheat sheet" for personal growth (remember that the last letter is switched for introverts, between Socionics and Myers-Briggs), which provides examples of how each type can jumpstart their development.

    I think the theory of "personal growth through creative function development" matches what I've observed myself/my friends of various types needing to do in order to break out of a rut and progress in our goals/life/attainment of fulfillment/happiness. For example, I know an LSE whose anxiety is relieved when he masters the details of various tools for his work, and another LSE who claims not to "get" any activity (like dancing) unless he learns it himself and understands why certain things are done during it. I know an ILI whose life is stagnant because he keeps reading, reading, reading, but he hasn't put any effort into actually implementing any of his grand ideas for society. My EII friends and I are at our best when we are getting out and doing new things rather than wallowing in the difference between reality and what we want; it helps us be less fearful of losing what we have.

    Developing your mobilizing function is probably vvv helpful for becoming a superstar in your field, but it doesn't seem like anyone can skip the step of developing his creative first/I'm not sure everyone has the ability to develop his mobilizing in a healthy way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    SX/SP perspective ahead Going from the self-development aspect - which is important, yet no (wo)man is an island - to the idea of joint development: Personal growth is something that relies on reassurance, too. You can observe in duality how the mutual appreciation (based on the principle "you can express what I cannot express but I value it") can build up confidence. It's that complementary dimension that makes it beneficial, it's way easier than self-development. Where there is confidence, ease sets in. Ease is relaxing to the mind and brings about growth That's why it's so important to find an environment or partner that reassures you instead of criticizing every part of your being Being criticized, especially by someone who means a lot to you, will likely stifle growth. In that case, self-reliance is the superior way, and you're better off on your own developing what is there.

    The weapon analogy is pretty good imo. Consequently, the contact subtype is more armed
    You speak of a dualization which is the ultimate goal of Socionics Lol.

    Whereas I speak of individual growth of whom having hard time with it.

    What I said in the post is for someone who is trying to grow by him/herself but can't figure it out how to be stronger.

    But as you mentioned, If oneself could find and be with your dual(or somebody who is in the same quadra at least), he/she wouldn't have to struggle that much.

    I find your opinion valuable because I also think that meeting with your dual really increases the chance of your self development.

    It would be lucky though, to find and meet your own dual cuz many people aren't that lucky in my experience.

    Me, for example, there were none who were in my quadra that I have ever met in my life but there were too many deltas which makes me restrained too much(especially ESTjs).

    If you are surrounded by those who doesn't value any of your functions, you may not be able to grow but also may not be yourself if you are not careful(and it sucks).

    I needed to struggle for that haha.

    P.S btw I'm also Sx first so I may be agree with you more, and I also enjoy your blog posts, too!
    Last edited by Godric; 12-20-2016 at 07:31 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    I think the idea is valid as it applies the 80/20 principle, 80% of your growth comes from 20% of your functions (75/25 in our case I guess)

    the problem here is you focus on growth for the sake of growth (since you ask yourself what am I good at? then improve them), even though it is better than nothing it is not directed
    I believe growth should be the by product of you moving to your dreams, so a better question for growth would be "who do I want to become? and what is the difference I want to make in the world? and WHY?"
    Good question.

    Well, I think that someone who is not aware of him/herself does think his/her desires and what he/she is good at will be completely seperated.

    But those who are quite self-developed tend to know their own nature and concide with what they really want in their life.

    In short, what you said about the dreams and growth is actually the same thing on the long run(That's the reason why I said knowing your base function is important).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Economist View Post
    This thread is very consistent with the personal development theories of good (cognitive functions-based) Myers-Briggs practitioners. In particular, check out this page on the importance of developing your "co-pilot" function (i.e., creative function). Also check out this page on developing your "10-year-old" function (i.e., mobilizing function). It notes that your mobilizing function is wonderful for growth, but ONLY IF your creative is already very good! Skipping use of your creative to just go between your base and mobilizing (what Myers-Briggs calls "tertiary loops") results in immature use of your mobilizing and hinders growth.

    I'm quite a fan of this "cheat sheet" for personal growth (remember that the last letter is switched for introverts, between Socionics and Myers-Briggs), which provides examples of how each type can jumpstart their development.

    I think the theory of "personal growth through creative function development" matches what I've observed myself/my friends of various types needing to do in order to break out of a rut and progress in our goals/life/attainment of fulfillment/happiness. For example, I know an LSE whose anxiety is relieved when he masters the details of various tools for his work, and another LSE who claims not to "get" any activity (like dancing) unless he learns it himself and understands why certain things are done during it. I know an ILI whose life is stagnant because he keeps reading, reading, reading, but he hasn't put any effort into actually implementing any of his grand ideas for society. My EII friends and I are at our best when we are getting out and doing new things rather than wallowing in the difference between reality and what we want; it helps us be less fearful of losing what we have.

    Developing your mobilizing function is probably vvv helpful for becoming a superstar in your field, but it doesn't seem like anyone can skip the step of developing his creative first/I'm not sure everyone has the ability to develop his mobilizing in a healthy way.
    Glad you enjoyed my thread .

    And thanks for the infos about the mbti.

    Although I prefer Socionics more, still these were useful.

    About the mobilizing function you mentioned, I was thinking about writing about it.

    Developing them would be quite useful, but it is not easy and efficient than relying on your duals to handle it.

    But I found that each type deals with this matter via their ego-functions to make their mobilizing function in use.

    Well this would be an interesting subject to talk about, but I'll save it for the future Lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post
    You speak of a dualization which is the ultimate goal of Socionics Lol.

    Whereas I speak of individual growth of whom having hard time with it.

    What I said in the post is for someone who is trying to grow by him/herself but can't figure it out how to be stronger.
    Yesss I know I know, I have skewed social instinct awareness, always zooming in on the partnership aspects of everything
    Ah, gotcha

    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post
    But as you mentioned, If oneself could find and be with your dual(or somebody who is in the same quadra at least), he/she wouldn't have to struggle that much.

    I find your opinion valuable because I also think that meeting with your dual really increases the chance of your self development.

    It would be lucky though, to find and meet your own dual cuz many people aren't that lucky in my experience.
    Yes, I agree that the chance is greater. However, partners at different stages in life with different health levels and sociographic backgrounds and so on, they would probably fare well with your approach. Lucky or not indeed, I think it depends on choosing a circle opposite of your club (NF <-> ST, SF <-> NT) that could provide a matching dual. That's the issue, having completely opposite social spheres. To bridge that one may also look for fellow quadra members, especially identicals. Those usually come along with lovely activity partners and duals

    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post
    Me, for example, there were none who were in my quadra that I have ever met in my life but there were too many deltas which makes me restrained too much(especially ESTjs).

    If you are surrounded by those who doesn't value any of your functions, you may not be able to grow but also may not be yourself if you are not careful(and it sucks).

    I needed to struggle for that haha.

    P.S btw I'm also Sx first so I may be agree with you more, and I also enjoy your blog posts, too!
    Yes, that's also a downfall when your prominent functions are not attuned, it will prevent expression and duality as you say :/ That's why Socionics are helpful in figuring exactly that out

    Struggle precedes success

    I feel the SX connection! Cool, thanks for reading my stuff, it's appreciated ily <3 What parts did you find helpful, interesting etc? I want to improve things a bit on there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Yesss I know I know, I have skewed social instinct awareness, always zooming in on the partnership aspects of everything
    Ah, gotcha

    Yes, I agree that the chance is greater. However, partners at different stages in life with different health levels and sociographic backgrounds and so on, they would probably fare well with your approach. Lucky or not indeed, I think it depends on choosing a circle opposite of your club (NF <-> ST, SF <-> NT) that could provide a matching dual. That's the issue, having completely opposite social spheres. To bridge that one may also look for fellow quadra members, especially identicals. Those usually come along with lovely activity partners and duals

    Yes, that's also a downfall when your prominent functions are not attuned, it will prevent expression and duality as you say :/ That's why Socionics are helpful in figuring exactly that out

    Struggle precedes success

    I feel the SX connection! Cool, thanks for reading my stuff, it's appreciated ily <3 What parts did you find helpful, interesting etc? I want to improve things a bit on there.

    Thanks for your another comment again

    It's hard to pick among your blogposts since I found most of them useful haha.

    Your style of overall descriptions was very creative and artistic for me.

    You also made an impression of having your own observation which was unique rather than relying only on some dull informations which leads to nowhere(Ti rather than Te maybe??).

    It seemed that you were mostly into Enneagram Instinctual Variants, right?

    They were helpful especially this one :

    Your selection of images and musics was astonishing, too.

    Which I find your articles great for that(Intuition plays in these areas I suppose?).

    For me, the most remarkable trait of your blogposts was being 'Colorful'.

    Hope this feedback helps


    Something you mentioned about the opposite club, I tend to meet IEEs and EIIs always and no IEIs and EIEs. T.T

    IEEs and EIIs ended up made me irritated everytime(mostly their behavior and interaction style).

    They are quite common to find but where can I find most of EIEs and IEIs?

    Just a thought haha.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post
    Thanks for your another comment again

    It's hard to pick among your blogposts since I found most of them useful haha.

    Your style of overall descriptions was very creative and artistic for me.

    You also made an impression of having your own observation which was unique rather than relying only on some dull informations which leads to nowhere(Ti rather than Te maybe??).

    It seemed that you were mostly into Enneagram Instinctual Variants, right?

    They were helpful especially this one :

    Your selection of images and musics was astonishing, too.

    Which I find your articles great for that(Intuition plays in these areas I suppose?).

    For me, the most remarkable trait of your blogposts was being 'Colorful'.

    Hope this feedback helps


    Something you mentioned about the opposite club, I tend to meet IEEs and EIIs always and no IEIs and EIEs. T.T

    IEEs and EIIs ended up made me irritated everytime(mostly their behavior and interaction style).

    They are quite common to find but where can I find most of EIEs and IEIs?

    Just a thought haha.
    You're so nice ;~; Thank youuuuuuuuu Cain you make my E3 heart very happy <3 Yes it helps! Can you point out things I could perhaps add or touch upon thematically while we're at it?

    I guess that what you saw was both Ni and Ne! I agree, dull informations can lead into a one-way street, they can start things off but that's it. I felt like creating new input because instinct informations are scarce, sadly. They are so fundamental in understanding human behavior, there has to me more insight and inspiration for us.

    The article you linked almost fits the thread perfectly

    As for meeting Beta NFs, the music/museum/theatre scene, and everywhere on tumblr We basically run the artistic side of the internet, we're not difficult to spot when you look for the most dramatic people with fancy aesthetics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    You're so nice ;~; Thank youuuuuuuuu Cain you make my E3 heart very happy <3 Yes it helps! Can you point out things I could perhaps add or touch upon thematically while we're at it?

    I guess that what you saw was both Ni and Ne! I agree, dull informations can lead into a one-way street, they can start things off but that's it. I felt like creating new input because instinct informations are scarce, sadly. They are so fundamental in understanding human behavior, there has to me more insight and inspiration for us.

    The article you linked almost fits the thread perfectly

    As for meeting Beta NFs, the music/museum/theatre scene, and everywhere on tumblr We basically run the artistic side of the internet, we're not difficult to spot when you look for the most dramatic people with fancy aesthetics.
    I just saw this post now, apology for being late

    Pleasure to help you on this. Something you mentioned about pointing out things in your blogposts, I found 'InstinctAesthetics' quite interesting and you may work this on with other instinct variants as well.

    Also, if you can afford it, you may start linking each Enneagram types with the instinct variants and describe it in your own style(For instance, how is 3w4 Sx/Sp like? what is difference between 3w4 sp-first and sx-first? etc).

    If you haven't seen these, maybe they'll be fun :

    Kinda informative related to each type with how the instinct variants work.

    Well it was a bit hard to point out things on your works cuz I usually see things in a Se+Ti way but not in a Fe+Ni way(which was hard for me to use haha).

    I can only think of these for now(I'll tell you more when I find something in the future though)

    And about the advice you have told me, those places are not the really places that I hang out often hahahaha.

    Although I'm interested in those fields, I'm usually at the gym or at the bars(or engage in some activities with my friends) heheh

    I'm shocked about that my hangouts don't overlap with those of my duals and activity partners more than I thought

    Maybe I should leave my territory and find them there......(It's a bit of a challenge for me though )

    P.S Even if we are in the same quadra, Beta NFs are of mysteries to me than I expected(not sure of how to respond to them hahahaha)

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