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Thread: If you could be another type...

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  1. #22
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Midwest, USA
    ENTJ-1Te 8w7 sx/so
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    Quote Originally Posted by Economist View Post
    This question confuses me a bit. My gut reaction was LIE--so disciplined, so good at planning and accomplishing things, so ambitious--but then my dual would be ESI, and as I am actually an EII, I don't super get along with ESIs. But I guess the point is that I would, as an LIE. I like my instinctual stacking just fine, but might change my enneagram.

    So LIE 2w3 so/sx for me.
    Enneagram 2 is supposed to be the "helper". I find it hard to see an LIE as a primarily helpful person. LIE's are typically e8 or e3, FWIW, and my guess is that if you were LIE, you might not have much choice in that area.

    I actually do help some people, and it often appears that I'm doing it selflessly with no obvious benefit (and sometimes some apparent loss) to myself, but really, I'm driven by a need for efficiency. Seeing someone struggle with something awakens the urge in us to make things more efficient and streamlined by helping them do better, because efficiency makes the world go 'round for LIE's. And our apparent "giving" usually comes back to us in one form or another.

    And yes, you would also like ESI's. They can be hard to take at first, but the more I'm around them, the better I like them.

    When considering your choice of LIE as an alternate sociotype, you might want to consider the aberrations you might have to possess to want an ESI as your constant companion.
    I was just reviewing some notes I made while working with an ESI on some contractual artworks, and she was late with the deliverables, communicated minimally (but did communicate), went her own way constantly, was fairly eccentric, and she more than doubled her quoted price on the final work (I made the mistake of explaining to her how she needed to price her work for profit, and she did ), and I'd do it all over in a heartbeat just to work with her again.
    To me, working with an ESI is like opening the door to a shack and finding a palace inside.
    Duality, experienced in person, over time, is really something else.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 11-28-2016 at 04:55 AM.

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