Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
I cannot stand American pastors. I've never met a single one who I didn't think was a liar in the deepest way possible. I do believe in prophetic dreams, but when they are aligned with dogma, it's not something true. It's the mind processing its dogma.

Were they not liars they wouldn't have used the manipulative tactics they did. They thought people wouldn't notice? They wanted power, and those ppl despite appearing strong in the most superficial way ever are the weakest of us all. They manipulated children, and for that I'm not sure I can forgive them.

Anyway this may mean I still have work to do. Although I'm at peace with this faith, I'm not at peace with its leaders and influencers. I see myself as weak, so naturally this problem arises for me. If I can forgive myself, then I can forgive others for similar flaws.

I know the history is burn people at the stake. Has this history been transcended?

Jesus died for what he believed in. He didn't hurt people. He didn't betray them as lifeforms. It was dogmatic aholes who murdered him.

Dogma is the enemy of living beings. It feeds itself from the fertilizer of their bones and decay.

Trying to convert others is wrong. It's sick. And I will have none of it. It's the total perversion of everything Jesus stood for.

Know that despite the history of persecution, the pagans still exist. They were destroyed but their spirit never died. They had their own belief systems and they were true to life.
If you speak of "Televangelists" in regards to "American Pastors" than you're not wrong. They worship Mammon. Case in point, I think it was during Hurricane Katrina that people asked one if they could use their "megachurch" as a relief center. Bastard refused because he feared the joint would get looted. If I were him, I'd just issue witch tests to the biggest, burliest, ought to be a bouncer at a night club dudes I could see. The ones that passed get to guard the valuables and ensure nobody breaks shit for no good reason. There, fears of getting looted/vandalized solved.

This solution to an actual potential problem never crossed their mind. That or they were/are consummate sinners and, fun fact, sins make you stupid. They darken the intellect along with the soul. Therefore, the more you sin, the dumber you get. Thus, I assert, they do not serve God (save perhaps for the grim prospect of their lives serving as a warning unto others). I do caution against your hatred of "dogma" however. Truth is truth no matter how much we may find it to be distasteful. If a given dogma is "true" than we ought to admit that fact and act accordingly. In this light, attempts to "convert" others isn't wrong. Like I've said may times before, you do actually have a religion. All of us do. Are you confident enough in it to espouse it even upon pain of death? I know I am.