Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
Is that bold part a threat or a wish on your part? Rhetorical question, I think I know, so don't answer. Remember you are on a public forum and whatever anonymity we think we have is an illusion that can easily be stripped away by those who have the power to do so.

Beyond that there are no secrets in the collective unconsciousness. What is hidden will be revealed, not always on a personal level or in a way that we expect. That is what we are witnessing now from the masses, no matter their affiliations. It is no coincidence that this is occurring during a pandemic. Whether you are a White supremacist, Boogaloo Boy, Antifa or Anarchist you will eventually be exposed. Which are you? I do not identify with any of those groups.

My soul is in it's final cycle so I am just planting seeds. The dance will be over for me before there is any real, lasting, resolution to any of these issues so I will not comment on your politics or religion other than to say I do not believe you know which gods you truly serve with these kind of posts. I do not require your "teaching moments" but thanks anyway.

As for my response to K4M, I was just correcting him and we all know how much he dislikes being corrected.
It most certainly isn't a wish. No rational actor wants to be "drafted" into the role of a martyr that goes against their end goals if given the chance to view the whole situation as an outsider. The black "sacrifices" would, if given the option to chose, rather not be such in regards to the end results (doubly so as I can bet a "white" sniper will be the one to have blown their brains out unironically).

Perhaps you think me devoid of the capacity for empathy? I get it, ILI types are famously autistic and sociopathic. We are, after all (like most gamma types), the ideal "villain" in most stories. Even when we try to be good, well, it's almost an accident. We end up doing the right thing for the wrong reasons so we're still technically "bad" as it were even then.

I for one welcome that fact. Rather do the right thing for the wrong reasons than not. For doing what is right, truly right, is paramount. Sadly, few seem to understand how much that matters...