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Thread: USA politics following Trump's election

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Hehehe, I just realized this, there is an answer to your query, but I also instinctually doubt you or most anyone else will accept it. Ask not what is "conservative" or "liberal".

    Ask instead "how will X policy inspire and encourage the common and elite to pursue/practice virtue?"

    THAT is the real "common good" we should seek in regards to public policy. Sadly, that is exactly the question our rulers do not want us to ask for, in my eyes, painfully obvious reasons...
    I like how you think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    I love it. The Antifa pussy squad is now a domestic terrorist organization...a perfect label for a bunch of worthless subhumans. I have been saying it from day one, a good antifa is a dead antifa, one to one they piss themselves. Dummy Trump's response to COVID-19 showed mega incompetence, but his response to these liberal crackpot rioters gets an A. Send in the special forces to regain control, god knows that Mayor beta bitch Frey ain't got the Bs to do anything about it. Ole' BLOOD & GUTS
    I bet the rioters are full of ACAB-tards, weren't ppl chanting "kill cops" a few years back? Trump kinda turned out to be just another establishment guy in the end, can't blame him tho, anyone who thinks 1 guy can change things by himself must be dumb. Plus the ppl he gathered around himself already told me enough from the start. He is neck deep in all of this, same as anyone else who is allowed near power. Idk what people were expecting from a NY businessman. Its good he finally declared antifa a domestic terrorist org. I'd call them useful idiots, but this works.

    from what I gathered the guy who got killed was a scumbag, but the way it happened is atrocious the cop should be judged and sentenced according to the law imo, riots broken up via military force, arrest them, trial at court and sentencing for all of them, no mercy. Protesting is one thing, but violent rioting, destruction of private & public property is to be crushed by force so order is maintained. Rioting is the dumbest thing ever, not as dumb as republicans attempting to get minorities to vote republican tho.

    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    We need to get out of this LEFT vs RIGHT paradigm and instead look for TRUTH in between.

    Unfortunately, the titanic has already hit the ice berg, the avalanche on its way down...
    The media has been conditioning people towards this for decades now. Once you figure it out, you can;t even watch Hollywood movies anymore, this stuff becomes so blatant and apparent.

    I like to follow politics and power dynamics on a global scale, have my own mental model of wtf is going on. Its no Alex Jones "buy my water filters and brainforce!" conspiracy-entertainment for $ tho.. *evil grin*
    Last edited by SGF; 06-02-2020 at 10:33 AM.

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