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Thread: USA politics following Trump's election

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post

    Biden also has cognitive decline, but he is not as morally/ethically deficient as Trump is. His morals/ethics are more in line with his experience as a rich person... he's not a narcissist or a psychopath.
    Idk, he really seems like quite a loose tempered douche based on what I've seen.

    In any case, I actually quite amused we've gotten stuck with these laughably piss poor leaders. The US and it's global hegemony could stand to be taken down a notch.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    Idk, he really seems like quite a loose tempered douche based on what I've seen.
    "Now listen here, Fat." Lmao.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    Idk, he really seems like quite a loose tempered douche based on what I've seen.

    In any case, I actually quite amused we've gotten stuck with these laughably piss poor leaders. The US and it's global hegemony could stand to be taken down a notch.
    Oh, I agree. The choices are not ideal at all. I don't like Biden. But I'm looking at it in this um "relative" way. He's better than Trump. It sucks that we have to go here, to the "lesser evil." It really, really sucks. It sucks that we have to settle. I hate it. I don't understand why so many ppl support Biden over some of the other Democratic candidates. It makes me sad.

    Actually, honestly, I feel it's a generational thing. I don't know why older ppl vote more and have more influence. I feel like their crystallized brains can't comprehend anything new. It's really annoying. We are "democrats" or "progressives," yet there is still this status quo preference. Biden is safe for older ppl. Why? It's so irritating because surely ppl can understand that they are not everyone. I feel like if I was older I would make considerations for ppl younger than me, understanding that what I vote for affects their futures while I'll be dead soon. But I guess that's not how it works, and it sucks, and I hate it.

    Not to mention, it's all so "white." The future of the US isn't going to be that white. But somehow, idiots don't care about this? Why would you not care about the future of our nation? Why would you not care about those who will be its future? It just makes me so angry.

    It's mainly that I genuinely love humanity. I love the human race. I want us to succeed. Racism is one of the many things, other than environmental destruction, that is killing us.

    Though, I don't want to imply that humanity is doing exceptionally well, having dominated the entire globe and having a population that is utterly out of control. The world is in trouble because of us. This is terrible.
    Last edited by marooned; 04-24-2020 at 09:15 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    Oh, I agree. The choices are not ideal at all. I don't like Biden. But I'm looking at it in this um "relative" way. He's better than Trump. It sucks that we have to go here, to the "lesser evil."
    Actually I think it would be wiser to vote for Trump. Not because his policies are pragmatically better then Biden, but because Trump is generating huge amounts of discontent in his opponents and is imbuing them with fervor that is necessary for real political change. The more repressed his opposition the more likely we will eventually see a radical swing leftward. Biden by contrast would just be a discreet and colorless prolonger of neoliberalism. I say hop aboard Accelerationist gang 2020.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    Actually I think it would be wiser to vote for Trump. Not because his policies are pragmatically better then Biden, but because Trump is generating huge amounts of discontent in his opponents and is imbuing them with fervor that is necessary for real political change. The more repressed his opposition the more likely we will eventually see a radical swing leftward. Biden by contrast would just be a discreet and colorless prolonger of neoliberalism. I say hop aboard Accelerationist gang 2020.
    Before the radical swing happens though, serious damage can be done.

    Who knows how any D would've realistically handled the COVID crisis, but isn't the non-Republican/Trumpian party line that Trump's actions/inactions have resulted in could've-been-avoided tragedy? Is it not true the pandemic couldn't have been/be easier?

    Of course, what's done is done+COVID appears to be subsiding and another major health pandemic would be surprising, but there are many things a President can do that can have serious negative consequences. For instance, R is against social welfare. I'm not saying Trump can/will entirely abolish XYZ social welfare programs, but reducing the total $ Tom, Dick, or Harry gets could be disastrous for Tom, Dick, Harry.

    If you can survive just fine without government assistance of any kind until the swing-back occurs, sure, your logic for why Trump>Biden makes sense. Your scenario of lull caused by Biden is convincing, but I'd rather at least keep my way of life than have it be even worse (less total $, due to decreased gov assistance and/or higher costs for whatever).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    Actually I think it would be wiser to vote for Trump. Not because his policies are pragmatically better then Biden, but because Trump is generating huge amounts of discontent in his opponents and is imbuing them with fervor that is necessary for real political change. The more repressed his opposition the more likely we will eventually see a radical swing leftward. Biden by contrast would just be a discreet and colorless prolonger of neoliberalism. I say hop aboard Accelerationist gang 2020.
    We are living in too much climate change and a pandemic. Another 4 years of a science denying dipshit would be critically negative to both

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    We are living in too much climate change and a pandemic. Another 4 years of a science denying dipshit would be critically negative to both
    I can't like posts or mark as constructive, but I agree. I think this populist swing rightward needs to stop. Populism is rising because the rich people and corporations are hoarding too much wealth, resources & power, but giving in to extremist right wing con artists isn't the solution. They are a big part of the problem masquerading as the solution, simply exploiting the desperation of people. Anyway, the current US administration is killing people--the covid deaths didn't have to be as high as they are but the current admin is a combination of uncaring ("it's someone else's problem"), incompetent (failing to manage the crisis and defensive or evasive when confronted), self-interested ($ > people), and doesn't heed warnings but instead lives in a fantasy world ("like a miracle it will go away"). And the science denial is killing people. I hope the pandemic is exposing the whole lot of these Republican scumbags for what they are: selfish, greedy narrow-minded people who care only about their power and pocketbooks--people who take take take and drain everyone dry, giving nothing back, the black holes or parasites of the human world. I am not saying there are not people like this among the Democrats--but there is a growing progressive wing in the Democratic party who understands it's not simply about ethics but also logic. The way the world is living now isn't working, and it is failing humanity and all life on earth. The rich and the corporations need to be forced to stop this if they will not do so willingly. The center left needs to realize it failed as well, but the devastation from the current administration far eclipses that matter right now.

    I don't really believe that Trump being in office another grueling four years will somehow make people change things... I think that the more the rich/corporate powers persist in taking from everyone else, the more desperate the masses will become and the more angry. This will be the case whether Trump is in office or not. And while he is in office he is putting more people like him in power and corrupting the system even worse than it was already corrupted. He needs to be removed like a tumor does.

    Also, I seem to be rather endlessly lost ideologically, but I might be coming out of it. Part of it is how much of the story from rich conservatives did I buy out of fears of my own inadequacy? (A deep fear inside of "what if they are right?") I was remembering the book Atlas Shrugged in which these rich tycoons are painted as the saviors of the world and the greedy useless masses just try to steal their inventions and take everything they have for themselves, which they would of course squander away to nothing if given the chance, which is why they must be denied even the most basic things they need to survive (you give them a piece of bread and they raid your whole supply). I never liked Ayn Rand's ideas (don't get me wrong) but I had considered the possibility of these "true creators" of society (as though the people who invent things that make lives easier or safer for people is the same thing as a justification for some of those people ending up with everything while everyone else has nothing). But Trump came into office with this kind of attitude (I can see it in his entire family) and what does he (or any of them) really do? Nothing. They just take. That's all they know how to do. Yet these true takers flip the truth around saying it's these desperate losers of society (most people, iow) who are the takers. Since they have the most power they control the story and imprint it into our culture. The true Atlases of the world are the masses, the people who work all the time doing all the necessary tasks to hold these leeches up (doing virtually everything for them), and when the masses start to get wise, the leeches impose a zero-sum game and make us fight each other. They project what they are doing on everyone else and say we're doing it and that it's our fault. The pandemic has also shown a lot of the depth of their not caring. It's not simply that some of them "have a different perspective" but that they genuinely hate people. They would let most of us die.

    It's not that I didn't know these things. It's just that I feel they've had their claws in me my entire life. I didn't see it that way before because "they" were too far away. The only one was me. Just me and my decisions. I didn't really view myself as part of a larger organism because I lived in my own world.
    Last edited by marooned; 04-30-2020 at 06:29 PM.

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