yeah you're naive as fuck if you didn't think this was happening and will continue to happen in some way shape or form, forever

it always blew my mind when snowden came out with his leaks and people were surprised. like, after spending time in the army, the government is not playing to lose and there's a lot of competition out there. this stuff has been around forever and the only realistic safety measures are to get the best people we can behind these methods, because even if we succeeded in eliminating their use it would just fall to the bad guys to use and develop. in other words, spying, surveilence, hacking, etc is a limitless arms race the only real solution for is Fi/Te at the appropriate levels--no wonder betas fear it because that's precisely what they don't possess--their pie in the sky Ti solution is just to eliminate it all, but such a thing is an impossibility

I mean, really, no one cares about your gay porn collection. we already know betas are sexual deviants anyway--it doesn't take spyware for that