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Thread: USA politics following Trump's election

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    I don't know... I think what's happening is extremely dangerous. There's so much anti-Russia hysteria that the Americans, and the liberals of all people, are going straight back to the Cold War mentality. I mean, these are two major nuclear powers that could easily destroy the entire world. It's just foolish of the left to keep inflaming this anti-Russian rhetoric in the name of impeaching Trump. America keeps provoking Russia because it's in the interest of the insane neo-conservatives that want to seriously achieve world hegemony, and the military-industrial complex that wants to start more conflicts. The American liberals no longer care about the working class or more peaceful foreign policy. It's all about the "Identity Politics".

    Trump wanted to improve ties with Russia, and I think the left should at least support that. Trump also wanted to improve the economy for the working class, again the left should at least support that. It's just foolish to go against Trump just because he's Trump. That's no different than the conservatives going against anything Obama does just because he's Obama. It's like fine, oppose Trump for all the bad things that he does, but you don't have to oppose the good things that he might potentially bring.

    So again, I think Glenn Greenwald said it the best:

    GLENN GREENWALD: Secondly, the idea that Donald Trump is some kind of an agent or a spy of Russia, or that he is being blackmailed by Russia and is going to pass secret information to the Kremlin and endanger American agents on purpose, is an incredibly crazy claim that has been nowhere proven to be true. It reminds me of the kind of things Glenn Beck used to say about Obama while he stood at his chalkboard and drew those—those unstable charts that he drew, these wild conspiracy theories that are without evidence.

  2. #2
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Trump wanted to improve ties with Russia, and I think the left should at least support that. Trump also wanted to improve the economy for the working class, again the left should at least support that. It's just foolish to go against Trump just because he's Trump. That's no different than the conservatives going against anything Obama does just because he's Obama. It's like fine, oppose Trump for all the bad things that he does, but you don't have to oppose the good things that he might potentially bring.

    So again, I think Glenn Greenwald said it the best:
    Yea the whole Russian thing was/is blown way out of proportion

    The idea that Donald Trump was working with Russians to ultimately rig the election lol.

    Yes, there was some communication between Russian intelligence and American officials. But then you had these bombshell headlines creating the perception that there was some scam going on lol. *GASP* "COULD IT BE?" "IS IT POSSIBLE!?"

    Except there's one problem...

    It's not uncommon for campaigns to communicate with other countries. Like it's expected to make contacts with governments around the world.

    There is currently no evidence of collusion or treason of any kind. If there was evidence of any, which is illegal, yes the president would need to be impeached, but there are none.

    And guess what? Back in March 26, 2012, during election year, Obama was talking with the Russian president Medvedev at the time. Basically the gist of it was that Medvedev was asking Obama to have Russia's back vs. the rest of Europe. Obama responded by telling the president, "hey I need to look tough on you to win this election. BUT after I win, *wink* *wink* I'll be flexible in helping you get what you want." It was basically a behind the scenes type of conversation.

    Did the media frame this interaction as some kind of scandal? No, they framed it as a fascinating and insightful look into deals that can happen behind the scenes. lol

    And guess what?

    Nobody remembers this. Not even the star anchor of NBC remembers this. Why? Because the media didn't make a big deal of it because it was Obama lol.

    Yes Trump wants to smooth relations with Russia. It doesn't mean to be BFFs with Putin, but what he WAS saying is that, maybe if we smooth things up with Russia a little, they could be helpful to us down the road.

    Last edited by Computer Loser; 02-28-2017 at 02:59 PM.

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