Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
You got to hand it to him, like I said over a year ago on this forum watch out because that guy is going to be the President. Everything single thing he did was perfect... from leaving his HRC debates seconds after they finished with his trophy wife in tow into their caught on camera luxury $50,000 Black Escalades, to standing behind Hillary in a dominating position during the town hall debate. It was a race between Mommy and Daddy and America wanted Daddy. That's why older males voted this election. What did America think that after a decade of Middle Eastern wars their countries psyche wasnt going to be a little messed up? The guy might be a sociopathic narcissist, but he is still a political genius, and he did what he did with such obvious contrived posturing that came out looking more authentic in its audaciousness then any thing else ever could. I may not agree with him, but I applaud what he just did, from a human tribal stand point, becoming the big chief, in any circumstance, takes a hell of a lot of nerve to get to this place.
Scott Adams also pointed that out. We're OK with Mommy running the house when things are going peachy, but in times of hardship we all know that "Daddy" knows best. You are correct, these are troubled times and he fulfilled the roll of "daddy" so it's no wonder he got a boost from that. You're also right in how much chutzpah it takes to do what he did, fitting too, given how closely he and his family are intertwined with the ethnic group that invented the term. A term no other group has BTW. It's like Schadenfreude for the Germans. Only a certain type of people would think so much about a given concept that they'd invent a word for it . I'd like to claim us rednecks had something like that but it escapes my mind. If there's a single word for "absolute defiance" in any language I'd like to hear about it, for I think I'd rather like the ethos behind the people who came up with it.

Also @Adam Strange, fear is one of the most powerful motivators out there, and racism is actually a natural thing. I don't like that it is but nobody wins a game by denying reality and adopting strategies that essentially amount to putting ideals before facts. Plenty of people put ideals before facts, they're mostly dead now. If not dead, well, they certainly lost the war. Ask the Native Americans how believing we're all one with the great spirit or somesuch worked out for em'.

I'd also question how one defines "productivity". If all we're talking about is money then I'll agree with you completely and concede the point. I am damn sure not going to underestimate the global financiers and their ability to separate fools from their money in even the flimsiest of circumstances. However, if we were to count "physical" productivity of those sectors, well, I'd bet they don't actually produce much in the end. Fuck the "GDP" as it were. How many auto parts did they crank out? Bushels of Grain? Acres of veggies? Barrels of Oil? Tons of any Ore ya might care to name? You... get my point I pray. Cash doesn't equal "real" productivity in the end no matter how much our rulers want us to believe that bullshit. Any scammer can make trillions in a day if they get lucky enough, but you can't just scam a billion tons of Iron Ore into existence as if by magic. Just putting that out there... There are makers and there are takers. If the takers just so happen to make a killing it doesn't change the fact that they are takers and thus parasites. If they kill off the host, well, that's curtains for them and they couldn't deserve it more. Smart parasites don't kill the host in a storm of short-sighted avarice. Sadly, I fear the current crop that rules over us is just that short sighted.

They'll die, me and mine will live, but I will not be all that happy about it. Winning by default is... boring. It's like when you "win" in "grand strategy" video games (e.g. Civilization or Stellaris). Once you hit a certain point on the map/in the game everyone and their grandparents get that you've won hands down period, but the computer just won't admit it and cough up the achievement unless you mindlessly grind it out for a few more hours. Boring.

The only silver lining of it all is that I'll survive it. I got my crop rotation down, I got my tools, connections within my community, canning skills, etc. They got... financial chicanery. Yeah, I win in the end but, again, I'm not feeling all that good about it. You'd think I'd be jumping for joy at the prospect of the coming doom and how it takes out the SJW pussies but... All I feel is nothing. The rural population survives, the urbanites eat each other. The cycle never changes... and I am so weary of the slaughter either by swift bullets exploding skulls or by slow starvation and prolonged suffering of the out groups...