Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
These tweets are the voices in Trump's head.
Trump seems to me to be a person who had to create a false personality in order to survive his childhood (his brother died an alcoholic). Eventually, the false personality took over and buried the person that Trump was. But I'd like to think that that person is fighting back, in the form of tweets addressed to the created Trump.
I see it more as him playing a kind of 3d Chess. I'm rather in agreement with Scott Adams in how to interpret Trump's behavior. The man understands on an instinctual level that rationality is a lie. By grasping this he has become a Master Persuader. You, me, his enemies, his friends, not a single one of them is rational. That's why he can persuade them all so effortlessly. Once ya get that, well, ya stop trying to make sense in a traditional sense. I could list several other "filters" one could try to understand him and this election's results by but in the end they all come up the same. Trump wins, flawless victory, and the reason most people got blindsided by that is because they yet cling to false filters (e.g. Humans are "rational" at base).

If, IF, he's some sick deranged mess then he's but a reflection of ourselves given that. Only if we were sicker than he could he have won, and he won. Well now, what's that say about "us" eh? In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. I'd say he's the in the land of the bald yet owns the only toupee, but the analogy still works now doesn't it .