Awww.... mama Hillary won't be there to take care of lil' woofie now that daddy is in charge. : (
Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
I never said I was an academic....don't put words in my mouth. It remains a FACT that older white working class voters feel (and are) disconnected from urban middle class life and academia as well.
U.S. culture is one of the few cultures in history where being older is equated with being less wise. Probably because the culture is idolatrous, individualistic, and supremacist. Repeatedly we see this desperate attempt to individualize and climb the social ladder by undercutting those in power. Here the target is older people, and whites ... but it's often parents, police, "the man", & others.

Clinton actually underperformed with college students while Trump overperformed with college students. Infact, Trump overperformed across all demographics. Clinton did terrible with whites. This was not some backwater movement made up of hics, like you are pretending. I don't accept your scapegoating of rural people, anyway. Your 'urban culture' is trash and resembles the fall of Rome, I will not tolerate trash attacking healthy people. Without them you would not survive, you are a blight on the world. Be thankful.
Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
They don't understand it and they look down upon how heavily leftist it is, especially the arts & humanities - but even hard sciences, econ and business generally aren't even majority republican.
Ever since the government started subsidizing student loans we've seen a massive rise in the price of college, and a rise in people pursuing worthless degrees and failing out of college. It's now a place jackoffs go for 4 year vacations. Without government lending the little bubble college students are living in would not exist. When they get out there is no job waiting for them, half of them learn their degree is worthless, stuck with debt and no way to pay it off... and half of them fail to graduate. 1 in 4 people who enter college get their degree and then a job. It's a tremendous waste of time and resources, it needs a serious overhaul... But we shouldn't listen to these people, they're largely people that can't take care of themselves. I have much more respect for people who work.
Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
The jobs thing I mentioned is not a cliche, it is true; old jobs are not going to magically reappear nor do I want them to. I support creation of new, sustainable jobs but most of those are not going to be in Hicksville, West Virginia :-) Last point: single issue voting is extremely common so of course I had to include it in my list.
I'm supposed to take this seriously? You sound like a fucking 3rd grader. "I support the creation of new, sustainable jobs". You think you're fooling me with this polished turd of a sentence? Try actually saying something. Yeah, we don't believe in magic.. good job.
Judging the qualify of your post it's clear you have little / nothing to say on economics. I thought you were supposed to be educated? Like your fellow educated, urban millenial voters?...