Quote Originally Posted by ratrevisits View Post
^ About time.

Nope, your theory is wrong. Didn't list my reasons.

When it says 'fact checking' you know that the smart people have looked over it for you.

What else is new?

At least you got the end part right.
I never said I was an academic....don't put words in my mouth. It remains a FACT that older white working class voters feel (and are) disconnected from urban middle class life and academia as well. They don't understand it and they look down upon how heavily leftist it is, especially the arts & humanities - but even hard sciences, econ and business generally aren't even majority republican. The jobs thing I mentioned is not a cliche, it is true; old jobs are not going to magically reappear nor do I want them to. I support creation of new, sustainable jobs but most of those are not going to be in Hicksville, West Virginia :-) Last point: single issue voting is extremely common so of course I had to include it in my list.