Quote Originally Posted by totalize View Post
It's ok to blame people when it's actually their fault.
Blame is a emotional expression of frustration and it can be legitimate and useful in venting the many pains one might feel. But the solving of problems require people to take responsibility for the change you wish to see.

As an emotional expression, it is legitimate if it's sincere. Sometimes people can make mistakes blaming people that are innocent.

It doesn't excuse apathy, violence, sabotage, it doesn't justify trying to setup internment camps for Muslims or forcing them to register in "special registration" programs, it is not a excuse to stay the same and not change to face the changing world, it does not excuse snobbish elitism, it does not excuse to ignore the white working class, it is not a excuse to ignore racial profiling.

The harder the challenge, the easier it is to blame and the harder it is to change, organize and solve problems, it's easy to give up, it's easy to stick your head in the sand.