Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post
I guess...I guess I understand in a way that they're afraid. What I don't understand is how they can be willing to assuage their fear by doing something that seems, to me at least, to be a step in such a potentially dark direction. I guess as someone w an interest in the Holocaust, and having read a lot about ******'s rise to power, I am seeing parallels (as many people are) and feeling very worried about them.

Hmm... using Japanese internment camps as a precedent to excuse possibly highly unethical actions just caught me off-guard. I'm surprised the guy is so open about it, even. It's like he really doesn't see what's wrong w it.
Humanity's heart is often filled with brutality and stupidity, they blame others without taking responsibility. It's natural to blame because we've all at one time or another been harmed by others.

This election is about blaming whatever group is convenient for our collective problems while taking no action or responsibility to change ourselves. The Bernie or bust people blamed the DNC while they sat back and did nothing to stop Trump. The Republicans blamed Muslims, democrats, Obama, whomever for their policies which created many of the problems that they want others to take blame for.

The democrats need to change too in this loss they are the only people apologizing for failing to win and taking even a modicum of responsibility. I envision the Democratic Party will change with a renewed focus on the working class and middle class, the Democrats failed to reach the people they needed to reach.

It's ok to blame and often this blame is legitimate to a certain extent, but there is always a price for not taking responsibility for yourself and your role in society. If the young adults refuse to accept responsibility for their futures, then there will be consequences, if the Republicans refuse to accept responsibilities for their failed policies, then there will be consequences, if the Democrats do not change into a party that can appeal to the working class and middle class, then there will be consequences.

I fear for disenfranchised minorities because their oppression will only grow more onerous. I fear for the disenfranchised whites because there is no greatness at the end of this journey, just a cliff. People can blame all they want, but if people don't take responsibility for their own actions and non-actions, there will be consequences.