Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post

I feel a pit in my stomach when I think about what is happening in our country. How can people go along w this? I genuinely do not understand although I am trying.
A lot of people are hurting and extremely dissatisfied with the state of the country. The one who promises massive systemic changes is the one who will get elected. Mainstream politics this year also ignored the economy and pretended it was fine when it wasn't. They straight up lied to the American people. Obama said it himself "The economy is great! And if anyone tells you otherwise, they're just peddling nonsense." Of course, it was nonsense that Obama was peddling. Unemployment and underemployment are through the roof. People are seeing their livelihood destroyed and little opportunity for their children to succeed. Basement dwelling is now normalized. Ordinary politicians like Clinton knew the problem existed but refused to address it. They paid dearly for their bad decisions. Who knows what Trump will do? As unpredictable add this election cycle was for many, his presidency will probably go the same way.

Ultimately, I believe you can thank the Democratic party for Trump. Many people were interested in voting for Bernie, but the DNC rigged the process by generating a media blackout and not covering Sanders. Also, many people think that voter rolls were purged of Sanders supporters to facilitate a Clinton victory in the primary. Lots of dirty dealing. And it bit them in the ass. Democrats chose the weaker candidate. Now they'll spend the next four years thinking about their decision.