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Thread: USA politics following Trump's election

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    Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post
    Apparently some people think this kind of thing is alright:

    Are people really okay w referring to Japanese internment camps as a precedent for government action now? :,(
    After Bannon's appointment, it seems like it's all up for grabs.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    After Bannon's appointment, it seems like it's all up for grabs.

    I feel a pit in my stomach when I think about what is happening in our country. How can people go along w this? I genuinely do not understand although I am trying.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post

    I feel a pit in my stomach when I think about what is happening in our country. How can people go along w this? I genuinely do not understand although I am trying.
    Because they are either misinformed, underinformed, complacent, or racist misogynist bigots.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Because they are either misinformed, underinformed, complacent, or racist misogynist bigots.
    Actually true. Except, I don't know how to tell them right. Some people are just blissfully unaware of how stupid they really are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post

    I feel a pit in my stomach when I think about what is happening in our country. How can people go along w this? I genuinely do not understand although I am trying.
    People go along with this because they're afraid. They're afraid of terrorism and the nation losing its original identity. Fear is the driving force of a lot of things that appear to be hatred IMO.
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    it's ok, everything will be fine totalize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    They're afraid of terrorism and the nation losing its original identity. Fear is the driving force of a lot of things that appear to be hatred IMO.
    Legitimate fears left unanswered develop into hatred.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post

    I feel a pit in my stomach when I think about what is happening in our country. How can people go along w this? I genuinely do not understand although I am trying.
    A lot of people are hurting and extremely dissatisfied with the state of the country. The one who promises massive systemic changes is the one who will get elected. Mainstream politics this year also ignored the economy and pretended it was fine when it wasn't. They straight up lied to the American people. Obama said it himself "The economy is great! And if anyone tells you otherwise, they're just peddling nonsense." Of course, it was nonsense that Obama was peddling. Unemployment and underemployment are through the roof. People are seeing their livelihood destroyed and little opportunity for their children to succeed. Basement dwelling is now normalized. Ordinary politicians like Clinton knew the problem existed but refused to address it. They paid dearly for their bad decisions. Who knows what Trump will do? As unpredictable add this election cycle was for many, his presidency will probably go the same way.

    Ultimately, I believe you can thank the Democratic party for Trump. Many people were interested in voting for Bernie, but the DNC rigged the process by generating a media blackout and not covering Sanders. Also, many people think that voter rolls were purged of Sanders supporters to facilitate a Clinton victory in the primary. Lots of dirty dealing. And it bit them in the ass. Democrats chose the weaker candidate. Now they'll spend the next four years thinking about their decision.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post
    I genuinely do not understand although I am trying.
    Victor Davis Hanson is one of my favorite writers, I think this article points to a significant part of the explanation:

    Victor Davis Hanson: Trump and the American Divide
    How a lifelong New Yorker became tribune of the rustics and deplorables

    This map ( 2016 US Presidential Election Map By County and Vote Share ) illustrates the situation quite well, I think. The US has like 3100 counties, Trump won more than 2500 of them, without the most urban ones HRC would have lost the popular vote by millions.
    Last edited by ragnar; 01-16-2017 at 09:56 PM. Reason: demuddling expression
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    Quote Originally Posted by ragnar View Post
    Victor Davis Hanson is one of my favorite writers, I think this article points to a significant part of the explanation:

    Victor Davis Hanson: Trump and the American Divide
    How a lifelong New Yorker became tribune of the rustics and deplorables

    This map ( 2016 US Presidential Election Map By County and Vote Share ) illustrates the situation quite well, I think. The US has like 3100 counties, Trump won more than 2500 of them, without the most urban ones HRC would have lost the popular vote by millions.
    Good recommendation, do you have more of these articles?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ragnar View Post
    Victor Davis Hanson is one of my favorite writers, I think this article points to a significant part of the explanation:

    Victor Davis Hanson: Trump and the American Divide
    How a lifelong New Yorker became tribune of the rustics and deplorables

    This map ( 2016 US Presidential Election Map By County and Vote Share ) illustrates the situation quite well, I think. The US has like 3100 counties, Trump won more than 2500 of them, without the most urban ones HRC would have lost the popular vote by millions.
    That map is also the reason why the Electoral College is a thing. When the Republic was founded you had better bet your ass the more "rural" states understood that if they left it all up to the popular vote they'd eventually become nothing more than vassal states to the "urban" powers. This is also why the Republic has lasted as long as it has without conflict (the Civil War notwithstanding).

    To most amicably govern an entire nation that is as vast as ours you have to have some form of legitimacy from both the urban and rural populations (as once a country gets this big you need to make sure one half doesn't suddenly tell the other to go fuck itself). The urban people may outnumber the rural population yes, but lemme ask you this. How long do you think that'd be the case if the rural folk suddenly decided to tell the urbanites to fuck off, made a list of demands (that would certainly piss off any liberal worthy of the term to no end), cut off the food supply chain (which they ultimately control top to bottom) and then say that they'll only start shipping food into the cities again once their demands were met? Most city slickers haven't even the slightest clue how crop production works. Hell, they couldn't even grow a basic garden competently. Poor fools would bury the seeds too deep or drown them in way too much water. Hell many of them'd shit themselves at the sight and buzz of a Bee!

    It'd be a mass starvation die off of the urban population and the country would once again become a majority rural nation again. The city folk don't seem to understand this point sadly. I just hope Trump survives the next 4 years and/or if he dies early it's because of natural causes. If someone kills him off it's Civil War 2.0. Me and mine will most assuredly prevail in that conflict, but I REALLY don't want millions to die for bullshit reasons. War is stupid, always was, always will be. I do NOT want one to happen within my nation's borders within my lifetime. Or anyone's to be honest, I really want World Peace to finally be a thing we all enjoy...
    Last edited by End; 01-18-2017 at 05:14 AM.

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