Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Only proving my points dude. You even hardcore project as predicted by my datasets. I know I said I wouldn't debate you further but you're making an argument so open to attack I can't resist. There is no "proper" way to evangelize save that you never threaten violence or force in the way most of us would understand it. I don't/won't point a gun to your head and demand you pass a which test by praising Jesus as the risen Lord or die. I come to you with an olive branch and an earnest hope that you'll accept it. You don't deserve it, I don't, none of us ever did. Such is God's love. We did (and still do on an almost daily basis) a thing any rational actor would consider unforgivable if we for a moment considered our relation to the infinite as finite beings and actually tried to grasp what that meant.

Yet he still loves us. He will still forgive even the most heinous/mortal of sins we have committed if we truly repent. That's why we can still have hope even if all seems hopeless. Let go of your despair, a grave sin in itself, and embrace the hope Christ offers you. I don't think you're able, but I'll pray that I'm wrong.

Hehe, I just had an epiphany. Do you think of yourself as an entity beyond "redemption" as you think I see it? As in, do you see/identify yourself as a being incapable of being forgiven by God? I am curious...
No, I think life is great and I like other people and they like me and we don't go around yelling "YOU ARE EVIL INCARNATE" at each other because we aren't evil incarnate. But according to your religion, we all have horns and tails except somehow Jesus and Mary. What a bunch of bullshit.