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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    One thing that is scary is what will happen to you (reporters, anyone) who publically criticizes Trump? As president with executive powers, will he make your life difficult? Bully you? You are with him or against him and if you are against him, then what? What could stop him frommaking trouble for you in your organization? Board? Business?
    He is already bullying them and accusing them of lying (when they are not).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    He is already bullying them and accusing them of lying (when they are not).

    Right now its a tweet, in January, then what?

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Right now its a tweet, in January, then what?
    That's exactly the problem - nobody knows.
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    One thing that is scary is what will happen to you (reporters, anyone) who publically criticizes Trump? As president with executive powers, will he make your life difficult? Bully you? You are with him or against him and if you are against him, then what? What could stop him frommaking trouble for you in your organization? Board? Business?
    New college professor 'watchlist' aims to expose professors who 'advance leftist propaganda'

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    ^ About time.
    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    My theory is that Trump supporters are spurred to like him for any of these reasons: 1) Backlash to political correctness/alt right. These people are young and do not care about policy, jobs or issues in general they just hate the left and academia.
    So you're an acaemic now, are you? That's amusing.
    2) Old people who live in hick towns who want blue-collar jobs to pay for their mortgage like they used to. (These jobs are either gone forever to automation or to China) Newsflash your jobs are not coming back. They ruined the planet anyway with all that coal.
    Nice cliche. This is all you could come up with?
    3) Lifelong republicans who supported Trump only because he was Republican. This includes people who vote single-issue like pro-life.
    Well that was profound.
    4) People who hate Clinton and would vote for anyone else, at all.
    And why would that be?

    3 & 4 have some overlap.
    Nope, your theory is wrong. Didn't list my reasons.
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    When it says 'fact checking' you know that the smart people have looked over it for you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    I am really fucking scared.
    What else is new?
    Quote Originally Posted by SongOfSapphire View Post

    I feel a pit in my stomach when I think about what is happening in our country. How can people go along w this? I genuinely do not understand although I am trying.
    At least you got the end part right.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ratrevisits View Post
    ^ About time.

    Nope, your theory is wrong. Didn't list my reasons.

    When it says 'fact checking' you know that the smart people have looked over it for you.

    What else is new?

    At least you got the end part right.
    I never said I was an academic....don't put words in my mouth. It remains a FACT that older white working class voters feel (and are) disconnected from urban middle class life and academia as well. They don't understand it and they look down upon how heavily leftist it is, especially the arts & humanities - but even hard sciences, econ and business generally aren't even majority republican. The jobs thing I mentioned is not a cliche, it is true; old jobs are not going to magically reappear nor do I want them to. I support creation of new, sustainable jobs but most of those are not going to be in Hicksville, West Virginia :-) Last point: single issue voting is extremely common so of course I had to include it in my list.

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    Awww.... mama Hillary won't be there to take care of lil' woofie now that daddy is in charge. : (
    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    I never said I was an academic....don't put words in my mouth. It remains a FACT that older white working class voters feel (and are) disconnected from urban middle class life and academia as well.
    U.S. culture is one of the few cultures in history where being older is equated with being less wise. Probably because the culture is idolatrous, individualistic, and supremacist. Repeatedly we see this desperate attempt to individualize and climb the social ladder by undercutting those in power. Here the target is older people, and whites ... but it's often parents, police, "the man", & others.

    Clinton actually underperformed with college students while Trump overperformed with college students. Infact, Trump overperformed across all demographics. Clinton did terrible with whites. This was not some backwater movement made up of hics, like you are pretending. I don't accept your scapegoating of rural people, anyway. Your 'urban culture' is trash and resembles the fall of Rome, I will not tolerate trash attacking healthy people. Without them you would not survive, you are a blight on the world. Be thankful.
    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    They don't understand it and they look down upon how heavily leftist it is, especially the arts & humanities - but even hard sciences, econ and business generally aren't even majority republican.
    Ever since the government started subsidizing student loans we've seen a massive rise in the price of college, and a rise in people pursuing worthless degrees and failing out of college. It's now a place jackoffs go for 4 year vacations. Without government lending the little bubble college students are living in would not exist. When they get out there is no job waiting for them, half of them learn their degree is worthless, stuck with debt and no way to pay it off... and half of them fail to graduate. 1 in 4 people who enter college get their degree and then a job. It's a tremendous waste of time and resources, it needs a serious overhaul... But we shouldn't listen to these people, they're largely people that can't take care of themselves. I have much more respect for people who work.
    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    The jobs thing I mentioned is not a cliche, it is true; old jobs are not going to magically reappear nor do I want them to. I support creation of new, sustainable jobs but most of those are not going to be in Hicksville, West Virginia :-) Last point: single issue voting is extremely common so of course I had to include it in my list.
    I'm supposed to take this seriously? You sound like a fucking 3rd grader. "I support the creation of new, sustainable jobs". You think you're fooling me with this polished turd of a sentence? Try actually saying something. Yeah, we don't believe in magic.. good job.
    Judging the qualify of your post it's clear you have little / nothing to say on economics. I thought you were supposed to be educated? Like your fellow educated, urban millenial voters?...

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    Quote Originally Posted by ratrevisits View Post
    Awww.... mama Hillary won't be there to take care of lil' woofie now that daddy is in charge. : (

    U.S. culture is one of the few cultures in history where being older is equated with being less wise. Probably because the culture is idolatrous, individualistic, and supremacist. Repeatedly we see this desperate attempt to individualize and climb the social ladder by undercutting those in power. Here the target is older people, and whites ... but it's often parents, police, "the man", & others.

    Clinton actually underperformed with college students while Trump overperformed with college students. Infact, Trump overperformed across all demographics. Clinton did terrible with whites. This was not some backwater movement made up of hics, like you are pretending. I don't accept your scapegoating of rural people, anyway. Your 'urban culture' is trash and resembles the fall of Rome, I will not tolerate trash attacking healthy people. Without them you would not survive, you are a blight on the world. Be thankful.

    Ever since the government started subsidizing student loans we've seen a massive rise in the price of college, and a rise in people pursuing worthless degrees and failing out of college. It's now a place jackoffs go for 4 year vacations. Without government lending the little bubble college students are living in would not exist. When they get out there is no job waiting for them, half of them learn their degree is worthless, stuck with debt and no way to pay it off... and half of them fail to graduate. 1 in 4 people who enter college get their degree and then a job. It's a tremendous waste of time and resources, it needs a serious overhaul... But we shouldn't listen to these people, they're largely people that can't take care of themselves. I have much more respect for people who work.

    I'm supposed to take this seriously? You sound like a fucking 3rd grader. "I support the creation of new, sustainable jobs". You think you're fooling me with this polished turd of a sentence? Try actually saying something. Yeah, we don't believe in magic.. good job.
    Judging the qualify of your post it's clear you have little / nothing to say on economics. I thought you were supposed to be educated? Like your fellow educated, urban millenial voters?...
    You are taking what I say and separating it all out but it's supposed to be taken holistically. I KNOW that trump over performed with millennials and younger people; I did not include young people in the group of "older working class white voters". Those are a separate demographic. Young people fall into the groups of a) life-long republicans, b) single issue voters (many pro-life millennials), c) alt-right pieces of shit, d) people who hate hillary so much they dgaf anymore. There are also young people who are white and working class who are not older and who voted for trump for many of the same reasons the older working class did. And sorry, I don't feel like using this SOCIONICS FORUM to talk about economics and in depth political theory. I am simply stating my views in an accessible manner. What do you have to say about economics, genius? As for Trump overperfomlng w college students: you said it already. College doesn't mean much anymore and there are many uneducated college students who are working class or come from working class families, mostly from rural areas. There are also educated, rich republican college students who voted for Trump. So yes duh there is no one demographic.

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    "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra

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    Let's just all pick a side and argue with each other based on which side we align with. Because fighting always makes things better.

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    Default rust belt = stupid

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    I'm giving Trump a chance to see if he could do some good just like I would of given Clinton a chance as well if she had won. We'll see when he's sworn in on what kind of president he's going to become. Trump is a huge gamble as president, he could turn out to be terrible, mediocre or good. Clinton was the safe choice, she probably would of been similar to Obama with some differences. However, the American public wanted change instead of keeping the status quo so let's see what happens once he's sworn in as president in about a month.
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    Trump's Mafia approach to government has begun:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Trump's Mafia approach to government has begun:
    Well, if it's on his own turf he can be certain about security and where the guard's loyalties likely lie. A certain Russian Ambassador probably would have most certainly benefited from going to an art exhibit held in a more... Putin friendly location. Harder for some random Islamic fuck in a nice suit to just walk up and say he's cool and get in to position to go full Jihadi, just sayin'...

    Also I'm with you @Raver, he's a total shot in the dark. Though I would say I'd rather take said shot than *glow* in the dark as the result of Hydrogen Hillary's likely foreign policy. Dumb bitch'd kick the bear in the balls with bladed steel toed boots at the drop of a hat triggering the nuclear apocalypse. NOPE! NO WAY! [Vehemently Votes Trump on that matter alone ].

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    There's a worrying trend this election of illegal immigrants casting their votes for Donald Trump.

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    Best case scenario: Trump actually makes America great again by using the US's superior miltary and economic strength to bully and exploit other countries to further boost our own wealth and power. Worst Case scenario: Trump is Negan from the Walking Dead and makes America his bitch. Actually thinking about it I could see how Trump could benefit the US. America is in a position that we could basically shit on anyone we wanted without any body else being able to do a damn thing about it. Why not take advantage of that instead of playing the pussy game like we have been? Obviously that would suck for everyone outside the US but who gives a shit. That said there are other things I dislike about Trump, climate change denying for one which demonstrates his idiotcy and also the likelyhood that he will have absolutely no idea how to actually run things and will only put us further in the hole.
    Last edited by Muddy; 01-06-2017 at 02:39 AM.

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    Here is an interesting compilation of Trump's most used Twitter insults and attacks. All neatly organized in lists about a multitude of topics and people. It's almost pathologic.

    "Loser" is at number one

    It says a lot about him and the persons who are on his side, not the actual people he targets You can actually use all of these insults to hit them at their most sensitive points as I will energetically demonstrate!

    Trump and people who are in favor of him - this is for you: *nasal voice* You are losers who are dumb, terrible, goofy, and stupid. Lightweights! Overrated clowns! You are weak and dopey, and as dishonest as can be. You incompetent and boring fools. Pathetic haters and moronic racists. You are disgusting. You don't have any talent. You all get bad ratings. GET OUT YOU LOW-LIFE PEASANTS!!!

    (The bad ratings one is my favourite :'D)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Here is an interesting compilation of Trump's most used Twitter insults and attacks. All neatly organized in lists about a multitude of topics and people. It's almost pathologic.

    "Loser" is at number one

    It says a lot about him and the persons who are on his side, not the actual people he targets You can actually use all of these insults to hit them at their most sensitive points as I will energetically demonstrate!

    Trump and people who are in favor of him - this is for you: *nasal voice* You are losers who are dumb, terrible, goofy, and stupid. Lightweights! Overrated clowns! You are weak and dopey, and as dishonest as can be. You incompetent and boring fools. Pathetic haters and moronic racists. You are disgusting. You don't have any talent. You all get bad ratings. GET OUT YOU LOW-LIFE PEASANTS!!!

    (The bad ratings one is my favourite :'D)
    These tweets are the voices in Trump's head.
    Trump seems to me to be a person who had to create a false personality in order to survive his childhood (his brother died an alcoholic). Eventually, the false personality took over and buried the person that Trump was. But I'd like to think that that person is fighting back, in the form of tweets addressed to the created Trump.

    Because, @Chae, as you said, every one of those tweets actually applies to Trump himself.
    Sad. Pathetic, to quote someone.

    I find it interesting that Trump first found political fame in doubting Obama's authenticity and birthright, as if that is the worst thing that he can imagine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    These tweets are the voices in Trump's head.
    Trump seems to me to be a person who had to create a false personality in order to survive his childhood (his brother died an alcoholic). Eventually, the false personality took over and buried the person that Trump was. But I'd like to think that that person is fighting back, in the form of tweets addressed to the created Trump.
    I see it more as him playing a kind of 3d Chess. I'm rather in agreement with Scott Adams in how to interpret Trump's behavior. The man understands on an instinctual level that rationality is a lie. By grasping this he has become a Master Persuader. You, me, his enemies, his friends, not a single one of them is rational. That's why he can persuade them all so effortlessly. Once ya get that, well, ya stop trying to make sense in a traditional sense. I could list several other "filters" one could try to understand him and this election's results by but in the end they all come up the same. Trump wins, flawless victory, and the reason most people got blindsided by that is because they yet cling to false filters (e.g. Humans are "rational" at base).

    If, IF, he's some sick deranged mess then he's but a reflection of ourselves given that. Only if we were sicker than he could he have won, and he won. Well now, what's that say about "us" eh? In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. I'd say he's the in the land of the bald yet owns the only toupee, but the analogy still works now doesn't it .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    These tweets are the voices in Trump's head.
    Trump seems to me to be a person who had to create a false personality in order to survive his childhood (his brother died an alcoholic). Eventually, the false personality took over and buried the person that Trump was. But I'd like to think that that person is fighting back, in the form of tweets addressed to the created Trump.
    This right here, is the textbook description of narcissism personality disorder.
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    Well... what is happening is extremely interesting... and also not very surprising, because the exact same thing has happened in my own country. It seems like the US is turning more and more like a "socialist" state, where democratic power is becoming more and more vague and hazy and becoming more just for show. The government itself is losing control, losing control to the political power-apparatus, the bureaucrats, the CIAs, the military-industrial complex, the ones that they should be controlling. The industries and financial sectors and the bankers are having more and more cozy and close relationships with the government. The President does not control them, they control "him". And they have started to have a life of their own. And it has been this way for a while now, since George W Bush, and Trump is merely a challenger.

    Basically, the "establishment" was simply too big, and too powerful for one man, that is, Donald Trump, who is basically a politically inexperienced man, to take on.

    Glenn Greenwald, a very penetrative and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist describes it perfectly:

    GLENN GREENWALD: The deep state, although there’s no precise or scientific definition, generally refers to the agencies in Washington that are permanent power factions. They stay and exercise power even as presidents who are elected come and go. They typically exercise their power in secret, in the dark, and so they’re barely subject to democratic accountability, if they’re subject to it at all. It’s agencies like the CIA, the NSA and the other intelligence agencies, that are essentially designed to disseminate disinformation and deceit and propaganda, and have a long history of doing not only that, but also have a long history of the world’s worst war crimes, atrocities and death squads. This is who not just people like Bill Kristol, but lots of Democrats are placing their faith in, are trying to empower, are cheering for as they exert power separate and apart from—in fact, in opposition to—the political officials to whom they’re supposed to be subordinate.

    Now, I happen to think that the Trump presidency is extremely dangerous. You just listed off in your news—in your newscast that led the show, many reasons. They want to dismantle the environment. They want to eliminate the safety net. They want to empower billionaires. They want to enact bigoted policies against Muslims and immigrants and so many others. And it is important to resist them. And there are lots of really great ways to resist them, such as getting courts to restrain them, citizen activism and, most important of all, having the Democratic Party engage in self-critique to ask itself how it can be a more effective political force in the United States after it has collapsed on all levels. That isn’t what this resistance is now doing. What they’re doing instead is trying to take maybe the only faction worse than Donald Trump, which is the deep state, the CIA, with its histories of atrocities, and say they ought to almost engage in like a soft coup, where they take the elected president and prevent him from enacting his policies. And I think it is extremely dangerous to do that. Even if you’re somebody who believes that both the CIA and the deep state, on the one hand, and the Trump presidency, on the other, are extremely dangerous, as I do, there’s a huge difference between the two, which is that Trump was democratically elected and is subject to democratic controls, as these courts just demonstrated and as the media is showing, as citizens are proving. But on the other hand, the CIA was elected by nobody. They’re barely subject to democratic controls at all. And so, to urge that the CIA and the intelligence community empower itself to undermine the elected branches of government is insanity. That is a prescription for destroying democracy overnight in the name of saving it. And yet that’s what so many, not just neocons, but the neocons’ allies in the Democratic Party, are now urging and cheering. And it’s incredibly warped and dangerous to watch them do that.

    As Leaks Multiply, Fears of a ‘Deep State’ in America

    Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.

    Commentary: Trump is showing how the Deep State really works

    Is Trump fighting the ‘deep state’ or creating his own?

    Discussion Of ‘Deep State’ Erupts On Fox Business:
    Judge Andrew Napolitano, another panelist, echoed Hilton’s concerns. “I mean the deep state, it’s not just intelligence, it’s banking, it’s law enforcement, it’s the administrative agencies…It’s the below the radar service of the government that never changes no matter which party runs the White House,” he said. “The laws have been written to keep them in power.”
    You have people who are too smart and too cunning for the rest of the population (the bureaucrats, the CIAs, the career politicians, the finance sectors, the "elites") who operate "under the radar" of the regular media scrutiny and civil surveillance, "in the dark", who are "invisible", who were not even democratically elected, but nonetheless hold an enormous amount of power, and therefore, almost invincible and almost impossible to take down. They are the ones who control and exercise real power, not the government, not the President. They are powerful, they are fearsome and furious. They can manipulate the left, they can manipulate the right, and they can even manipulate Donald Trump. Or if he doesn't comply, then surely they can bring him down somehow by any means of arsenals that they have at disposal; the unsubstantiated rumors, the "fake news", they can control the entire media, the entire population, the entire industries if they chose (they are surely controlling the left). The only objective for them has become to consolidate and maintain their own power, which has started to walk on its own, it has a life of its own, it has become a self-serving "system" which its own objective is its own self-preservation.

    There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense. The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government. The political establishment that is trying everything to stop us, is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled this country dry.

    The left is in such a state of "anti-Trump" hysteria that they're willing to do anything to "take down" Trump, even if that means taking him down undemocratically, taking him down by lies and unsubstantiated rumors, taking him down via the most undemocratic system, the "establishment", by "making a pact with the devil". This is understandable of course, because it's all guided by feelings as politics usually is, but that doesn't mean that it's right.

    The United States is now in the extraordinary situation that the liberal/progressive/left is allied with the deep state against democracy. The liberal/progressive/left are lobbying for the impeachment of a president who has committed no impeachable offense. The neoconservatives have stated their preference for a deep state coup against democracy. The media obliges with a constant barrage of lies, innuendos and disinformation. The insouciant American public sits there sucking its thumb.

    But not to worry, the left! The Trump presidency is already dead it seems:
    The Trump Presidency: RIP

    Quote Originally Posted by The Trump Presidency: RIP
    Has Donald Trump overestimated his presidential power? The answer is yes.

    Is Steve Bannon, Trump’s main advisor, politically inexperienced? The answer is yes.

    We can conclude from the answers to these two questions that Trump is in over his head and will pay a big price.

    Trump challenged this Establishment without realizing that it is more powerful than a mere President of the United States.

    The effort of the American people to bring government back under their control via Trump has been defeated by the deep state.

    I'm afraid that the Americans are in it for a hell of a ride. They don't understand that there could be such a thing as "fake news". They don't understand that the entire media could be orchestrated by some small and exclusive elite holders of power. They don't understand that they could very well be living in some sort of Orwellian alternate "reality", where nothing is what it seems, where words and definitions have lost their sense of meaning, and they could not rely on any kind of reliable information.

    What they can do is to just keep fighting for democracy, and to not lose the sense of its very meaning, and to not let people become apathetic and hopeless to their continuing losing sense of control of their own government and their own self-determination, and to urge the journalists to become more curious and tell the truth to the general population, to not be on the side of power and instead be on the side of the people.

    I think that this is a historic moment for America... they're at a crossroad where they could either completely lose control of their own government, or they could reclaim their own power. And Trump had nothing to do with this... but I think he knew somehow, he knew what was happening. I think Sanders also knew.
    Last edited by Singu; 02-27-2017 at 11:23 AM.

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    I believe this man means everything he says.

    [ur l][/url]

    I'm calling it now: I think he's the future of the Democratic Party.

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    Between Black Lies Matter, Crackpot Commie Bernie and Nitwit Loons like Alexandria "Airhead" Ocasio and Rashida Tlaib, the Democratic Party turned into a Cesspool of Identity Politics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Between Black Lies Matter, Crackpot Commie Bernie and Nitwit Loons like Alexandria "Airhead" Ocasio and Rashida Tlaib, the Democratic Party turned into a Cesspool of Identity Politics.
    Nah, Trump is the embodiment of White identity politics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Nah, Trump is the embodiment of White identity politics.
    He's the embodiment of naive boomer civic sensibilities and little else. Same reason Joe Biden is popular.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckrz View Post
    He's the embodiment of naive boomer civic sensibilities and little else. Same reason Joe Biden is popular.
    Much of which includes White identity politics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Nah, Trump is the embodiment of White identity politics.
    White nationalism had been on the decline for a while. Left wing identity politics kind of halted that decline and indirectly fed into the growth of identity politics on the right. The right used to be very out of touch when it came to memeing and using the internet to magnify and intensify their message, but I think they learned from watching the left do it better for a time, then changed their playbook accordingly. Trump is as much a product of the left as he is of the right.

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    The claws are out....Nancy "Nobody home" Pelosi versus nitwit loon "Airhead" Ocasio. This is beautiful....could turn into bloodbath!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    The claws are out....Nancy "Nobody home" Pelosi versus nitwit loon "Airhead" Ocasio. This is beautiful....could turn into bloodbath!
    The Left is eating itself again. The problem is far leftist loons are dragging their party down with their "my way or the highway" mentality. In an ideal world, it would be better to have a Democrat version of the bill pass to ensure better conditions for illegal immigrants in camps.

    However, by preventing funding unless Republicans approve their version of the bill ensures that illegal immigrants will continue to live in poor conditions at the border camps unless funding is increased as soon as possible.

    Center left congress Democrats understand that they will have to cut their losses and increase funding to the camps on Republican terms, while far leftist congress Democrats don't. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions...
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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    Predictably "Airhead" "Ditz" Ocasio-Cortez resorts to identity politics.

    I hope this rift turns into a bloodbath and spills into a third party candidate...independent ticket splits the vote.

    Time to ramp up the parent deportations. Parent deportations is a great policy....only thing stopping it are bleeding hearts.

    Democratic party (aka identity politic cesspool) and its homo white knight syndrome...

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    Trump calls Antifa "gutless radical left whack jobs."

    I couldn't agree more. Antifa is a bunch of pussies. They piss themselves one to one.

    Good antifa is dead antifa.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Trump calls Antifa "gutless radical left whack jobs."

    I couldn't agree more. Antifa is a bunch of pussies. They piss themselves one to one.

    Good antifa is dead antifa.
    You want to talk about "whack jobs?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    1. I broke my friend's nose once. It was an accident, though...I was trying to punch him in the jaw. Bad aim, I guess. Though, I did leave a big bloodstain on the person’s driveway that I punched him on. hehe.

    2. When I was a little kid, I punched my older brother in the balls while he was outside mowing the lawn. he was incapacitated for hours.

    3. In elementary school, I frequently employed violence. Once a kid busted my chops in third grade (he said one thing to me) and I kicked him square in the stomach. He keeled over. A kid cut me in line during gym class and I grabbed him with both hands by the neck and started to choke the life out of him. I tried to kill him. This kid tried to cut me in line in fourth or fifth grade. They called him the pop pop. He didn’t pop no more after I kicked him in the stomach. Knocked the wind right out of him, he fell to the ground and cried.

    4. First time I punched somebody in the face was at the restaurant. My target was the busboy. He kept talking as I ate. I went from having a cool and calm conversation with the kid I was with. I got up and whacked the busboy in the face. I was totally remorseless afterwards. I sat back down like nothing happened and casually asked the waitress for more ketchup.

    5. Around 7th grade, I continued to make my stake for absolute power through fighting. I started first with my own neighborhood. My strategy was to start fights with and beat up the kids that lived near me. I punched out the Korean kid that lived up the street from me. I did this right in front of my house. He didn’t fall down but he put his hand on face and started to cry and then went back up the street to his house. He didn’t ride his bike back up, he had to walk it. I punched the kid that lived a street over from me before school started. I bloodied his entire mouth. He had braces too. My hand wasn’t cut, though. Then i punched another kid in the neighborhood after school one day coming off the bus. I put him in a headlock on the bus and punched him in the face, and then he tried to fight me a bit outside but after I tagged him square in the face he was done.

    6. When I was seeing this girl in high school, I was at the pool hall with her brother and I knocked a guy out cold in the pool hall, just to do a little showing off in front of the brother and to give him a story to go home and tell his sister.

    7. Early on, I had an aggressive mind for torturing people. I used to crank call this kid about his dead dog. I was relentless. I had the father screaming hysterically at me. They changed their number, and then through my friend, whose sister was still in contact with that kid's sister, i would get the new number. They ended up tracing my phone number, and I got called to the police station. When I was being questioned, the policeman told me that I was on record as having called the kid's house over 300 times in a weekend. When I was in elementary school, I spent a week cranking a dead kid's house by asking the mother if he was home, and claiming I had just been with him the other day. Once in junior high, I found out this kid was allergic to dandelions, so one day at recess I held him down on the ground and just started ripping dandelions out of the ground and smooshing them up his nose. I once lined a street with my friend’s bike-riding trophies, intending that the cars would swerve into each other or at least put them in a predicament that would make them squirm lots. hehehe.

    8. I used to bully this mentally slow kid every morning before class in elementary school. Mainly physical bullying, punches in the back, enough to inflict some pain. Because he was only able to utter a few words, he was never able to tell on me. I did the same to a few other slow kids.

    9. I used to bully this girl in high school that sat in front of me in French class. I would make fun of her name over and over again in a whisper that only she could hear. I did it year after year. And since we were in French class that year, I would throw in a le fleur per tu. I was relentless. Finally one day I got called down to the office and she was sitting in the office with her grandparents. I acted like she was making it up.

    10. I bullied this one kid so bad that he ended up leaving the school. It started off with him trying to hang around with me bad. I’d start in on his game with women, because he had a clear hang-up about it. On top of that he just had one of those faces you want to punch or kick. I started to make fun of every little thing he did or said. One day at lunch I told him that I could knock him out with one punch to his jaw. He got all nerved up and told a couple other kids what i said and was like what would possess you to say that. Another time he tried to put his hand in my locker (“as if to say what’s that”), and my reflexes were so good that I slammed the locker just in time to catch his arm inside it. Just things like that, I tortured him. He ended up leaving the school.

    11. I had a nice fuck buddy ring going for awhile after high school. I had these two older friends that I manipulated into competing with each other about who could bring me the most new women to sleep with. Then their competition with each other self-destructed and they ended up wanting to kill each other. They would try to destroy each other's reputations and i would fuel them with ideas for doing so. And all the while they were supplying me with women. Check my post in the friends with benefits thread for the full story.

    12. I am naturally strong. When I was nineteen, I pressed 235 over my head starting with the bar on the ground, clean and jerk, but not really with proper form, just powering it up. It was uncanny given that I was only 190, but a solid 190. Never did steroids, but I had such an easy time putting muscle on that you could believe I did. When I used to play after school football, I could literally walk into the end zone with the football carrying five kids from the other team on me. And not run, but just walk with them, and they still wouldn't be able to get me down.

    13. My three childhood heroes were Jim Jones, Joe Stalin and Leona Helmsley.

    14. Once when I was walking with some friends, in sixth grade, on a day off from school. They came to my house and then we left from there to start a fight at another school that didn't have the day off. So as we were walking through the parking lot of my school, apparently there was a teacher's meeting going on. And that same science teacher who ordered ten pizzas to his house one night was there. He saw me through the window and I saw him and he just looked up at me like I was up to no good. Hours later we were walking back to my house and cut through the school again. I saw one of my teacher's cars in the parking lot and thought to myself to break her window. So I threw a rock through the window and it shattered. I forgot the science teacher saw me earlier. The next school day me and the exact group of kids I was with got called down to the office one by one and one of them ratted me out.

    15. I had two girlfriends at once. In high school, my first girlfriend that I had sex with in ninth grade didn't live in the town. So I started to cheat on her with a good girl from my school. We just made out and stuff after school at her house after school. I'd walk her home. I look at this way. She got my dick warmed up for at night with the girlfriend that lived out of town. One day I got caught out there, but by then I had enough power over the first girlfriend that I was able to get away with it.

    16. When I got to high school, my freshman year I was already dead set in gaining absolute power through fighting, by being the toughest. The first victim in my rise to power showed up seated next to me in study hall. He gave me the excuse I wanted when he said something about my mother. i stood up to throw hands. He stood up apparently to fight. And I hit him in the face with a left hook. It was a sweet money left hook. And just like that he fell back into the seat on his fat ass and buried his head onto the desk, with his head inside his arms, as he sits there balling his eyes out, crying like a little girl.

    17. I enjoy stealing. I was in an ice cream shop once and somebody left their cell phone on the table as they were up in line ordering. So I grabbed it real quick and put it in my pocket. Then I upped and left. It got caught on tape. The girl that worked at the ice cream was the girlfriend of a friend of mine and got the tape. She stole the tape from her work and I went to her house when my friend was there and we sat around watching the tape as i stole the cell phone off the table.

    18. The fastest it ever took me to get laid from meeting a women for the first time to being inside of her was about 8 minutes. She was a part of the fuck buddy ring I wrote about on the friends with benefits thread. The second fastest was this hot girl I from the club. Not too long after meeting her, we went out to the car in the parking lot and within seconds of getting inside the car she mounted me on the seat.

    19. I stole a girl off my best friend. he picked me up when he was with her in the car to introduce us. But by the end of the ride she had fallen for me after I chipped a tiny piece of tooth with the top of a 40 ounce beer bottle. I might've spray painted a few buildings, too. Later that night she broke up with him. i was happy because I knew she was a next day lay.

    20. I have an atrocious work ethic and am highly undependable. At my first job, when the boss pointed to the floor at a piece of meat and told me to pick that up, I knew that being a worker bee wasn't for me. I ended up getting fired from that job for giving myself a day off so I could try to get to third base with this girl. The guy in the meat department fired me but gave me the opportunity to stick the day out. i said sure, seeing it as a chance to fuck them over for firing me. So i did. i left them high and dry in their busiest moment after telling a lady I was going into the back to get her meat. I made a getaway through the back door, jumped in my car and took off, reasoning that I can just get a next job as my first job like I did that one. My next job (that I recall) was at a summer camp where I got fired for punching a camp counselor in the face. I made more money robbing and scheming and hustling. I bought a bunch of porn movies from a flea market once and made a profit reselling them. But because I was running my own ship, it was fine. No problems at all. I can go day and night. I got a job once as a dishwasher. That's another job where I perfected my trademark of leaving businesses high and dry in their busiest hour. As it got busier, my attitude is like, 'fuck you. i'm leaving." The best was the seasonal job I got at a big clothing store. I had so much fun there. Once when the manager was away I snuck into her office and vandalized her book on cats. I drew axes over the cat's head and some sexually graphic images. Another time I got the price gun and typed into it that one of the workers there, who had a questionable sexuality, sucked dick. I wasn't able to erase it, though and the guy found the next day. He blamed the guy that he used to have conflicts with all the time and that guy got fired. lol. And then I stole hundred dollar shirts out of the back room by stuffing them down my pant leg.

    21. This business owner used to call me the puppetmaster. I used to soup this dude Damian up to go into this business place and bust the owner's balls. Then Damian would report back to me and ask me for input, and I would be the General telling him how to do it. The owner always figured it out because he would say "damian is too dumb to figure these things out on his own." So there used to be this other kid Danny that would go there that was extremely hot-tempered. His father just died. danny was a big guy and very much too himself. My friend Damian despised people that thought they were tough guys or who others thought were tough guys. Damian's psychology was to want to show them to be not so tough. Damian's father had been a real deal tough guy and got stabbed to death, so Damian had a chip on his shoulder when it came to people like that. So I played it up that Danny was the newest tough guy around. Damian took the bait and before you knew it my friend Damian was 100 percent invested in annoying this kid every chance he got. He did this for about a month. I made sure that Damian's approach was well tailored to Danny's weaknesses. Danny was one of those people that needed quiet around him, he wanted to hear himself think. So whenever Danny was there, Damian, as had been suggested to him, would come in, stand a few feet away from him and just to talk other people that were in the room. Finally, one day Danny blew his top and charged at Damian. It was a big melee. Damian grabbed a blunt instrument and then tried to hit Danny with it. Danny ran out. Next thing I know I get a telephone call from the business owner. "K4M, what the hell did you do?" Then he explained, blaming me as if I operated them by remote control.

    22. I like being worshipped. This girl was on her knees and she had my dick in her hand. She wanted to blow me. I wouldn’t let her give me a bj. I started to slide my right foot up along her arm and onto her shoulder, and then beside her mouth, and she sorta got it that I wanted her to lick my feet. She put the soles of my foot in her mouth, then my toes, carefully slipping and weaving her tongue in between each one, as i gave her verbal commands.

    23. I like to direct sexual activities. At a sex party this past New Years, this girl kept trying to give me head and I wouldn't let her cuz i wanted to use her desire for my dick to control a scene between her and another guy. a couple times she got far enough to kiss the head, but then I would gently push her off by the forehead. But I took her into another room where there was a guy that was alone. So I whispered in her ear to go give that guy some head. She went over to him and started to blow him. Then I came over to place my hand on the back of her head as she bobbed up and down, sometimes holding more firm when I wanted her to maintain a position and being her guide. I had power over her through just the fact she wanted me, and I used that power to gain power over that guy for the fact he desperately needed her to orgasm, so that gave me power over both of them.

    24. I have always been pretty protective of my girlfriends (even when I was cheating on them) and very possessive. I pulled a kid out of class once. I had pretended to be an office worker so the teacher would let him come out and then i threatened to beat him up if he continued to call the girl I was talking to. That took him right out of the picture. I dropped my girl off once and the kid that was in the car made an insulting remark about her. For a second, my eyes rolled into the back of my head and when they came back I had come up with a plan on what to do him. I just turned to him in this really friendly voice and said I have to make a stop to look for a piece of jewelry she lost by a brook. Then I beat him out by the brook and left him there to traverse home ten or so miles. Once when me and a girlfriend were broken up, I came over her house and found that some kid was in her downstairs. So I smacked him in the face, and he went running out of there, and then we had sex. Another time I found out a kid I knew bunked school with her so I waited outside his one night for him to come out and then I kneed his head in like a soccer ball. Another time this spanish kid made an offensive gesture towards my girlfriend during school. I got him on the stairwell on the way to gym class. There were no cameras in the stairwell. He had a book bag on it. So he was tied up. I grabbed him off the ground and rammed him from wall to wall like a sack of potatoes. I was gonna start bashing his face, but he got away in the nick of time and ran to the gym teacher, but the gym teacher was a friend of mine, so that didn’t do him much good. I was at the movie theater once with my girl. I spit on and smashed a kid in the face in a movie theater cuz he was being a douche during the movie, putting his feet on his chair and swearing under his breath all throughout the movie. He and his friends, too, but he ended up being the one that got hurt because he was seated the closest to the exit aisle. I lost a nice watch on him because I swung so fast and hard that literally the band on my watch unhooked itself and flew off my hand into movie theater darkness.

    25. the dean of a community college once told me in his office that I was a sociopath. I grinned. what happened I showed up there that day to sign up for classes and there were no parking spots. So I parked in the fire lane. So I go inside for awhile and then when I come out my car has vanished. The security had it towed. I began to shout mean and hurtful things at the security guards that had it towed. I told the female security guard about what a dyke she was. So then I ended up in the dean's office. And as I sat there and spoke with him, he made his evaluation and concluded that I was a sociopath. And then he told me that I was banned for the entire semester from parking my car on campus grounds.
    That's what the fuck one calls a "whack job." Garbage pail kids like you and Trump do nothing but project your own insecurities and distorted, psycho worldviews.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    You want to talk about "whack jobs?"

    That's what the fuck one calls a "whack job." Garbage pail kids like you and Trump do nothing but project your own insecurities and distorted, psycho worldviews.
    Willing to bet 99% of his post is utter bullshit anyway. Guy sounds like a fucking cartoon character.

    "When I used to play after school football, I could literally walk into the end zone with the football carrying five kids from the other team on me. And not run, but just walk with them, and they still wouldn't be able to get me down."

    Sounds like something out of Wyle Cyote

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    its great watching the libtards commit political suicide as the identity politic cesspool (aka democratic party) stands on the verge of swallowing the DNC whole. what a bunch of losers! I saw this bloodbath coming awhile ago and aptly predicted it...they'd follow that diapered up commie shitbum off a cliff they're so goddamned dumb and hilarious job by Trump exploiting the rift. four more years of Trump is fine by me, I'm rolling in money, maybe even that seven million dollar a day choke artist bloomberg will make a third party run. so pathetic!

    Stuttering Pelosi is too late to stop the identity politic cesspool (aka democratic party).

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    shitbum bernie no fuckin chance of winning a general election in a good economy...only game changer here on the horizon is a global pandemic that tanks the US economy. He can't win in a good economy. He CANNOT WIN IN A GOOD ECONOMY. I'm fckin telling everybody now, he cannot win in a good economy. The deck has to be reshuffled twenty thousand times before you come out with a scenario he can win in. And that scenario is, which I called before any motherfucker anywhere, a global pandemic that tanks the US econodmy....St. Bernard can't win without some major, widespread loss of confidence...A global pandemic gives that demagogic do nothing loser opportunity to blame the Corporatists and Capitalists. But is too early to tell, I'm betting Trump is pushing day and night for a vaccine...! I'd be, fuck coronavirus!! Just kidnap one of them smart ivy league einstein motherfuckers from like switzerland, puts a gun to their head and say hey your ass has 72 days to get a vaccine. Believe me, you never seen a motherfucker pull a vaccine out of their ass so quick.

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    HELLA I SAY back when Trumpster was downplaying whole Coronavirus thing:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Trump is pushing day and night for a vaccine...! I'd be, fuck coronavirus!! Just kidnap one of them smart ivy league einstein motherfuckers from like switzerland, puts a gun to their head and say hey your ass has 72 days to get a vaccine. Believe me, you never seen a motherfucker pull a vaccine out of their ass so quick.

    "Trump was doing everything to secure a vaccine against the coronavirus for the US, “but for the US only”.

    The Trump administration has offered a German medical company “large sums of money” for exclusive access to a Covid-19 vaccine, German media have reported.

    The German government is trying to fight off what it sees as an aggressive takeover bid by the US, the broadsheet Die Welt reports, citing German government circles.

    The US president had offered the Tübingen-based biopharmaceutical company CureVac “large sums of money” to gain exclusive access to their work, wrote Die Welt."

    Just like I knows members' enneagram and socionics types on the forum, I knew Trump was doing everything he could to grab a vaccine in a one-sided manner. I said "einstein motherfuckers from like switzerland." Trump tried to muscle it off einstein motherfuckeres in Germany. Germany is like switzerland. Get it. I didn't come up with the only valid breakdown for every type wing and stack using 2500+ exemplars and high quality VI templates for every socionics type and subtype for nuthin. Because Stackemup Typology is empirically validated, it provides tremendous predictive power when it comes to the behavior of global/domestic actors. My shit is scientific. R & H, fauvres they are just throwing up puffs of smoke but have made no demonstrations of predictive accuracy. Neither has Ausra, Elena "no show" berdutina, bullshit socionics society, little miss jackie oliver aaron, expat, aestrivex, rick. They only just offer explanatory models. My shit carries predictive power! Their Puffs of smoke a real fire does not make!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    ...I'm betting Trump is pushing day and night for a vaccine...!
    Even some time in the past his pov was that Vaccinations cause Autism. Now he is begging for it. He is afraid of germs, afaik.
    Looks like his motivation is driven by fear.

    I don't see any problem to share the knowledge to produce the inoculant.

    But the German government doesn't appreciate his attitude to gain exclusive access to the med, if that's true, and so I don't appreciate it either.
    It turns his attitude of "America first" to "America only"; which is not acceptable. I'm pretty sure that die German government will block the sale of the company doing medical research and will use legal means to prevent that sale under that conditions. One reason for it is that the research is subsidised by German tax money.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    But the German government doesn't appreciate his attitude to gain exclusive access to the med, if that's true, and so I don't appreciate it either.
    It turns his attitude of "America first" to "America only"; which is not acceptable. I'm pretty sure that die German government will block the sale of the company doing medical research and will use legal means to prevent that sale under that conditions. One reason for it is that the research is subsidised by German tax money.
    I have to correct my previous statement. There were info from multiple press sources that the President of the USA offered money to buy a German medical research company, but the CEO stated today that such an offer never happend.
    Looks like a press canard to me, now.

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    American politics has been playing out exactly the fck the way as I said. I said Turmp would win, he won. I said Biden would coast to the nominatin he did. I liad out all the political vunelrablities of the presiential nominees and they dropped like flies. I sai dthat Kamala Harris'a cssuation of Racism against BIden would never, ever stick. of course they didn't biden had the largest turnoutof the black vote in south carolina. now how fckin stupid is karmala harris if she was reading my posts she would have known better than to go after biden's busing policies. I laid out the lines of attack on Trump in the Coronavirus pandemic. Biden is using the eaxt same attakc now. NOw the DNC isg etting behind my attack. nancy pelosi said today that "his deadly" meaning trumps failure to inform/stay informed, failure to warn and failure to act...his delay in not doing shit. I LAID THAT OUT TEN DAYS AGO on a signle thread and in many posts. I'm ten days ahead of the big brains of the DNC...pelois has been doing this all her life and I picked up on Trump's screw=up here, articulated it with metallic precise precision, and it took pelosi ten days after i grasped it for her to grasp it, she's been doing this all her life...clearly i am the most politically astute here. just like i'm the best typologer (here and everywhere).... now overlay that with 2500+ exemplars type list soon to be 3000+...I didn't put together the only valid breakdown for nothingn. I didn't found American socionics for nothing. I cracked the VI templates for every socionics type and subtype...believe me, the russians were searching for decades for a high quality VI template like mine...all the best minds tyring to get it...all the best minds in typology and I'm the one who got it, I'm the one who put it together, I'm the one who brought it to the mainstream, now tons of people are using my VI templates..there has to be a correlation between being the greatest typologer and being the most politically astute...

    anyways, its obvious i've been ahead of the curve it great instincts or a type of political genius.

    instincts like that can't be can't be learned. either you have it or you don't and most don't....most are lucky to have seen it once in their lifetime. most of the posts on the coronavirus thread are obviously written by people who lack good instincts...your nts and ne leads and ni leads don't bring anythign to the table. herd immunity turned out to be quack science. look at my posts...thats all the democrats are talking about now. except i laid it out on the coronavirus thread and dummy trump thread before they started talking about. They ,the democrats, who study this shit day and, I take one look at it, size it up and mold a political masterpiece out of it...that's what political genius does
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 04-01-2020 at 02:48 AM.

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    democrat party (aka identity politic cesspool) really lucked out with obama's puppet dementia joe. dummy trump is annihilating dementia joe right now and dementia joe has failed to press the line of attack i laid out in the dummy trump thread. that's dementia joe vegging out on his Si-creative.

    look at commie bernie all diapered up in his forty dollar sears and roebucks suit. hahahaha

    commie bernie raises his hand to get a point in rather than just interrupting to make the point. see, he doesn't know how to get things done

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