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    Quote Originally Posted by shining View Post
    Players in the game and their alignment according to Q :
    oh nooo, effing Qanon... OK.. what IF Q is a glow in the dark?

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    oh nooo, effing Qanon... OK.. what IF Q is a glow in the dark?
    Probably does, as per commie doctrine, best way to control opposition is to lead it. So odds say he does indeed glow in the dark.

    Still a dangerous game they're playing. I mean, people used to call me crazy 5 years ago. Now I speak to the same people, make the same arguments, and now they praise my intelligence and applaud my words when I mention how this country was bought sold and paid for a Long time ago.

    I'm going to lay out a great analogy here in regards to understanding how and why the world is the way it is now. Imagine it all started as a 500 km race. Each Km=1 year of time and thus our world started 500 years ago. Let's also say it started fair (i.e. we all started from the same starting line) but you could pass on the "baton" to your children. Give it a few generations and the most lucky, the most cunning, the most fit would pull so far ahead of all others such that they passed the horizon. Knowing this, they'd also realize that nobody else would be in a position to see them "cheating" as it were. So, instead of using their legs, they hopped on golf carts. As time passed and technology increased, they hopped on Ferrari's and, eventually, spacecraft.

    Such is the fact of our current situation and the explanation as well. Our current rulers have always from the moment of birth rode upon the machine their ancestors built. They assume the machine responds to their will as a matter of course and that none of the "lessers" could ever be superior to them. The disgustingly distended forms of our true rulers imagine themselves as immaculate incarnations of the human form. They imagine their evil is the ultimate expression of the good. Hence why they utterly hate the likes of, well, anyone who dares to disagree with even a single iota of their dogma.

    I am curious to see what others think of this realization I had. Agree or disagree, I value any and all inputs .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    I actually think some - maybe most - of your points in that particular post (above) are correct or may be correct (unless disproven or proven), as 'bad' and 'fatalistic' they sound. But, two cents, as I don't think this is the answer here.

    I think many of your thoughts come from your position, or, to say, from your history and surroundings. Hence, they are somewhat /tainted/ by circumstances and who /you/ are and what /you/ feel. There seems to be a certain degree of self-focus in your writing, which - for me - seems to be unnecessary, maybe dangerous, as your thoughts and perceptions seem to be skewed and not as objective as they could be. I will dare to use that word: narcissistic at times (like, well, Trump, probably; this is without intentions to offend you). Additionally, you do seem to hold some believes, that are not falsifiable or hardly falsifiable*, and those ideas may render your theories not adequate or incomplete. Maybe inspiring still, but not answering. I'm personally focused on answering, but the choice is yours.

    *like your belief in God and sense of righteousness in that, but that's just something off the top of my head; I did read a few of your posts, but not all, so I may be easily wrong here, but I'm willing to bet

    If you are ILI as you say - and I have no reasons to believe otherwise, from my readings about that type you should clearly understand the intricate world of multiple streams flowing around you. The ones that go by probabilities. This should be a checkpoint: are my (your) theories holding up to reality? Are they predictive? Or did I went too far with my assumptions and my model is just so-so? Maybe I need more data on that topic? And so on. Behavior like that seems to conclude my thoughts, by the way. More meditation and thinking, alternating possibilities and choosing in time, not so 'this /must/ be true'. Double doubt, then triple doubt. And then quadruple. (don't stop)

    I'm not saying you didn't, I'm saying you could do more. Let's do more. See the whole.
    My analogy and most all I've had to say still pans out. Though I wouldn't see my linking of my sense of morality with my belief in God as a bad thing. I mean, there's a damn good reason I love the concept of the "witch test" in regards to commies, far leftists, atheists, etc.

    If you really analyze their arguments, they're trying to browbeat Christians like myself with their own/my morality. Well, Christian Morality only really makes sense if Christianity is true. Thus, if you want to browbeat someone with X morality, you must, by necessity, confess that the absolute basis of that morality is true. In the case of Christians, it's that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead. If you can't honestly confess that "fact" than you have no business browbeating them. I swear there's a meme that illustrates this point. Some smug soyboy who holds belief in God in absolute contempt but will feign belief in it in the hopes of getting their opponent to do what they want...

    Damn smug asshole rightfully comes off as such and is reviled by most anyone with a functioning pair of brain cells for damn good reason!
    Last edited by End; 07-24-2020 at 06:26 AM.

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    Mary Trump, ESE

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    This isn't anything new, but a guy disguised as a FedEx employee knocked on the door of a federal judge's home and when the father and son answered the door, the guy shot both of them, killing the son, then fled. He later committed suicide and his web site said that the judge ruined his life.

    Weirdly enough, the alleged shooter, Roy Den Hollander, looks a lot like Jordan Peterson. ( Not that they would share similar views or be similar in any way, of course.

    Still, crazy is as crazy does.

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    But you know, it's not.

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    @Adam Strange You are indeed correct in the implications you are drawing. Any true Christian thinking a Politician of all things is a prophet is smoking some damn good shit. Doubly so for a man like Trump who is about as "of the world" as you can possibly get. Counterpoint though, God really digs irony. Many saints were consummate sinners before they saw the truth. Augustine (a saint for our times lemme tell ya) uttered the prayer "Lord give me Chastity, but not yet". Saint Paul was, before that moment on the road to Damascus, the most effective persecutor of the nascent Church. God loves to take pure evil and make it serve the good (as even the demons do, for he has absolute dominion over them). It gives those with eyes to see hope even when all seems hopeless. The crucifixion being the ultimate case in point.

    Still, can't wait for the next few years and what they'll bring. Cardinal Sarah is probably going to be the next pope (and rightfully so if you read his writings) and 2024 is looking like we may well see Kanye West (D) vs. Tucker Carlson (R). Boy oh boy, I gotta find a way to get enough money to become a majority shareholder in a popcorn company. I might shoot so far ahead in the race that I'll be able to pirate a spaceship for my descendants!

    Well, get the materials and build it myself that is. At this point in the race, any "spacecraft" up for looting was built by the likes of the distended evil ones (i.e. cargo cultists). I ain't about to buy that bridge if ya catch my meaning .
    Last edited by End; 07-25-2020 at 06:48 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    @Adam Strange You are indeed correct in the implications you are drawing. Any true Christian thinking a Politician of all things is a prophet is smoking some damn good shit. Doubly so for a man like Trump who is about as "of the world" as you can possibly get. Counterpoint though, God really digs irony. Many saints were consummate sinners before they saw the truth. Augustine (a saint for our times lemme tell ya) uttered the prayer "Lord give me Chastity, but not yet". Saint Paul was, before that moment on the road to Damascus, the most effective persecutor of the nascent Church. God loves to take pure evil and make it serve the good (as even the demons do, for he has absolute dominion over them). It gives those with eyes to see hope even when all seems hopeless. The crucifixion being the ultimate case in point.

    Still, can't wait for the next few years and what they'll bring. Cardinal Sarah is probably going to be the next pope (and rightfully so if you read his writings) and 2024 is looking like we may well see Kanye West (D) vs. Tucker Carlson (R). Boy oh boy, I gotta find a way to get enough money to become a majority shareholder in a popcorn company. I might shoot so far ahead in the race that I'll be able to pirate a spaceship for my descendants!

    Well, get the materials and build it myself that is. At this point in the race, any "spacecraft" up for looting was built by the likes of the distended evil ones (i.e. cargo cultists). I ain't about to buy that bridge if ya catch my meaning .
    Does your diocese tell you to proselytize to people on the Internet who don't want to hear Catholic Apologetics for Dummies?

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    I'm hoping Kanye's political ambitions (it requires focusing on one thing for a long period of time, challenging?) will sputter out and Tucker will have a paranoid breakdown (the "radical left" is a powerful force in his mind eating him up) by 2024. However, they both could be like, after having a crazy look-at-me! man in office (Trump) this opens the door for us! We can be irrational lunatics with more eyes on us than ever if we are president!
    I don't actually. Like I said, I must find a way to "go long" on Popcorn in an investment sense if we get a Kanye vs. Tucker race in 2024. I wouldn't care who won really, I'd be far too entertained! No matter who won, we'd all get a wealth of data on how this world works at the highest levels of political intrigue so concrete even normies wouldn't be able to refute the conclusions! That's a thing I desperately want and, I'd hope, most would. Tear away the veil of secrecy and reveal to us all who really ​fucked this world up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Does your diocese tell you to proselytize to people on the Internet who don't want to hear Catholic Apologetics for Dummies?
    Fun fact, ALL Christians (ones that actually believe that is) are obligated to proclaim the good news of the gospel to any and all who may listen regardless of personal consequence. The blood of Martyrs, after all, is the foundation of the Church. It's been awhile @Coeruleum Blue. Adding a color to the end of your name doesn't exactly qualify as an effective disguise. I won't debate you further unless you pass a Witch Test. No sense in arguing with the demonically obsessed who do not wish to be relieved of that malady.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    @Adam Strange You are indeed correct in the implications you are drawing. Any true Christian thinking a Politician of all things is a prophet is smoking some damn good shit. Doubly so for a man like Trump who is about as "of the world" as you can possibly get. Counterpoint though, God really digs irony. Many saints were consummate sinners before they saw the truth. Augustine (a saint for our times lemme tell ya) uttered the prayer "Lord give me Chastity, but not yet". Saint Paul was, before that moment on the road to Damascus, the most effective persecutor of the nascent Church. God loves to take pure evil and make it serve the good (as even the demons do, for he has absolute dominion over them). It gives those with eyes to see hope even when all seems hopeless. The crucifixion being the ultimate case in point.

    Still, can't wait for the next few years and what they'll bring. Cardinal Sarah is probably going to be the next pope (and rightfully so if you read his writings) and 2024 is looking like we may well see Kanye West (D) vs. Tucker Carlson (R). Boy oh boy, I gotta find a way to get enough money to become a majority shareholder in a popcorn company. I might shoot so far ahead in the race that I'll be able to pirate a spaceship for my descendants!

    Well, get the materials and build it myself that is. At this point in the race, any "spacecraft" up for looting was built by the likes of the distended evil ones (i.e. cargo cultists). I ain't about to buy that bridge if ya catch my meaning .
    Obviously he is not a prophet, but God uses cracked pots all the time. This cracked pot keeps standing for the things of God, while the other, against. God is going to soon allow us to reap what we have sown, and it's not good. Trump is our best bet to stave off the inevitable a little longer. But it's coming! Don't you know? Don't you listen to the Catholic prophets? You sound Catholic. Yes, Cardinal Sarah would make the BEST next pope, but a lot of bad is going to happen before the coming glorious era and the end of this degraded one.] There are plenty of faithful Protestant prophets too. They all are saying essentially the same thing. How could you miss it? It is nothing to eat popcorn over. We need to BRACE OURSELVES. There will be much death, but God does what He must to save as many souls as possible for eternity.

    The horses are out of the gate, the seals are being broken, but still we can get the help of Mary, our Mother, with this 54-day Novena, never known to fail, beginning August 15 on the feast of the Assumption, and ending on the Feast of the Holy Rosary, October 7th. We are all praying for the intention of peace and blessings around the November election! I am sure you can see this is desperately needed! Without this Novena I shudder to think what November will be like! There are terrible predictions! We need Mary's help!

    So please join us, End. Prophets tell us that Mary will be our refuge in these chastisements. She is the Ark of the Covenent, and she will be the ark of safety for anyone who flees to her powerful protection that God has entrusted to her. The Rosary is our weapon!

    About the rosary novena:

    Timeline of events:
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Obviously he is not a prophet, but God uses cracked pots all the time. This cracked pot keeps standing for the things of God, while the other, against. God is going to soon allow us to reap what we have sown, and it's not good. Trump is our best bet to stave off the inevitable a little longer. But it's coming! Don't you know? Don't you listen to the Catholic prophets? You sound Catholic. Yes, Cardinal Sarah would make the BEST next pope, but a lot of bad is going to happen before the coming glorious era and the end of this degraded one.] There are plenty of faithful Protestant prophets too. They all are saying essentially the same thing. How could you miss it? It is nothing to eat popcorn over. We need to BRACE OURSELVES. There will be much death, but God does what He must to save as many souls as possible for eternity.

    The horses are out of the gate, the seals are being broken, but still we can get the help of Mary, our Mother, with this 54-day Novena, never known to fail, beginning August 15 on the feast of the Assumption, and ending on the Feast of the Holy Rosary, October 7th. We are all praying for the intention of peace and blessings around the November election! I am sure you can see this is desperately needed! Without this Novena I shudder to think what November will be like! There are terrible predictions! We need Mary's help!

    So please join us, End. Prophets tell us that Mary will be our refuge in these chastisements. She is the Ark of the Covenent, and she will be the ark of safety for anyone who flees to her powerful protection that God has entrusted to her. The Rosary is our weapon!

    About the rosary novena:

    Timeline of events:
    Indeed, true and earnest prayer never fails. However, I don't like to pray for intercession in such a direct and worldly manner. In my eyes, it elevates the political to the realm of the spiritual (A thing Fulton Sheen warned would be a final/ultimate temptation of the Church as we know it).

    The true order is that the political flows from the spiritual. Politics is downwind from culture, but culture is downwind from religion. Therefore, we must all focus upon our own spirituality first and foremost. Would that we could become as saints as Jesus did before he began his ministry, tried by Satan in the desert and not found wanting by his Heavenly Father.

    Kudos for recognizing the Rosary as a "weapon" Catholic Sister. Padre Pio wasn't wrong!

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    If the Trump Show were a comedy:

    Last edited by Adam Strange; 07-23-2020 at 01:36 AM.

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    Is this good news? Real calling out of corporate power in politics? It's like the Lincoln Project but for the left?

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    I'm hoping Kanye's political ambitions (it requires focusing on one thing for a long period of time, challenging?) will sputter out and Tucker will have a paranoid breakdown (the "radical left" is a powerful force in his mind eating him up) by 2024. However, they both could be like, after having a crazy look-at-me! man in office (Trump) this opens the door for us! We can be irrational lunatics with more eyes on us than ever if we are president!

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    I like how Shor points out that people trust different parties with different things, because it kind of implies why there is nothing to gain from each side trying to annihilate the other. I always vote left, for instance, but I trust the right more to identify a threat from another nation and take action about it. I don't side with the right and prefer a left-like no war kind of view, but I know there are limits to idealism, sometimes there is a threat and action is necessary, and the political right will be better at this. They could also go too far with it of course, be everything is a risk. The other side can cover the blind spots of one's own side, its commentary is needed, not something to try to shut down and get rid of.

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    It's been a long time since we've seen anything like this in the States, so it's nice to be reminded that true leaders still exist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    It's been a long time since we've seen anything like this in the States, so it's nice to be reminded that true leaders still exist.

    A true leader for shopping-mall USA, coming to the grocery aisle near you!
    Muh diversity is strength. Muh freedumz. Muh I have no brain and the neurons aren't rubbing against each-other to produce critical thought. Muh vomiting back up decades of propaganda.

    A retard with Se & Fi is still a retard. When you keep doing the same thing and its not working, but you keep thinking "maybe this time if we try harder!".. the very definition of a dumbass who hasn't learned from history.

    The literal ESI mentality:

    Last edited by SGF; 07-28-2020 at 05:53 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    It's been a long time since we've seen anything like this in the States, so it's nice to be reminded that true leaders still exist.

    It's funny how this soldier would be lauded by the public as an undisputed champion of American values, whereas an SJW saying more or less the same thing would receive immediate scorn as a liberal cuck or commie sympathizer. It is blindingly obvious that the hatred levelled against SJWs is overwhelmingly because of their perception as oversensitive pussies, not from any principled desire to defend freedom of speech.

    The latter attitude no doubt exists, sometimes alloyed with the former, but it is the exception, and most Internet trolls can barely articulate what 'freedom' even is. These are people who shrivel up under concentrated criticism, and it is a sad irony to watch them attempt to reconcile 'freedom of speech' with freedom from criticism.
    Last edited by xerx; 08-17-2020 at 07:36 AM.

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    To everyone out there who's just reading this thread and not replying, I know End and Eliza are obnoxious but don't let them give you a bad opinion of Christians or Catholics.

    Yes, "proselytizing" is even a mortal sin according to the Catholic Church so End shouldn't be doing what he's doing. The proper way to evangelize is to meet people where they are and invite them to church and talk about things in Catholicism that would appeal to them, not call them Satanists and then say they're lying when they say they're not Satanists because of course Satanists would lie. Yes, Satanists do lie, but that doesn't mean anyone who says they're not a Satanist is automatically lying or else you could just run around accusing everyone of being a Satanist. Incidentally, anyone who does that is pretty apathetic to the truth... like End and Satanists.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    To everyone out there who's just reading this thread and not replying, I know End and Eliza are obnoxious but don't let them give you a bad opinion of Christians or Catholics.

    Yes, "proselytizing" is even a mortal sin according to the Catholic Church so End shouldn't be doing what he's doing. The proper way to evangelize is to meet people where they are and invite them to church and talk about things in Catholicism that would appeal to them, not call them Satanists and then say they're lying when they say they're not Satanists because of course Satanists would lie. Yes, Satanists do lie, but that doesn't mean anyone who says they're not a Satanist is automatically lying or else you could just run around accusing everyone of being a Satanist. Incidentally, anyone who does that is pretty apathetic to the truth... like End and Satanists.
    Only proving my points dude. You even hardcore project as predicted by my datasets. I know I said I wouldn't debate you further but you're making an argument so open to attack I can't resist. There is no "proper" way to evangelize save that you never threaten violence or force in the way most of us would understand it. I don't/won't point a gun to your head and demand you pass a which test by praising Jesus as the risen Lord or die. I come to you with an olive branch and an earnest hope that you'll accept it. You don't deserve it, I don't, none of us ever did. Such is God's love. We did (and still do on an almost daily basis) a thing any rational actor would consider unforgivable if we for a moment considered our relation to the infinite as finite beings and actually tried to grasp what that meant.

    Yet he still loves us. He will still forgive even the most heinous/mortal of sins we have committed if we truly repent. That's why we can still have hope even if all seems hopeless. Let go of your despair, a grave sin in itself, and embrace the hope Christ offers you. I don't think you're able, but I'll pray that I'm wrong.

    Hehe, I just had an epiphany. Do you think of yourself as an entity beyond "redemption" as you think I see it? As in, do you see/identify yourself as a being incapable of being forgiven by God? I am curious...
    Last edited by End; 07-30-2020 at 07:27 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Only proving my points dude. You even hardcore project as predicted by my datasets. I know I said I wouldn't debate you further but you're making an argument so open to attack I can't resist. There is no "proper" way to evangelize save that you never threaten violence or force in the way most of us would understand it. I don't/won't point a gun to your head and demand you pass a which test by praising Jesus as the risen Lord or die. I come to you with an olive branch and an earnest hope that you'll accept it. You don't deserve it, I don't, none of us ever did. Such is God's love. We did (and still do on an almost daily basis) a thing any rational actor would consider unforgivable if we for a moment considered our relation to the infinite as finite beings and actually tried to grasp what that meant.

    Yet he still loves us. He will still forgive even the most heinous/mortal of sins we have committed if we truly repent. That's why we can still have hope even if all seems hopeless. Let go of your despair, a grave sin in itself, and embrace the hope Christ offers you. I don't think you're able, but I'll pray that I'm wrong.

    Hehe, I just had an epiphany. Do you think of yourself as an entity beyond "redemption" as you think I see it? As in, do you see/identify yourself as a being incapable of being forgiven by God? I am curious...
    No, I think life is great and I like other people and they like me and we don't go around yelling "YOU ARE EVIL INCARNATE" at each other because we aren't evil incarnate. But according to your religion, we all have horns and tails except somehow Jesus and Mary. What a bunch of bullshit.

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    It's too late for you, End! Saturn will yet see his bidding done!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    No, I think life is great and I like other people and they like me and we don't go around yelling "YOU ARE EVIL INCARNATE" at each other because we aren't evil incarnate. But according to your religion, we all have horns and tails except somehow Jesus and Mary. What a bunch of bullshit.
    I pity you, honestly and truly. You are, as I feared, clearly demonically obsessed. That isn't what Christians, real Christians (be they protestant or Catholic) believe at all. Great theologians/saints have extensive writings and testimonies refuting your misguided interpretation of the faith. I can only point this out to you. I pray you will look deeper into it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    It's too late for you, End! Saturn will yet see his bidding done!
    Bring it on Saturn!

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    yes these demonically obsessed people are everywhere. excuse me, satan needs to burp through my mouth, i'll be back later.

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    Exodus of white people. There will be massive white flight from multicultural pits.

    Multicultural pit = Diversity pool = Culturally Enriched Area = No go zone = Getto

    Demographics Shift = White Flight

    Chicago = Detroit 2.0

    Minneapolis = Detroit 3.0

    Philadelphia = Detroit 4.0
    Last edited by khcs; 08-09-2020 at 06:10 PM.

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    Minnesota State Rep: Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to 'Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule Link

    100000 Somalian migrants live in the Minneapolis area.

    Import Somalia, Elect Somalia, Become Somalia.

    Last edited by khcs; 08-10-2020 at 06:21 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Minnesota State Rep: Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to 'Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule Link

    100000 Somalian migrants live in the Minneapolis area.

    Import Somalia, Elect Somalia, Become Somalia.

    khcs, insinuating that black people are subhuman scum doesn't help you make your case. I can guarantee you that this rhetoric of hate will make liberals and socialists recoil in horror from any sympathy with your position. 'Race realism' is both distasteful and pseudo-scientific gibberish.

    It would be better to argue that there needs to be a Marshall plan for the third world, with massive amounts of direct investment, technology transfers, and the freedom to bypass intellectual property restrictions. It would simultaneously make the third world more economically prosperous and cut down on immigration.

    FWIW, I don't believe that Eastern European countries, Germany and Scandinavia should be held liable for helping migrants. These countries aren't responsible for the ongoing catastrophe in the third world, a crisis which was primarily caused by the United States, Britain, and France, with minor roles played by some of their NATO co-belligerents (like my own country, which also happens to be a lineal descendant of all three of them).
    Last edited by xerx; 08-11-2020 at 05:28 AM.

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    @khcs, I live in a "multicultural pit". A lot, perhaps most of the people in my apartment complex and neighborhood are Arab or African immigrants. Most of them are Muslim. I hear a lot of Arabic and see a lot of headscarves. There are also a lot of African Americans (that is, not recent African immigrants). Should I be bothered by this?

    Since I moved in this summer, almost every day I've been woken by the sound of little girls screaming and laughing. It's usually a group of four. Two are Arabs, one is "white" (not really lighter in skin color than the Arab girls, but...), one is black. Who I assume to be the parents of one or both of the Arab girls lives in the house next to mine. The girls are usually playing on the trampoline there, or they're in the nearby park, or they're running between these places. As far as getting woken up goes, the sound of children's laughter is actually a very pleasant way for it to happen. In your mind, should these girls not be friends? Should the white girl be worried that the other three are gonna rob her or rape her?

    Most people are just humans trying to get by. A lot of young single guys without much money will always make your crime rate rise. But even given that, you're still not likely to be shot during the day while going about your business. You do sometimes see old people in Chicago or Memphis. And what, because the black crime rate is higher than the white crime rate, you're going to write off all black people, even though at least 99% of black people you meet aren't going to do anything to you?

    Anyway, why do you even think that so much immigration has been allowed, and even encouraged?

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    "Most people are just humans trying to get by." We, all are trying to get by.

    why do you even think that so much immigration has been allowed, and even encouraged?" Please tell me, if you know the answer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    "Most people are just humans trying to get by." We, all are trying to get by.

    why do you even think that so much immigration has been allowed, and even encouraged?" Please tell me, if you know the answer.

    Does the answer you seek have anything to do with international Jewry?

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    It might be because he's doing his own thing as president. I mean I get it, it's fun to be so powerful, but when people feel the presidency is about a celebrity lifestyle choice for the president... well... that's not the purpose of the office, so they wonder "why don't you do your job." It's not supposed to a great way to enhance and indulge one's ego and find more twitter followers. I think lots of presidents feed their narcissistic sides but they still primarily do their jobs since the main point of the office isn't to feed the president's narcissism.

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    Please take a look at the failed governors and mayors in the country whose utter incompetence and sabotaging behavior are blamed on the current president. It is disgusting.

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    Multiple decades long of failed migration policies in almost every western countries. The consequences should be clear by now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post

    Multiple decades long of failed migration policies in almost every western countries. The consequences should be clear by now.
    Failed? Again, I’m asking you, why do you think immigration is encouraged by policymakers? If it’s “failed”, why does it continue?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Failed? Again, I’m asking you, why do you think immigration is encouraged by policymakers? If it’s “failed”, why does it continue?
    Why do not you just enjoy your culturally enriched life?

    Last edited by khcs; 08-10-2020 at 09:02 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Minnesota State Rep: Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to 'Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule Link

    100000 Somalian migrants live in the Minneapolis area.

    Import Somalia, Elect Somalia, Become Somalia.

    You must live in a tiny shithole if you think 100000 is a lot

    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Why do not you just enjoy your culturally enriched life?

    I assume this rioting is about African Americans? Historically importing black people for slavery is not immigration lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Failed? Again, I’m asking you, why do you think immigration is encouraged by policymakers? If it’s “failed”, why does it continue?
    Corporations and business in general needs cheap labor as well as likes to drain other nations of valuable human resources (doctors, engineers, scientists and so on). If you are a big business it is beneficial to abolish tariffs, open the borders, so you can employ anyone from anywhere, outsource, move production to where labor is cheapest, transport materials and products, capture resources and so on.. or even finance & profit off both sides of a conflict/war. Essentially bourgeoisie mentality / values.

    Politicians depend on people with money to back them during elections, these things go hand in hand, essentially oligarchies. Wealth means power to leverage and influence things in one's favor, which is why this has happened.

    :> these people don't care how the nation, the culture or the local population is going to be affected if there will be conflict or not. In a way the very founders of the US were such wealthy oligarchs rebelling against the crown, because it was profitable. Myth tells of ideals, the reality however was land, money, power and slaves. Thats why most of them risked their lives, the big payoff at the end. (exceptions exist)

    Merchants have no country and soon neither will the GDP producer slaves. The environment? See Planet of the Humans. The bottom line is what matters. Profit.

    Last edited by SGF; 08-11-2020 at 10:54 AM.

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    people always blame things on the leader at the top... why is Trump a special victim? it's another example. people criticize him and he's like it's presidential harassment, no president has been so mistreated. it's like yeah, being president is a really tough job. i wouldn't want that job. but the point is, it's ALL about him from his POV. and it's sad in that he probably has been mistreated as a child and the inner child is still hurting from it. But he was elected to tend to the needs of the nation not to bemoan how his needs weren't met.

    he reminds me of the character Bill in season 7 of the 100 that i've been watching. at first glance this character seems like he might be real to the unsuspecting, he has built a nuclear fallout shelter, he has plans to save the human race, but the more people see of him, the more apparent it becomes they've been reeled into an ego game he's playing with himself and isn't aware he's playing. sometimes in this ego game, he does things that are actually useful for those he leads, but by and large, he's a bad leader because he doesn't really care about anyone's needs but his own. i can think of why this is a really bad example and this character is a better leader than trump, but anyway, it's about the failures of leading with narcissism.
    Last edited by marooned; 08-10-2020 at 08:40 PM.

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    Regarding immigration in the US, I agree with this article:

    Quote Originally Posted by that article
    Nativism is a way to make sense of an economic reality that rewards a few and punishes the many, and of a geopolitical order that promises American dominance but delivers only violence, insecurity, and uncertainty. We can’t end the war on immigrants without transforming the economic system and foreign policies for which it has long provided an alibi.
    I also think the US can take a lot of immigrants and remain stable as long as it holds true to its core ideals that we all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that we uphold liberty and justice for all. As long as those ideals hold, our society has the needed flexibility. If/when those ideals fail, the society becomes brittle and its own lack of tolerance becomes its undoing.

    All that said, the immigration system needs an overhaul but not of the Trump/GOP kind.

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    @shotgunfingers that's probably the best argument - certain corporations need the cheap labor and open borders and they can Trojan horse it as a humanitarian issue, which it is, but that's not why they want it. It is a move on one front for power. On another front they continue to soften government's power (they don't want its regulations). This is the one thing both left-leaning and right-leaning corporations probably agree on (less regulation). Once government is weak enough, corporations will be the actual rulers, and that's the end of democracy because there's no voting for which corporation is most in power (I do not accept that we vote with $ as legitimate).

    All that said, it still is a humanitarian issue. Both the governments of nations like the US and their corporations create the humanitarian crises to begin with. It's all such a mess, so I'm left with only the individual. The US of the 1800s and 1900s became an immigrant nation. If any nation can handle large influxes of immigrants, it's this one. But the more authoritarian it goes, the less able it will be to do that. It was able to take in millions of people in the 1800s and 1900s, and granted it was smaller then, but it's still a huge country. I really don't know what philosophy to adopt also when I see how bad the overpopulation problem is. If our birthrate is going down, that's freeing up more space, and that's good on a planet on which the species is overpopulated.

    Maintaining stability is crucial, but it will never be maintained by a bunch of it's us against them crap. It can be maintained by holding to founding ideals which act as unifiers. But what also must be understood is that undermining the individualistic spirit too much will also bring down those ideals. Anyway, it's such a disaster. It doesn't have to fail at all, it can work just fine, if people would stop being so selfish (lol, the irony). Another irony is that often immigrants bring in a revitalization of these ideals (many people want to come here because they believe in them).

    The problem is it takes sacrifice from the wealthiest and most powerful, and they don't wanna sacrifice. They just need to stop being "gods" and start being people. If they make it less difficult for the citizens here to survive (the economy needs to be less brutal), no one will feel there isn't enough for everyone. The zero-sum game specter in our heads will dissipate and haunt us no longer.

    It's all so frustrating because what the US is currently suffering from IS the corporatocracy. Our government isn't representing us. It's become weak. Then that opens the doors for phony "strong men" like Trump to come in and be like "I signs exec orders, I makes govt stwong again!" His horrifying weakness (one of the most ego-fragile men on earth) comes off as "strength" to some.

    I still don't fully understand populism, but it seems to me thinking of it as "bad" or "good" is not useful. What it seems to be afaict is what occurs when a system is failing. The anti-establishment view recognizes power is out-of-balance, and emerging populist viewpoints in people's heads reflect that the system isn't working for them. Populism can't be "bad" or "good" when it's a symptom. Yet when those with all the power screwing up the system won't change, what other way do we have?

    This was why I really liked Andrew Yang. His ideas presented a way to ditch these models and do something else, like let's just have a neo-enlightenment period instead. It was risky (and probably all the dinosaurs in government would have made it impossible), but it felt sane. It felt like pouring vitality back into the masses.
    Last edited by marooned; 08-11-2020 at 04:01 PM.

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