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Thread: USA politics following Trump's election

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    Last but not the least. Remember, the Internet has long memory.

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    Are you still pretending to hate and criticize Trump, k4?

    It's super obvious you are a fan boy, which is fine I appreciated the way he has been so firm on CCP virus. I have to wonder, what do you think you stand to gain from pretending to opinionate negatively about him?

    Throw people off your tracks, but just why?

    You won't answer.

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    ^ Well then..... this just happened.

    ... violent clashes following the death of an unarmed black man in police custody.

    Reports say one police station has been overrun by demonstrators, and officers were seen abandoning the building that was set on fire.

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    Justice !

    What the fuck did this clown think would happen?? Hes not even a cop

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    We need to get out of this LEFT vs RIGHT paradigm and instead look for TRUTH in between.

    Unfortunately, the titanic has already hit the ice berg, the avalanche on its way down...

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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    We need to get out of this LEFT vs RIGHT paradigm and instead look for TRUTH in between....
    No one matters

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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    We need to get out of this LEFT vs RIGHT paradigm and instead look for TRUTH in between.

    Unfortunately, the titanic has already hit the ice berg, the avalanche on its way down...
    Hehehe, I just realized this, there is an answer to your query, but I also instinctually doubt you or most anyone else will accept it. Ask not what is "conservative" or "liberal".

    Ask instead "how will X policy inspire and encourage the common and elite to pursue/practice virtue?"

    THAT is the real "common good" we should seek in regards to public policy. Sadly, that is exactly the question our rulers do not want us to ask for, in my eyes, painfully obvious reasons...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Hehehe, I just realized this, there is an answer to your query, but I also instinctually doubt you or most anyone else will accept it. Ask not what is "conservative" or "liberal".

    Ask instead "how will X policy inspire and encourage the common and elite to pursue/practice virtue?"

    THAT is the real "common good" we should seek in regards to public policy. Sadly, that is exactly the question our rulers do not want us to ask for, in my eyes, painfully obvious reasons...
    I like how you think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    I love it. The Antifa pussy squad is now a domestic terrorist organization...a perfect label for a bunch of worthless subhumans. I have been saying it from day one, a good antifa is a dead antifa, one to one they piss themselves. Dummy Trump's response to COVID-19 showed mega incompetence, but his response to these liberal crackpot rioters gets an A. Send in the special forces to regain control, god knows that Mayor beta bitch Frey ain't got the Bs to do anything about it. Ole' BLOOD & GUTS
    I bet the rioters are full of ACAB-tards, weren't ppl chanting "kill cops" a few years back? Trump kinda turned out to be just another establishment guy in the end, can't blame him tho, anyone who thinks 1 guy can change things by himself must be dumb. Plus the ppl he gathered around himself already told me enough from the start. He is neck deep in all of this, same as anyone else who is allowed near power. Idk what people were expecting from a NY businessman. Its good he finally declared antifa a domestic terrorist org. I'd call them useful idiots, but this works.

    from what I gathered the guy who got killed was a scumbag, but the way it happened is atrocious the cop should be judged and sentenced according to the law imo, riots broken up via military force, arrest them, trial at court and sentencing for all of them, no mercy. Protesting is one thing, but violent rioting, destruction of private & public property is to be crushed by force so order is maintained. Rioting is the dumbest thing ever, not as dumb as republicans attempting to get minorities to vote republican tho.

    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    We need to get out of this LEFT vs RIGHT paradigm and instead look for TRUTH in between.

    Unfortunately, the titanic has already hit the ice berg, the avalanche on its way down...
    The media has been conditioning people towards this for decades now. Once you figure it out, you can;t even watch Hollywood movies anymore, this stuff becomes so blatant and apparent.

    I like to follow politics and power dynamics on a global scale, have my own mental model of wtf is going on. Its no Alex Jones "buy my water filters and brainforce!" conspiracy-entertainment for $ tho.. *evil grin*
    Last edited by SGF; 06-02-2020 at 10:33 AM.

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    I also instinctually doubt you or most anyone else will accept it. Ask not what is "conservative" or "liberal".
    Lol read what I said again. Because you misinterpreted it.... With that being said,

    Your solution is the correct solution


    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Hehehe, I just realized this, there is an answer to your query, but I also instinctually doubt you or most anyone else will accept it. Ask not what is "conservative" or "liberal".

    Ask instead "how will X policy inspire and encourage the common and elite to pursue/practice virtue?"

    THAT is the real "common good" we should seek in regards to public policy. Sadly, that is exactly the question our rulers do not want us to ask for, in my eyes, painfully obvious reasons...

    Oh come on, u expect people to sit in a nice circle and share solutions like rational reasonable people?

    LOL. Cute

    This would only work in an ideal world.

    Unfortunately there is one BIG elephant in the room;

    Nobody *actually* cares about sound reason/logic, let alone virtue, values...Those things died a long time ago (The hypocrites will appear as if they do, but watch their actions closely - its just a costume)

    Its like trying to logically talk to someone into believing in God in a Godless country; its pretty much hopeless

    This is a heart issue.

    So let me bring you out of the wishful clouds and down to the dark reality (in LSI, Ti, Ne-PoLR fashion lol)

    If things don't turn around we all know deep down what is to come....

    Scenario 1

    ...Total violence and destruction.

    Continual violence, blood on the streets.

    Tactically, this game is about POWER. With violence being the highest form

    Because while violence isnt the only answer,

    Its the FINAL answer.

    A Civil war like ones we've seen in the past will be unlikely because people in this country have pussified over the decades to pick up a gun and fight. (im eager to see all the brave independent women on the front lines if this happens).

    Instead, We'll see cyclical violence coming from things like the protests we see today

    Because we're all so busy fighting each other, our internal leadership will deteriorate from the inside out like a metastatic cancer, slowly suffocating any life that remains.

    Once the foundation crumbles, an outside force will come and finish the country off (the collapse)

    Scenario 2

    The progressives win,

    This will calm down the violence (at a micro level) but speed up the collapse (at a macro level). (basically the avalanche rolls down faster, same conclusion as scenario 1)

    A lot of men (up to 1/3) will die due to some type of global war.

    The survivors, Women, will be the majority and get the power they've been brainwashed to desire all these years.

    Unfortunately the devil is a clever motherfucker and he will continue twisting and blurring the lines; good shall become evil, and evil shall become good (men in the womens bathroom and hairdressors thrown in jail × 100)

    We will continue to pursue hedonistic debauchery and dive deeper into social depravity like the lovely days of Sodom and Gomorrah... And its complete destruction

    Think of the irony of "Adam and Eve" on a GRANDER scale

    The only solution

    a. leave the country
    b. protect yourself and diversify outside of the western world

    --Voting for politician won't help
    --Protests won't help
    --Bitching and whining won't help

    GTFO or protect yourself for the long-haul

    This is only the beginning
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 06-04-2020 at 03:55 AM.

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    @onfireee You are correct, rational argument does jack shit. However, your scenarios are also bullshit. I mean, if you think the average soyboy and/or trigglypuff "people of wal-mart" tier fucktard stands an honest chance against the lowly likes of my Scots-Irish ass in a fair fight, well, you are quite delusional. Also, me and mine got guns and are very, oh so very well aware as to how they are to be properly used. The r-selected trash is about to be taken out. Do yourself a favor, stop being a commie PoS and get with the winning team.

    It ain't hard, but I am curious as to what you think I'm referring to. Y'know my kind, always gotta collect more data points .

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    @onfireee You are correct, rational argument does jack shit. However, your scenarios are also bullshit. I mean, if you think the average soyboy and/or trigglypuff "people of wal-mart" tier fucktard stands an honest chance against the lowly likes of my Scots-Irish ass in a fair fight, well, you are quite delusional. Also, me and mine got guns and are very, oh so very well aware as to how they are to be properly used. The r-selected trash is about to be taken out. Do yourself a favor, stop being a commie PoS and get with the winning team.

    It ain't hard, but I am curious as to what you think I'm referring to. Y'know my kind, always gotta collect more data points .
    We dont like yo kind here boy

    U better gittttt

  15. #15
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    INTJ - Robespierre

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    Twitter removed an ANTIFA account that was secretly run by White Nationalist trolls:

    A good rule of thumb is to automatically assume that any extreme opinion you read on anonymous social media platforms is a lie, calculated to make the alleged source seem more unreasonable or violent than it really is. It's an even better idea to avoid these anonymous rumour mills entirely.

    Social media makes it easy to choose your friends, but now we see that it also makes it easy to choose your enemies.

    BTW, this is one reason that I didn't join the anti-SJW band wagon — not all, but a good chunk of the most ridiculous politically-correct beliefs were probably manufactured by trolls with vested interests. The other reason I didn't sign on is that I don't like moral panics: you can't panic and think clearly at the same time.

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    Piles of bricks, the building blocks of a new society

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Piles of bricks, the building blocks of a new society

    Joe Rogan on Agent Provocateurs During George Floyd Protests, Mysterious Pallets of Bricks

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    I've been watching the crowds in cities all over the country protesting against racism and police violence, and listening to Trump's threats to use the Army against the US citizens who are demonstrating, and I can't help but contrast the number of people protesting now with the number of people who attended his inauguration.

    He wanted crowds, he managed to get them.

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    Well, @Taffy, for Trump, the Bible, the Church, the people around him, all are props for his greater aggrandizement in his daily reality show.

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    I would love to drop all of Iran's religious fanatics, and all of the State's Evangelical Christians, onto a very large island covered with rocks and flame throwers and let them work out their problems in the way they see best.

    Just as long as they aren't able to involve the rest of us in their solutions.

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    Wait, I have Scots-Irish blood. This could explain a lot.

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    The US is an anti-white, anti-european, anti-christian country. It supports the sodom and gomorrah movement represented by the rainbow flag.

    Can we say that social cohesion and trust in this country are already broken?
    Last edited by khcs; 06-05-2020 at 07:24 AM.

  25. #25
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    Rampant racism in the USA

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Rampant racism in the USA

    This is implausible on so many levels logically and conceptually, but the thankless slog of debunking sloppy Te is not how I want to spend my Friday. So I will only address the most obvious

    **25.5% of all interracial crimes in the U.S. are committed by blacks against whites. Not 90%

    - 90% of interracial crimes are not committed against whites
    - 90% of interracial crimes are not committed by blacks
    - 90% of interracial crimes are not committed by blacks against whites

    If you seriously thought any of those 3 was plausible, you need to be playing with crayons, not numbers.

    Stop your Pinterest tier shitty statistical analysis and get back to Pinterest tier shitty typing.

    Leads to

    Criminal Victimization, 2018

    Leads to

    Full report

    Leads to

    Table 14

    Interracial committed by blacks against whites = Black on White / Total IntERracial

    BoW= 15.3% × 3581360
    Tot_IntERracial = TotAll - Tot_IntRAracial = 5,061,940 - [WoW+BoB+HoH+AoA]

    WoW = White on White = White on White - 62% of 3,581,360
    BoB = Black on Black = 70.3% of 563,940
    HoH = Hispanic on Hispanic = 45.4% of 734,410
    AoA = Asian on Asian = 24.1% of 182,230

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    This is implausible on so many levels logically and conceptually, but the thankless slog of debunking sloppy Te is not how I want to spend my Friday. So I will only address the most obvious

    **25.5% of all interracial crimes in the U.S. are committed by blacks against whites. Not 90%

    - 90% of interracial crimes are not committed against whites
    - 90% of interracial crimes are not committed by blacks
    - 90% of interracial crimes are not committed by blacks against whites

    If you seriously thought any of those 3 was plausible, you need to be playing with crayons, not numbers.

    Stop your Pinterest tier shitty statistical analysis and get back to Pinterest tier shitty typing.

    Leads to

    Criminal Victimization, 2018

    Leads to

    Full report

    Leads to

    Table 14

    Interracial committed by blacks against whites = Black on White / Total IntERracial

    BoW= 15.3% × 3581360
    Tot_IntERracial = TotAll - Tot_IntRAracial = 5,061,940 - [WoW+BoB+HoH+AoA]

    WoW = White on White = White on White - 62% of 3,581,360
    BoB = Black on Black = 70.3% of 563,940
    HoH = Hispanic on Hispanic = 45.4% of 734,410
    AoA = Asian on Asian = 24.1% of 182,230
    Thank you for this. I wanted to reply as well, but I too didn't want to waste my Friday arguing with a racist. I figured it's a hopeless battle, but the info is good for other forum users who might be susceptible to believing that kind of trash.

    "In the age of information, ignorance is a choice"

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    Thank you for this. I wanted to reply as well, but I too didn't want to waste my Friday arguing with a racist. I figured it's a hopeless battle, but the info is good for other forum users who might be susceptible to believing that kind of trash.

    "In the age of information, ignorance is a choice"
    You are anti-white which means you are racist too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    You are anti-white which means you are racist too.
    I am white, retard.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    This is implausible on so many levels logically and conceptually, but the thankless slog of debunking sloppy Te is not how I want to spend my Friday. So I will only address the most obvious

    **25.5% of all interracial crimes in the U.S. are committed by blacks against whites. Not 90%

    - 90% of interracial crimes are not committed against whites
    - 90% of interracial crimes are not committed by blacks
    - 90% of interracial crimes are not committed by blacks against whites

    If you seriously thought any of those 3 was plausible, you need to be playing with crayons, not numbers.

    Stop your Pinterest tier shitty statistical analysis and get back to Pinterest tier shitty typing.

    Leads to

    Criminal Victimization, 2018

    Leads to

    Full report

    Leads to

    Table 14

    Interracial committed by blacks against whites = Black on White / Total IntERracial

    BoW= 15.3% × 3581360
    Tot_IntERracial = TotAll - Tot_IntRAracial = 5,061,940 - [WoW+BoB+HoH+AoA]

    WoW = White on White = White on White - 62% of 3,581,360
    BoB = Black on Black = 70.3% of 563,940
    HoH = Hispanic on Hispanic = 45.4% of 734,410
    AoA = Asian on Asian = 24.1% of 182,230

    Statistics of interracial crimes are very sensitive data. The numbers published are likely to be inaccurate.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I've been watching the crowds in cities all over the country protesting against racism and police violence, and listening to Trump's threats to use the Army against the US citizens who are demonstrating, and I can't help but contrast the number of people protesting now with the number of people who attended his inauguration.

    He wanted crowds, he managed to get them.
    He was, to be fair, appealing to what would amount to half the damned country logically speaking. Trust me man, you have no idea how frustrated and incensed us dirt folk fly over country dwelling Christians were at the time. It wasn't race or anything like that, it was us being treated like we didn't matter for shit on all practical levels. Trump, for all his faults, pissed off everyone who ostensibly hated us "just because". I forget the political figure they were referring to, but they put it quite succinctly. "We love him most for the enemies he has made."

    A lesson the Antifa blackshirt asshats are going to learn the hard way yet again soon on the local and national level. These riots just guaranteed Trump's second term. As if Biden's senility hadn't done so already.

    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    We dont like yo kind here boy U better gittttt
    I would, but that'd make you happy. I don't make commies happy .

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Wait, I have Scots-Irish blood. This could explain a lot.
    You don't tolerate BS/idiots lightly, you aren't all that uncomfortable (indeed, perhaps a wee bit happy) with the prospect of violence if the other side outright insists on most rational levels despite your likely attempts to dissuade them, and ya get the shakes if ya try to go overly long without ingesting a potato in some form? That's kinda like me and those in my family and those I live around.

    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    The US is an anti-white, anti-european, anti-christian country. It supports the sodom and gomorrah movement represented by the rainbow flag.

    Can we say that social cohesion and trust in this country are already broken?
    That's the "elites". The "country" isn't exactly like that, but the ruling elite are quite demonstrably (Gnostic-Luciferians that they truly are if I were to put a name to their faith). Also, I'd not mind the gays so much if they weren't so utterly in favor of Abortion. There is a hierarchy of sins after all. Buggery/Sodomy is way below the literal murder of infants/unborn. Rational actors like me would rather fry the bigger fish good an thoroughly before even considering battering up the smaller ones.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Rampant racism in the USA

    If you have a point to make then make it because these memes that are generated with random statistics are so ridiculous most people dismiss them outright. Do you have any idea how many whites there are in the US, statistically, compared to other racial groups? I do. I am sure there are other forums better suited for this where you can all comfort each other when you are afraid of the big bad black/brown man. lol

    Keep in mind this is a socionics forum first and there are people who don't want to deal with nonsense. We have people of all races here and they should all feel welcome to be here without having to see passive aggressive memes directed at them.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    If you have a point to make then make it because these memes that are generated with random statistics are so ridiculous most people dismiss them outright. Do you have any idea how many whites there are in the US, statistically, compared to other racial groups? I do. I am sure there are other forums better suited for this where you can all comfort each other when you are afraid of the big bad black/brown man. lol

    Keep in mind this is a socionics forum first and there are people who don't want to deal with nonsense. We have people of all races here and they should all feel welcome to be here without having to see passive aggressive memes directed at them.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Please talk to Kingslayer about cooperation who brought criminal cases at the famous people section of this forum.

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    Isolated cases of racism exists.

    Systemic racism within the police does not

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    @Grendel you can change the fact that you’re an incel (well, you may disagree I guess) or act evangelistic and condemn blacks and gays, but I can’t change the fact that I’m a chink.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    But you don't know that I am really an evangelical or condemn blacks and gays. You just know that I like some people who are, and that I would never condemn a relative, sure.
    But you're also being deceitful to think there's a hard binary where someone must either be universally bigoted against everyone outside of their group, or universally xenial. It's not a hard line between "I think my people deserve to rule every nation" and "One group exclusively rules every nation and they are bad, and must be overthrown everywhere."

    The trouble is that there are real world examples of people extending their notions of solidarity so far that it's damaging. To my understanding, these "anti-racist" polemics have been abused in bad faith in Australia to silence criticism of the Chinese governmental and corporate fifth-column that's been buying out control of the country and steering it to actions far out of line with the wishes of the former population. So of course I'm suspicious of the "anti-racism" train being stretched to infinity. It's like a dead meme at this point.

    The problem with solidarity is that it equates acceptance of any one other group, with so much tolerance towards every outside group's actions that you can no longer criticize one of them, even if their actions are damaging. To my knowledge, the "anti-racist" notions we preach in western countries aren't actually taken seriously on the Chinese mainland, but every time a pro-PRC shill tries to spread seeds of doubt and invalidate the USA, racial divides are the first cudgel they use.

    That tells me that this endless myopia over a single issue that hasn't been solved in decades - and probably never will be solved - is what will annihilate the only culture in the world that tolerates me. So many companies come out in favor of BLM when the money's on their side, but none speak out against the oppression of Hong Kong because of all the Chinese money they'd lose. It makes me think US racial tensions are a farce that's distracted us too long from the serious issues.

    So that's what I mean when I say "fuck solidarity." Many of the same people who protest for equality in the US are also spewing shit like "all nations matter," which includes the ones that hate me. I don't even mean "fuck racial justice," just fuck the Solidarity aspect to it. Geography is a thing. It's not all black and white, you've created a false cosmology where instead of a tank full of sharks, there's only one great white shark you have to kill as if no other shark will replace them. No lesser-evils, only one evil to rule them all.

    Also, fuck the brocialists who would gulag me for being weak for the greater good. When they reveal shit like that, I know their universal solidarity is a self-serving lie. Shit like that is what make me say it really is a zero-sum game of groups vying for power.
    Err, I never said any of those things so I’m not sure where you got the idea that I meant that. (Also, I was making a general allegory since I didn’t get the impression that you yourself would directly condemn blacks or gays.) I also wouldn’t like the negative consequences of what it’s led to taken to an extreme obviously, like you said it wouldn’t really benefit anybody and has really led to ANTIFA etc. But that’s quite extreme and only makes up a tiny portion of these issues IMO. Racism exists and impacts people’s lives negatively on a day to day level, was my point. I would condemn a relative if their actions condemned others unnecessarily btw, but that was besides the point that I was trying to make. Your little old grandparents being able to be racist and getting away with it does not mean that it’s good, or that you can be racist/bigoted too (again, speaking generally here) and expect to be received in the same way. It doesn’t even take any effort actually, referencing your post made afterwards. It takes the absence of negative action, and also refraining from becoming triggered also lol.
    Last edited by sbbds; 06-08-2020 at 05:59 AM.

  37. #37
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    I just want to be an old grandpa and retire

  38. #38
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    I also noticed that you deleted your original post from the previous page @Grendel . Why?

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I also noticed that you deleted your original post from the previous page @Grendel . Why?
    Because it was in poor taste, and in a poor context to be venting about something only tangentially related to the main issue in this thread, based on information I have that would've made it make more sense but didn't want to disclose. I shouldn't've said anything and the most that could come of it is being an attention-whore.

    Basically it's awful that these catastrophes are going on, but I still hate the left-wing as a whole for other reasons I won't fully divulge and shouldn't do here.

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    Crime dropped by nearly a third in New Jersey town where the police department was disbanded and replaced with cops who go door-to-door on their first day

    The former chief of the disbanded police Camden Police Department in New Jersey told on Tuesday how crime in the town went down after the department was torn up and replaced by one in which cops held neighborhood barbecues and went door-to-door to introduce themselves to residents in a bid to win their trust.

    Camden got rid of its police department in 2013 after becoming known as one of the most violent towns in the US. A new police department replaced it and officers were taught to focus less on arrest quotas and more on making the community feel safe.
    Since then, crime has gone down drastically; there were 67 murders in 2012 compared to 25 in 2019, and 65 excessive force complaints in 2012 compared to just three in 2019.

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