If one wants relationships with Ijs, one first must get to intimately know their plans, which may not be all that forthcoming right off the bat; it'll take time and a superficial understanding won't do. Many Ijs may think that they don't have plans but if one looks deep enough, they're there. All the time that you'll be spending trying to figure out the Ijs' plans, they will be rationalizing you, your probing and your actions. Their main concern will be whether or not you can be integrated into their plans and for your own protection, you have to find out exactly the same thing because they may not get it right in the beginning but later will wash their hands of you quickly. They'll readily give opinions and signals, not as much to cater to you but rather to test you, and much of this behaviour is involuntary. In the beginning, if their responses seem somewhat casual and non specific, then they may not be all that interested either the subject or the potential relationship - it can be hard to distinguish.

a.k.a. I/O