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Thread: How to romance series: LSI

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    I didn't mean to shut you down and I appreciate your input! There have been several red flags that suggest that he does have issues beyond type. But you are right, LSIs are controlling to me.
    A very interesting observation about your impression of LSI's.

    Having spent over a year each in relationships with SLI's (your dual) and LSI's (your conflictor) I can say that I found LSI's to be slightly controlling, in the sense that they wanted to establish a clear hierarchy in the chain of command. When they found I could not be controlled, they stopped trying (mostly) to control me, accepted my lead, and just went with the flow.

    The SLI never tried to directly control me (which is why I married her) but instead used passive aggression to influence me, which I found to be worse in many ways, but that might have been her aberrant reaction to being with someone who was not reacting to her actions the way that she subconsciously expected - like an IEE would, that is.

    I've since thought that a lot of my problems with the SLI had to do with the fact that neither of us had the correct "levers" to steer or influence the other. I do think duals have these levers for each other. I've seen this in my own case.

    I'm enjoying reading about your voyage through the socion dating scene. With time, it could rival the one written by an LSI male about his experiences. I can only say I greatly admire your boldness and fortitude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Having spent over a year each in relationships with SLI's (your dual) and LSI's (your conflictor) I can say that I found LSI's to be slightly controlling, in the sense that they wanted to establish a clear hierarchy in the chain of command. When they found I could not be controlled, they stopped trying (mostly) to control me, accepted my lead, and just went with the flow.
    My LIE ex also felt that way about me. But I never just went with the flow with him, I didn't accept his lead or anything like that. We just continued to fight over these things, though nothing too bad. I didn't mind the fights themselves, just if it was a pain in the ass to get something sorted, from a practical standpoint.

    I've since thought that a lot of my problems with the SLI had to do with the fact that neither of us had the correct "levers" to steer or influence the other. I do think duals have these levers for each other. I've seen this in my own case.
    Agreed. I did not have the Fi "lever" in my relationship with the LIE for sure. When sometimes I managed to be "Fi enough" that worked wonders. Same for him when he managed to be "Fe enough".

    I'm enjoying reading about your voyage through the socion dating scene. With time, it could rival the one written by an LSI male about his experiences.
    Ha, yeah.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'm enjoying reading about your voyage through the socion dating scene. With time, it could rival the one written by an LSI male about his experiences. I can only say I greatly admire your boldness and fortitude.
    Aw, I this made my day! <3

    Now I feel less pathetic about the fact that the ILE is already history and I am currently typing the next candidate.
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