Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
He kept talking about what we will do when we see each other again, but made no effort to see me (or help me with my efforts to make it happen). I don't like all talk. If you say you want to do something, do it.
Did you explicitly ask for help with your efforts to make it happen?

I don't have the text anymore and don't really want to revisit this in detail, but the tone was condescending and formal and he scolded me for basically misbehaving (aka, not acting according to HIS script) and stating that I was in the wrong (which I wasn't, by the most objective standards). He could have just said "sorry, I don't think this is working out" rather than pointing out my "bad behavior" (which didn't exist).
I'm not sure if it was actually a condescending tone for the formal expression about not wanting to communicate more if it was just text. The scolding part, ok, that's negative.

He was pissed off that I didn't let him do what he wanted. He wanted it all on his terms and he sucked at communicating. I am usually more than happy to own my part in a communication breakdown, but when I ask someone if they are ok and they answer "no" and nothing else and leave me hanging for an entire day and night while I worry my little heart out, and then scold me for being "probing," the issue is with them and them alone. Everything was absolutely hunky dory before, until I got annoyed with the constant talk, but no initiative. When I nicely asked if he is really all that interested he ignored me. Then he deliberately made me worry as punishment for asking again what we are going to do. I have dated someone like this before. It's classic narcissist bullshit.
Are you sure he made you worry deliberately?

Sounds like your way of "probing" was not compatible with him. (This part could be Socionics related.) That, and maybe some unhealthy stuff going on too, sure.

See above. Rather than telling me how annoying my behavior is in the most condescending and ridiculously formal tone, he could have just said "sorry, not working for me."

But other red flags suggest I was dealing with a narcissistic sociopath, so this is likely not type-related.
That tone could've just been Ti stuff.

Red flags are no good though of course.