Quote Originally Posted by Petter View Post
Okay, what are those deviations according to you?
Excellent question and this took me over 4 years of relentless prodding on the matter, a simple fact I didn't want to accept but was forced to do so was that everyone comes out with a personal interpretation of Jung's ideas and there is no impartial metric of evaluation to segregate various interpretations, beyond what a person feels is correct. The similar semantics only obfuscate the deviations, ask the people for absolute clarity and everyone reveals how they actually understand the ideas thus precisely their actual personal deviation.

*Myers & Briggs focus on simplifying everything to being about feelings - outer feelings, the society what is right and wrong as society dictates & inner feelings - the personal morality affecting how a person sees things & their inner feelings.

*Socionics focuses on emotions & relations: as emotions - feelings expressions, outer subjective experience displayed & relations - encompasses things that are fully thought out and analysed about society - morality, various forms of relations as they are thought about and analysed.

This stuff above is something you've correctly labelled as "descriptions", they amount to being substantiated rationalisations of whatever Jung meant in his esoteric writings. Everyone keeps trying to guess and people just end up choosing whatever they feel. There is no information to judge and discriminate between how people feel in the absence of robust evidence. All complex interpretations of these Jungian ideas all serve to hide people's subjective feelings about what they think is correct; furthermore, people only further confuse themselves with complexity trying to do mental-gymnastics that they overlook the collective confusion not in just themselves but everyone as they argue on what they want Jung to mean. The simplistic interpretation, which is correct & accurate, is that people arbitrarily drew borders around "descriptions" of what supposedly Jung meant is the only rational interpretation.

Quote Originally Posted by Petter View Post
energy/efficiency (Thinking)
Energy and efficiency have nothing to do with Logic in socionics or Jung's esoteric theory, but rather this is part of the temperament theory which is actually substantiated. Extroverts (linear/abruptly applying solutions & flexible/weighing-all-options alike) don't think in terms of efficiency use of energy and task/problems acquisition, rather expending high energy on problems available; contrary Introverts are energy and efficiency conscious regarding how they apply themselves to tasks and problems at hand.

People with emotions predominantly think, it is just that their expressive nature has a strong rational (as reasoned and societally beneficial behaviour) aura that affects and dictates the social environment, ending up colouring most of what is thought to be their personality on observation - particularly the derivative of the personality abstraction.