Quote Originally Posted by Soupman View Post
You remember this article by Roan LaPlante/Aestrivex? It is pretty apparent that whatever Jung, MBTI, nor socionics talks about are abstractions that have little to do with each other, beyond rudimentary similarities. Now, in fact, socionics and MBTI are rudimentary closer to each other that whatever Jung's esoteric writings have to say.

First of all, Roan is not a socionist. He's a self-proclaimed expert. He compares descriptions of information aspects with Jungian functions, but he draws the wrong conclusions.

For example; "Externalized sense of value. Belief of values and worth is dependent on the external surroundings. When our surrounding tells us that it is important to be respectful of friends and family, that is what we utilize as Fe value. When we accept values of the church, it becomes our Fe value. It tells us to adopt social roles based on our external surroundings."

What are those beliefs/evaluations based on? Emotions! So Socionics Fe and Jungian Fe refer to same thing.

Most importantly, though, do the descriptions correspond with definitions of information aspects?