I've posted these questions in the quadra forums. Just in case you were curious, I've decided to answer these myself too.

What are your favorite things to do?

Creating, composing, speculating, nature walks, losing myself in thought/imagination, getting lost playing an imagination in my mind until I become unaware of my surroundings, playing the piano

What is a typical day for you?

Outside of work, I tend to be drawn by curiosity toward various ideas, things to explore. I go from one thing to another, often lead forward as if solving a mystery.

What do you hate doing?

I avoid doing mundane tasks, things that have to get done. However, they're usually not that bad when I actually get around to doing them.

What are biggest weaknesses?

Procrastinating things that have to get done, spending too much time on one activity and forgetting about other things, avoiding the "do the next thing that needs to be done" mentality, letting the avoidance state of mind feed on itself

What are you really good at?

Creating, having insights about things, having ideas come to me

How do you arrange things at home?

I try to make it so it's easy to grab what I need with minimal effort. However, I have a hard time finding the time or will to straighten things up, unless I can get into a special state where I'm able to do that. Other than that, everything is very utilitarian. I avoid spending money on "things."

How do you organize your day?

If I think I can get away with it, I just follow my inspiration toward whatever it leads. Then, when I've done that too much and stuff isn't getting done, I "reform" myself and become very disciplined. When trying to accomplish something that needs to be done, I have to write things down. I use the paper or file on the computer to tell me what to do next. If I'm in a really tight spot, I'll write down times on a sheet of paper on the left, and tasks with estimation of completion time on the right, then try to link them up. Sometimes I verbalize what I'm doing to keep myself on track.

What is your process in thinking or doing things?

I have many processes. But often, an idea pops in my head that leads me to ask questions about something. I see opportunities for interesting ideas, or problems to be solved. That gets me thinking in a narrative sort of way. I like to talk to myself silently about all sorts of ideas.

Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?

All the time. I feel that I've experienced "being" most of the types at one time or the other. Sometimes my thoughts are tightly wound and precise; other times I just imagine. Sometimes I get into a very feeling, expressive state. Sometimes I'm rather sensory. When these are combined, I feel as if I'm ISFp or other variants. Sometimes I'm very laid back. Other times, I discover discipline, and then I'm sort of impersonal, very quick, and don't like anything to slow me down. Depending on my state, I may have difficulty playing certain composers that conflict with that state. For example, expressive emotions may go well with a sort of internal analytical frame of mind, but not well with a discplined get-things-done frame of mind. However, I can always improvise something to fit whatever state of mind I'm in.

Life is about managing state of mind and finding the right state of mind to do what one has to do, or when possible, finding the right productive use of one's current state of mind.

In the past, there was a time when sometimes I was super outgoing and social, highly aware of my emotions, and walked around with a big smile and was aware of everyone around me. When I was that way, it got to where I didn't like to be alone, which was very strange and completely unlike how I am most of the time. However, I tend to like to keep things stable now, so I don't get into that state anymore, but I might if I ever had to be that way for the sake of an artistic project.