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Thread: 80 questions is a lot

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    Default 80 questions is a lot


    General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean?
    Generally, the bus driver picks people up and drops them off. Specifically, he picks me up at 6:38 and drops me off downtown at 6:59. It could get more general and more specific than this. The question seems to imply movement between the two, which I don't understand.

    What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view?
    Something is illogical in my understanding when it can't be supported by a reasonable explanation corresponding with reality or facts. I think the common view of logic consists of a more specific definition... And there are things like math that have little correspondence with reality or facts - I think I can sometimes judge the veracity of those things, but I don't know how.

    How do you explain fractions on the dial of the clock?
    The bigger ones represent hours and the smaller ones represent minutes.

    What is a rule? What rules do you have to follow?
    Rules are behaviors/actions that are expected at the risk of consequences inflicted by the rulemaking party. For example I pay my rent on time so I don't get evicted.

    What is hierarchy? Do you need to follow it? Why or why not?
    Hierarchy is the positioning of some people with authority or influence over others. It doesn't need to be followed, unless somebody has codified privileges due to their position (for example I can't fire one of my coworkers). I personally find it makes life easier, to know who to defer to and who to delegate to.

    What do you think of instructions? Do you use them? Could you write an instruction manual? If so, what type of instruction manual would you most likely write?
    Instructions are useful when you don't know how to do something. Pretty much anyone could write an instruction manual for an activity they understand, but enjoyment of doing it and level of detail included are another matter - I think I could do a decent job and I wouldn't enjoy it. Maybe I could enjoy writing up a recipe. A recipe is a sort of instruction manual.

    Please explain: "Freedom is in complying with the laws, but not in ignoring the laws"? Do you agree with the statement? Why?
    Lmao, only insofar as you won't end up imprisoned. Otherwise, bullshit.

    Tell us how consistent you are.
    Overly consistent in my daily habits, very consistent in my opinions and sentiments. I feel a great deal of inner inconsistency I don't know how to explain. (Mental?)

    What is a "standard"? Why do people need it?
    A standard is an example of a thing for other things to be compared to in order to determine quality. Without it, it would be difficult to set goals, determine quality, or have order.

    You need to put your home library in order. How do you feel about this activity? How will you approach this task?
    This can be sort of enjoyable, unless they won't go in the order I've chosen because of lack of room, or if I'm going alphabetically and it ends up looking too ugly and I get frustrated or something. It's also mostly a waste of time. I generally try to keep the books I haven't read yet on separate shelves from the ones I've read so that they're easier to find. I don't re-read much, so any other form of organization is totally arbitrary.


    What is work in your opinion?
    Action taken towards an objective.

    Why do people go to work?
    It's usually necessary for survival. It's also a way to stay occupied. Some lucky people find fulfillment through it.

    Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?
    Do I know how and/or is adequate instruction provided? Are the skills required within my known capacity? (ie if it requires an in-depth understanding of complicated mathematical concepts, no amount of instruction will get me there).

    Is there any correlation between quality and quantity?
    I dunno. Quantity and value, yeah, but quantity and quality, probably not.

    Tell us if or how the price depends on quality?
    Higher quality things can demand a higher price than lower quality things.

    How do people determine the quality of work?
    Comparison to a standard and/or amount of production.

    How do you determine such quality?
    Um, the same way? I guess I have my own quirks that are kind of irrelevant to the objective quality - like if two people gave me completed forms and they were both filled out the same way, I'd still deem the overall quality of the one with nicer looking handwriting and less smudge marks to be better. But that's not something I would want to influence the distribution of reward or punishment.

    How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?
    How long it lasts is probably the best determiner. To a lesser degree, the price and the amount of bells and whistles. I don't pay much attention to it.

    How do you feel if you didn't finish some work? Does it ever happen? What are the reasons?
    On edge, thinking about how/when I will finish it. I'm confused because generally work has to be finished one way or the other, so I guess this means not finished on time. It happens occasionally, usually due to factors outside of my control (maybe not properly accounted for). Or due to spending too much time trying to make it perfect.

    What is "interesting work" for you? Please explain in detail.
    Interesting work challenges my mental faculties but doesn't overwhelm me. Or doing something physical alongside people I like, while listening to music and having a good time - maybe interesting would be the wrong word for that, but its the opposite of uninteresting.

    You go to the store and see something you're interested in buying; there is a price tag on it. What parameters are you going to use to understand if it's overpriced, underpriced, or priced correctly?
    Simply whether its a price I think is worth paying for it.

    When you work and someone tells you: "You don't do it right." What is your reaction?
    Okay, rudeass, how should I do it then? (I wouldn't actually say rudeass at work.)

    There is a professional right next to you. You always see that you can't perform the way they do. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?
    Lol, I feel like this all the time and take it for long as I'm doing well enough to keep my job I don't care. If they've been in the position for less time than I have, I would worry about what my employer would notice wrt to my future prospects. Otherwise, they're probably just more experienced than me and I can learn from them (I guess that's the "action," whether they're more experienced or not).

    When you have to ask someone else to help you with the task, how do you feel?
    I worry a little about interrupting/bothering them, and I'm nervous that it's something I should have been able to figure out myself.

    You need to build a pyramid exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?
    Thoughts: Why? There's no reason for this...
    Feelings: Being intimated and stressed out.
    Actions: Finding people who could help me locate the appropriate materials and scope out a location would be first on the agenda.


    What is beauty?
    A feeling of resonance or awe in response to something.

    Do you change your opinion about beauty? Does your understanding correlate with the generally accepted notion? What goes beyond the generally accepted notion?
    I guess my opinion fluctuates and evolves, but not to a sharp degree. It frequently diverges from the generally accepted notion - I find beauty in dissonant or 'grotesque' things. The generally accepted notion of beauty tends to be more symmetrical, pleasant, and non-offensive.

    Please describe your understanding of a beautifully dressed person. What is the core of beauty? How do you explain what is beautiful to a person who has never heard about beauty before?
    A beautifully dressed person is one who's attire gives me a feeling of awe, envy, or inspiration - the core of beauty, which goes back to the definition I offered. If I was trying to explain it, maybe I'd ask the person to describe how they feel when they look at different things.

    Is there a template of understanding what beautiful means for everyone to use?
    There is - symmetry, color combination, etc. I'd only find it interesting or important if I wanted to sell something.

    Is there such a term as "classical beauty"?
    This makes me think of renaissance paintings or old movie actresses. Maybe its a combination of beauty and nostalgia.

    What is comfort?
    Lack of pain or tightness in the body or mind. Like when you've finished a yoga session and you're lying in corpse pose - that would be an example of being comfortable.

    What is coziness?
    Being enveloped in warmth. Like a blanket or another person's body around you, or being next to a fire.

    How do you create your comfort and coziness?
    Stretch, lie under a blanket.

    How do others evaluate your skill in doing so? Do you agree with them?
    Nobody cares? I guess sometimes someone will comment something like that I should crack a window in my apartment because its hot. And then I'm either like, "yeah, I guess you're right," or "really? I'm kinda chilly." But either way I just crack the window for their benefit.

    How do you pick your own clothes?
    I find them aesthetically pleasing and they don't make my body look fat or weird.

    Do you follow fashion? Why?
    No. I don't really see the point in spending the money it would cost to do so.

    Do you know how to select clothes for different types of figures?
    Not really.

    How do you cook? Do you follow recipes?
    I choose what I cook based on the ingredients I have on hand - its like a constant race to use things before they go bad. I frequently find new recipes to make based on those ingredients and I enjoy seeing how they turn out. I have certain fallback things that I always keep ingredients for to make if I don't have anything planned, like quesadillas.

    What do others think of your skill?
    I've gotten compliments and criticisms. I'm probably an average cook.

    Are you good at color patterns and mixing them and matching?

    If someone is telling you what is beautiful and what is not, what goes with what color and what is not, do you agree with this person?
    If they're referring to the standard in fashion or the shoulds and should-nots, I'll take their word for it. What I find beautiful is another matter.

    Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself or trust someone else to do it? Why?
    I'd like to get input, but have the final say. Sometimes others notice things I wouldn't have come up with and I'm like "hey, good idea!" But I have my own tastes and preferences.

    How do you know if a person has bad taste? Could you give us an example? Do you always trust your own taste or do you seek opinions from others?
    If the stuff they like is ugly and tacky. Like, if they have a neon poster of some stupid computer-generated fantasy scene on their wall. I trust my own taste because its subjective. If I was trying to impress or sell something, I would seek opinions from others (and be slightly irritated about it).


    Can you line up human resources and make them do things?
    Only if they're inclined toward the activity in the first place, and just unmotivated or something. I might try to use some persuasion if they're completely uninterested or if there are higher stakes for myself, but I don't like making a dictator of myself.

    What methods do you use?
    I usually allude to the costs of not acting - ie. "if we don't do this right now, X will happen, so hurry." I try to use reason by clearly framing the consequences of not acting immediately. But sometimes emotional influence like saying how important it is to me or goofily sleeve-pulling.

    Can you press people? If so, how does it happen?
    The only time I'm relentless is when I'm emotional. So its usually just a prolonged onslaught of why they suck and should listen to me, lol. When I'm calm, I'm a lot more live and let live.

    What is incursion? How do you deal with this?
    "An invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one.”
    The only scenario I can think of is somebody verbally attacking me. In which case it depends a lot on the person and their method. If its out of the blue, I usually go into a calm, placating, reasonable sort of state to try to manipulate them into mirroring me and chilling out.

    Can you repulse? How easy can you do it?
    With strangers, its the easiest thing in the world - just something I turn on with my body language (often by reflex/accident...). With others I can do it by being a dismissive bitch, but I prefer not to do that if I like them and I don't want them to see me poorly. Nobody wants to deal with someone who is being unreasonable and not even listening to or mirroring them, lol - so they go away.

    What does "my people" and "strangers" mean? When do "my people" become "strangers" and why?
    My people are the people in my circle. Strangers are people I don't know. My people can fall out of my circle but they never are strangers again.

    Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified?
    I react in the moment, I don't think about strategies. Attacking is justified to defend yourself.

    Do you think it's ok to occupy someone else's territory? In what situations?
    Like breaking into their house?, if I was visiting a new person and we were socializing in the living room I'd feel weird going into their bedroom without a good reason.

    What are the methods of volitional force? When is it most effective and in what situations?
    I don't know, this confuses me.

    How do you protect yourself and your interests?
    Keeping a small circle and avoiding people who want to control me. I've noticed that threats to myself and my interests have usually come from people I let in the door and I shouldn't have. If I'm trying to protect loved ones from others I am ruder than I am trying to protect myself from others because I want to convey that I will be annoying and I can't mind my own business.

    Describe your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?
    I guess the most "force" I use in "opposition" is telling creepy guys in bars to stop following my friends (stepping between them and saying "fuck off" with a rude expression) or repeatedly texting someone when I'm mad, lmao. I mean, in most typical situations I aim for diplomacy.

    Do others think of you as a strong person? Do you think you are a strong person?
    I have been called strong and I have been called naïve and scared (which I see as the same as weak). I think I am strong, but more skilled in resilience and grit, not so much in being a tough ass or taking control.

    How do you understand if a person is strong? Are there any signs of a strong person? (I combined these questions).
    They can simultaneously meet situations head-on while keeping their cool. They don't expect others to carry them.

    What is the core of any force?
    For me, there needs to be an emotional impetus, but I don't think this is the correct answer.

    Why do people listen to one person, but not the other?
    One person is smarter, more persuasive, has more authority, they like them better...any/all of these reasons.


    What is boorishness?
    The dictionary definition? I guess I'd say its being hurtful for your own amusement, or dismissive of other people's emotional reactions to you.

    Does your understanding of it correlate with the generally accepted notion?
    Maybe, in that I don't really care about "politeness" or manners per se.

    How would you explain what boorishness mean to a 10 year old child?
    I would tell them to think about other people before speaking or acting, and listen to other people when they say they don't like something.

    How would you explain the same to an adult who does not behave ethically?
    I would tell them how I and/or others react to their behavior and explain why that matters to them/gets in the way of their objectives.

    How would you improve the moral of the society?
    The morale or morals? These would be two very different answers...
    The former, I don't really know, and the latter would be divisively political.

    Can you justify somebody's bad behavior by thinking that he/she wasn't taught how to do so?
    I tend to use this to contextualize the behavior of people (including myself) who make bad decisions that hurt themselves (ie. getting into abusive relationships) but I am less sympathetic about people (including myself) who make bad decisions that hurt others (ie. abusing a partner). I think because I feel the latter deserves more shame and culpability, and there needs to be standards.

    Give us your understanding of love. Can you love and punish at the same time?
    Love is when somebody feels like home to you and their happiness and well-being is of paramount importance to you. You can both love and punish children, who are in need of adult guidance, and for whom consistent rules and consequences are an act of love. But control shouldn't be an aspect of adult relationships consisting of mutuality.

    What is sympathy? When do you need to express it? When is it advised not to?
    Sympathy is feeling pity for someone. It's better expressed in the form of empathy or advice/help. Sometimes it's just clear that someone would rather hide what they're dealing with, and it might be kinder for their ego to stay away (with an ear perked for if they change their mind).

    Are there any norms of behavior in the society? Do you follow them? Do people always have to follow them? Why?
    Yes - just the things we're raised to believe are normal. I generally follow them to make life easier. People only have to follow them insofar as they're willing to deal with the consequences, ie. growing a beard to your knees might make it difficult to find a job and yelling about UFOs in the street might get you put an institution, but going to the grocery store with hearts drawn all over your face in magic marker will probably just get you weird looks. People who do not follow norms in a way that I like get extra respect from me.

    How do you know what attitude among people is right or wrong?
    What? I agree or disagree with peoples attitudes towards yes?

    What does moral mean? What is immoral? Does your understanding correlate with the others?
    This is a complicated question - best I can answer is that certain behaviors invoke feelings of bone-deep disgust in a person and those are the things they find immoral. My understanding more or less correlates with the common view in my culture and peer group, with bits of variation, but I care strongly about certain things that other people don't care about and vice versa.

    How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?
    Looking for internal contradictions in my understanding and running it through filters in the outside world (applicability, other peoples reactions to it, etc.)

    Somebody is giving you a negative attitude – what is your reaction?
    It depends. If I care and I know them, I'll probably be like "hey, whats up...?"

    Could you show your own negative attitude toward someone else? If so, how? Could you give a person the silent treatment? How easily do you forgive people?
    Yes, if I'm not restrained by conditions like having to work with them. I just say/show my negative feelings..? Giving the silent treatment isn't my thing - I like problems to actually be resolved. I forgive easily when transgressions are minor and one time. Its much harder to forgive when transgressions are major or repeated. Unforgiveness/dislike are kind of blended - often its not a matter of forgiveness. Its a matter of you've shown what you're about and I don't like it.


    "Whole world does not cost one tear of child" – how do you understand this phrase? Do you agree with this opinion?
    The tear of a child is worth more than the rest of the world. Um, it sounds nice I guess? But the whole world has a bunch of other children in it...

    Is it acceptable to express emotions? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.
    Of course its acceptable to express emotions. Punching somebody because you're angry is an obvious example of inappropriate expression.

    Can you use negative emotions? In what situations?
    I don't "use" emotions on purpose, like emotional manipulation - I used to be much more prone to that when I was younger, but even then, it wasn't calculated. It was done out of desperation, like if I didn't want a boyfriend to leave me.

    How do you express negative emotions? What does it look like? What do others think about it?
    In most normal situations, I just become sort of stiff, and my face gives away sadness or anger even if I would prefer it didn't. Crying or shouting is extremely rare for me these days, either because of emotional maturity or the quality of the people I surround myself with (probably a combination). People react in different ways to it. My boyfriend finds my anger 'aggressive' whereas my best friend easily rolls it off her shoulders and my dad finds it amusing.

    Shallow emotions – what does it mean? Are there any other emotions?
    I guess shallow emotions are easier to ignore, or ones you wouldn't really notice until somebody asked you about it. Getting excited over a cupcake has a different depth level than grieving over a death.

    What are right or wrong emotions?
    There are no wrong emotions. Sometimes an emotion is perceived by others as disproportionate or unfitting to the situation, but what can you do.

    Can you change the emotional state of yourself? Of others? To what side – positive or negative?
    A little, I guess. I can make myself slightly less sad, but I can't make myself happy. Same for others, I think.

    What does it mean to "pour out your emotions"? How does it happen? Does your internal emotional state correlate with what you show externally?
    Pouring out your emotions sounds like some kind of outburst. For myself, I can't really separate it from finally letting someone know what's on my mind - an emotionally flavored dissertation. My emotional state frequently shows what I'm feeling externally, but I don't have much control - sometimes it shows much more than I would like, and sometimes it shows much less than I would like. It causes problems when I want to show affection to somebody who needs more of that kind of communication than I can provide.

    Do you track what mood you are in throughout the day? Do you notice the mood of others?
    I don't "track" it unless I'm in some kind of stressful situation where I'm sulky and especially paying attention. But I always notice it. I more or less notice the moods of others - but if they are someone I am not close to, I might not notice unless they are naturally expressive.


    Do you like surprises?
    Not usually. I can't complain if they are nice, but I hope they don't get in the way of my plans or anything.

    How people change? How do you feel about those changes? Can others see the changes?
    Yes, everybody goes through gradual internal changes. I get some gratification from tracking those changes in myself and seeing how I have grown, but I also get stressed thinking of how stupid I will find out I am in the future. The changes aren't all that visible to others, usually.

    Is it true that whatever happens is only for the best?
    Its not objectively true, but its a good mindset and I tell it to myself sometimes. It can be helpful to see the lesson learned instead of just thinking, "well, that was a shit experience."

    What do you think of horoscopes, fortune telling etc.? Do you believe in luck, lucky fortuity?
    I don't believe in horoscopes or fortune telling in terms of faith. I still enjoy them because I think they are tools to stimulate self-reflection and to activate helpful ideas that you wouldn't have had otherwise. Luck happens, I guess - people win the lottery - but I don't see what there is to believe in. I don't play the lottery.

    Can you forecast events? Is it even real?
    I can guess, but I don't usually try because it usually turns out there were things I didn't account for. Some people are very good at guessing, based on spotting trends and seeing clues. Its not crystal ball real.

    What is time? How do you feel time? Can you "kill" time? How?
    Time is the movement of seconds and minutes - past into future. I feel time in changes? (I don't really "feel" it.) I think killing time is wasting it doing things that don't count for anything, things that you don't value and bring you no closer to what you want.

    Is it easy for you to wait for some important event? What if you don’t know when it is supposed to happen?
    Its pretty easy to wait when I know when its supposed to happen - I guess excited, anxious, etc, but its not so bad. When I don't know when it will happen, I think it won't happen and I want assurances or I will just assume that it won't happen.

    Do you need help creating forecasts and determining how something will end? Do you trust those forecasts?
    I don't think I need them, but sometimes I ask for them and I appreciate them from people I trust only. I am particular about who I take this kind of advice from as it applies to my life because it is so speculative.

    Are you normally late? How do you react if someone is late?
    I'm almost always on time. My best friend is always super late. I complain, and get irritated, and then quickly get over it. I make the occasional sharp retort at her for it but I can't hold it against her. I anticipate it and plan to keep myself occupied.

    Imagine the situation where you agreed to meet with someone. Your feelings and actions:
    a) 20 minutes before the meeting starts
    I'm on my way there, not really thinking about it, playing on my phone.

    b) 5 minutes before the meeting starts,
    I'm internally gathering myself to be sociable with this person, whatever that entails.

    c) it is time for the meeting to start, but the person is not here,
    Not unexpected, being 2 minutes late isn't out of the norm, they should still be here any second, whatever.

    d) 20 minutes after the meeting start time and the person is not here,
    Irritated, anxious, texting them.

    e) more time and the person is still not here…
    After a half hour or so, I would go about my day with the assumption that they aren't showing up.


    Is there a meaning of life? In what? Is it the same for everybody?
    The only meaning of life I can come up with is the sort of existentialist notion that it's whatever you make of it. Which would obviously be different for everybody.

    What should be done so people can be happy?
    Freedom, lack of poverty and violence.

    In the situations with a lot of potential and volatility will you trust your own guts, logically calculating everything or will you ask people you trust what should be done?
    Definitely ask people I trust, and try my best to feel it out and play thing by ear. Calculating what will happen or which actions are safest in a constantly shifting situation is extremely difficult, so it would be kind of like just holding on to the sides of the boat.

    When you meet a stranger, what can you say about them right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone's talents?
    I get vibes relating to how I feel about them and whether we could have chemistry. Within a few minutes I notice some things like whether they are quiet or loud, or simple or thoughtful. I might say something like "he seems like the kind of person who...(raises chickens, or something)" but in a joking way related to a vague impression - not literal.

    Remember an interesting person and call out 5-6 qualities you think are interesting in them. What makes an interesting person? Are you an interesting person? Why? What if someone calls you "boring" and "not interesting"?
    My boyfriend - internally predisposed towards beliefs that fall outside the norm, creative and comes up with stories, has personality traits that are unaligned with his gender, not hooked up to social media (doesn't even have a smartphone), has lived in a foreign country. I don't know if I see myself as interesting - I have an interesting internal life but I'm easily boring to people who don't really know me because I keep myself hidden. I've been called boring - I don't like it, but its understandable considering I have a pretty stable lifestyle and I don't show a lot of depth outside my circle.

    What opinions, from people who know you, seem:
    a) fair;

    I'm quiet/aloof (yea)

    b) not fair;
    I'm uncaring (bcuz I can't show affection the way they want)

    c) hurtful;
    I'm unworldly (I can't help if I don't have the money or opportunity for the experiences others have had, and I feel bad/envious about it)

    d) strange.
    I'm cool (I think they're being nice?)

    (Actually I think these didn't have to be opinions about myself but I saw niffer answered that way and copied it, and now I don't want to go back and change it)

    Do you fantasize? What kind of fantasies do you have?
    All bout sex, baby. Other than that, I might imagine myself on stage singing a song I'm listening to if I'm really into it.

    What qualities should a person have to be successful and why?
    Bravery, social skills, talent in a certain area.

    What qualities can stop a person from being successful and why?
    The opposite ^

    What is more important in life – to be a good person or be a successful one? Why?
    To be a successful one, honestly. Most people see themselves as generally good on an intrinsic level anyway, and aren't likely to face problems in this society for being bad (lol see current presidential election). I don't know... I don't want to downplay the importance of being a "good person." But I'm certainly not running out to donate all my belongings to the poor and volunteer at a soup kitchen every night after work, so I don't expect this of others. And I don't downplay the importance of money wrt having a good life, sorry.

    Is a good person always successful? If not, then why?
    No, more frequently the opposite. Goodness requires some altruism and lack of self-interest.
    Last edited by ashlesha; 10-27-2016 at 10:55 PM.

  2. #2
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Okay, everybody already types me but this took a really fucking long time.

  3. #3
    Jake's Avatar
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    LSI...maybe? You seem Beta, nonetheless.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Please don't ask me to explain specifics.

    Fi > Fe throughout and strong
    Se strong but paired with Fi like when helping a friend lose a creep.
    Te valuing throughout
    Si in alignment with demonstrative
    Ne block full of Fi from my perspective and looking for Ni>Ne


    Not LSI. I am sure a lot of people would love to have you in beta but you are one of the few here that vibes pure gamma to me. I might be biased since I came into this thinking ESI sp/sx and nothing changed.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    So cryptic lol =o

  6. #6

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    Strong conscious Fi, Ti block fits with Ij type but not the Ti of LSI lol sorry for not typing you as my Identical

    Si seems stronger than Ni, definitely more confidence placed into it - Se also seems fine, ESI works on the whole.

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    To me, you have a very similar writing style to my ILE older brother. You write answers to questions that seem as if they are “definition” answers, like the answer wanted when a teacher tells a student to “put something in your own words”. They are answers that seem like “the obvious answer” to me - answers which teachers I have had ask for and like to see, but which makes me sigh and feel dissatisfied if I am forced to give, perhaps because I do not value Ti / introverted thinking, and you may be using Ti?

    You seem like a thinker type to me over feeling; even on your answers to feeling questions, you answer them in that definition / logic-type way, like “this is the answer I am meant to give.” It feels to me like you have an Alpha approach to conflict, snubs, other such things. On a question (in the Ni section), you said if a person skipped out on a meeting, “After a half hour or so, I would go about my day with the assumption that they aren't showing up.” The focus, as on other questions’ answers, seemed to be on the logic, “well I guess I’d do this”, but with no focus given on how it would affect your feelings; also when asked about confrontations (in the Fi section), you said if somebody gives you a negative attitude, “I'll probably be like "hey, whats up...?"”, and if you had negative feelings for someone else (other than a boss), you wouldn’t feel like you needed to hide that; you would simply express anything that needed to be expressed. You say “Giving the silent treatment isn't my thing - I like problems to actually be resolved. I forgive easily when transgressions are minor and one time.” Which gives me the feel of the no-drama Alpha quadra.

    It is as if, you do not give unnecessary attention to negative emotions. You will have them, obviously, and you will deal with them, and then they will be out of the way.

    When answering the question of how to improve society’s morals, you said “the latter would be divisively political.” and left it at that. If you are a logic type, then that would suggest to me Alpha Ti w/ Fe valuing, over Gamma Te, since I have a gamma LIE sister, and she seems to love the opportunity to express her divisive political and/or religious views.

    Also, and this isn’t actually a very good piece of evidence, but this answer you wrote here - to the question “Does your understanding of [boorishness] correlate with the generally accepted notion?”, answered “Maybe, in that I don't really care about "politeness" or manners per se.” - I have an LIE and an alpha SEI sister, and that sentence sounds 100% like a sentence my ILE brother would write, down to the “per se”, and 0% like an answer either of my sisters would write. /end insubstantial piece of evidence

    Thus, given your similar writing manner to my ILE sibling, the way your answers seem more Ti>Te to me, T in general > F, and no unnecessary drama / politics, I would say you are the ILE/ENTp. Would you say that this makes sense, given descriptions of ILE / Alpha, or is there something that particularly confuses/sways you away from that?

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    so okay I'm being cowardly and arguing against you in chatbox but I'm going to finish up the second half here

    first please note that making a case for any socionics claim is about 100x as difficult as making a case against so I have an unfair advantage. peace out bro (I am LSE so we're mirror, and the mirror sometimes sees dark and dingy shapes that are ghost pattern, very disturbed)

    Quote Originally Posted by Auciel Rotte View Post
    To me, you have a very similar writing style to my ILE older brother.
    Not a good typing strategy unless you are 100% sure of brother's type and 100% sure there are only 16 basic people on the planet.

    You write answers to questions that seem as if they are “definition” answers, like the answer wanted when a teacher tells a student to “put something in your own words”. They are answers that seem like “the obvious answer” to me - answers which teachers I have had ask for and like to see, but which makes me sigh and feel dissatisfied if I am forced to give, perhaps because I do not value Ti / introverted thinking, and you may be using Ti?
    what I said in chat was, they are both static so would defer primarily to structure and function rather than whatever emergent situational voodoo dynamic types like to toy with, to which I'll add that I think it matters which two functions are blocked together (eg, does sensing go with ethics or with logics ...) so perhaps democracy also plays a part. in conflict relations I think part of the issue is similar consciousness with opposite strengths and opposite values (eg ILE and ESI would both be conscious of static functions blocked in the democratic way)

    again you should not use variable individual typings as solid foundation, especially when the individual is unknown and in the case of internet creeps, maybe unknowable

    I just realized I already went over this half in chatbox. skipping past the long paragraph because I need to work out.. my gluteus medius feels peckish

    It is as if, you do not give unnecessary attention to negative emotions. You will have them, obviously, and you will deal with them, and then they will be out of the way.
    Not liking negative emotions is pretty alpha but I'm waiting to read her original responses (it's like the tootsie roll in the center of lollipop, which is all hard unfeeling candy)

    OH wait, actually most people don't give unnecessary attention to negative emotions because that would be stupid (I do it because I am of course negativist)

    When answering the question of how to improve society’s morals, you said “the latter would be divisively political.” and left it at that. If you are a logic type, then that would suggest to me Alpha Ti w/ Fe valuing, over Gamma Te, since I have a gamma LIE sister, and she seems to love the opportunity to express her divisive political and/or religious views.
    please elaborate how this brief answer suggests alpha Ti without using sister or pet rock as center of argument. (remember the parable of the tootsie roll)

    Also, and this isn’t actually a very good piece of evidence, but this answer you wrote here - to the question “Does your understanding of [boorishness] correlate with the generally accepted notion?”, answered “Maybe, in that I don't really care about "politeness" or manners per se.” - I have an LIE and an alpha SEI sister, and that sentence sounds 100% like a sentence my ILE brother would write, down to the “per se”, and 0% like an answer either of my sisters would write. /end insubstantial piece of evidence
    at least you know it's insubstantial

    back to actual socionics, this might indicate weak/inert Fe, as manners are developed somewhere in Ti rulebuilding and applied socially through Fe (and the more intelligent the Fe type, the more nuanced this application will be, to the point that they might not look "miss manners" at all but be some iconoclast whom you can't bring to meet your parents)
    granted this attitude would be most common to Fe ignoring --it's kind of stereotypical of Fe devaluers, but LXE and XEE use Fe anyway as role or program (also as contact functions), and the "per se," if anything, suggests she probably evaluates each situation according to its unique consequences, which Fe polr supposedly doesn't have the wherewithal to do since they are characteristically bad at reading social temperatures

    (they need LSE thermometer)

    though all in all lungs is super enigmatic so I say Ni all over the place

    Thus, given your similar writing manner to my ILE sibling, the way your answers seem more Ti>Te to me, T in general > F, and no unnecessary drama / politics, I would say you are the ILE/ENTp. Would you say that this makes sense, given descriptions of ILE / Alpha, or is there something that particularly confuses/sways you away from that?

    Your evaluations are fair and considerate (although if anyone is confused by socionics they should not refine on it too much as anything but an indication of their own realism)

    I think what you are seeing as T>F might be constructivism. Most reinins don't necessarily wash ime but emotivism/constructivism does because it's directly related to model A == in model A inert and contact ethics just so happen to describe emotivism/constructivism. constructivists contacting the world via logic with ethics inert (EXX and XLX), and emotivists contacting the world using ethics with logics inert (XEX and LXX), which matches nicely with Reinin's descriptions of constructivists focusing primarily on the, uh, constructive aspects of any situation, and emotivists focusing primarily on the emotional aspects

    of course everyone knows Fi base are also quite emotional in the secrecy of mind, because always crying themselves to sleep with immorality of known universe

    okay now I will work on my deltoids so I can win the chick LSE beer pong champion of the universe........ I am so winning right now

    I'm sorry this was like 50% spam. Aylen made me because I'm retyping her EII so we can dualize eternally, so she is having Fi angst all over the place and making me reassert my LSE qualities~

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    Lungs: *answers a ton of questions and asks for help figuring out type*
    Some other users: *say what function/type vibes they’re getting, but w/o much elaboration*
    Auciel: *says what type vibes I’m getting, but w/ more elaboration*
    666: Giving a possible type, based on that person’s similarities to another person of that type? RidONculous! Typing one’s personal acquaintances, and using that combined knowledge of socionic theory and family members’ interactions and relationships, in order to better understand and pick up on the types? Lol, what, are you gonna type your pet rock next? Bro, do you even lift?? *single-handedly wrestles down a football team* *becomes chick beer-pong champion of the world*
    Last edited by Auciel Rotte; 10-28-2016 at 09:13 AM. Reason: :P

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    Quote Originally Posted by Auciel Rotte View Post
    To me, you have a very similar writing style to my ILE older brother.
    Writing style =! type.

    You write answers to questions that seem as if they are “definition” answers, like the answer wanted when a teacher tells a student to “put something in your own words”. They are answers that seem like “the obvious answer” to me - answers which teachers I have had ask for and like to see, but which makes me sigh and feel dissatisfied if I am forced to give, perhaps because I do not value Ti / introverted thinking, and you may be using Ti?
    10000 possible reasons for you sighing and feeling disssatisfied, many of them not even socionics related.

    Don't type from little tidbits. You'll just go down the rabbithole. Find the trends of strong vs weak functions instead, especially Base function.

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    How should I word things to be taken seriously?

    Seems to value Ti > Te.
    Gives impression of logic in ego block.
    Extraverted sensing in 3rd, Role Function: “...ILEs are uninterested in forcing people to do things, and are not keen on those who impose their will on others, so they do not take well to direct commands. They often detest authority exercised in this way, and will often challenge abuses of power. When backed into a corner by an aggressive Se, the often harmless appearing ILE will immediately rise to meet the threat and strike it down with carefully crafted ease....”

    I wasn’t typing from little tidbits. I was trying to give concrete examples from the answers given for the type I saw.

    Does someone else have an idea for a type, quadra, or type’s relationships that lungs could look into, instead of telling me why my impressions are oh-so-wrong?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auciel Rotte View Post

    Lungs: *answers a ton of questions and asks for help figuring out type*
    Some other users: *say what function/type vibes they’re getting, but w/o much elaboration*
    Auciel: *says what type vibes I’m getting, but w/ more elaboration*
    666: Giving a possible type, based on that person’s similarities to another person of that type? RidONculous! Typing one’s personal acquaintances, and using that combined knowledge of socionic theory and family members’ interactions and relationships, in order to better understand and pick up on the types? Lol, what, are you gonna type your pet rock next? Bro, do you even lift?? *single-handedly wrestles down a football team* *becomes chick beer-pong champion of the world*
    In science, case studies have limited utility when it comes to extrapolation because there's no way of knowing if results demonstrate typical behavior
    In pseudoscience it's even less convincing... we can't see what your brother is like. I think your argument would become stronger and more meaningful if you could bridge the gap between Lungs' answers and the pet rocks you've typed, e.g. using the quote function to highlight relevant parts of her answers and then maybe writing a bit about pet rocks and then drawing these characteristics to socionics literature like you've sort of done in post11. I realize this method would take longer and it wouldn't make you any more right, but it does have the benefit of appearing less wrong to outside observers

    Also I wasn't picking on you; I simply discounted all the others because it's so easy to just spin the wheel of fortune and decide someone else's type over the internet

    Thank you for the confidence in my beer pong skills... They impress even me~

  13. #13
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    hey auciel. you've got some opposition here and I don't wanna make you feel piled on but I also don't wanna ignore that you asked for my opinion. ive been going with ESI for awhile now, and that's more or less agreed on by the peanut gallery, but there are a fair amount of people who say EII too. aside from boredom, my secondary motivation for answering all these questions was to see if anybody outside the circle of mutual agreement would analyze my answers independently and give me something that could increase my sureness one way or the other from a perspective I know isn't influenced by group think. so, thanks - I appreciate having an outside opinion, so to speak. I'm not entirely satisfied with ESI but its extremely difficult for me to place myself anywhere outside of Fi/Te valuing introvert territory.

    Quote Originally Posted by Auciel Rotte View Post
    To me, you have a very similar writing style to my ILE older brother. You write answers to questions that seem as if they are “definition” answers, like the answer wanted when a teacher tells a student to “put something in your own words”. They are answers that seem like “the obvious answer” to me - answers which teachers I have had ask for and like to see, but which makes me sigh and feel dissatisfied if I am forced to give, perhaps because I do not value Ti / introverted thinking, and you may be using Ti?
    I can see where you're coming from with the way I talk, but I don't see the link to Ti, other than that you find it unsatisfying (which is a fair thing to notice...its just not reasoning I can follow).

    You seem like a thinker type to me over feeling; even on your answers to feeling questions, you answer them in that definition / logic-type way, like “this is the answer I am meant to give.”
    I noticed some of that too, while I was typing, but fwiw I meant what I said and I wasn't trying to give the 'right' answer. Could just be ingrained, tho, especially since ive viewed myself as an ethical type for a very long time.

    It feels to me like you have an Alpha approach to conflict, snubs, other such things. On a question (in the Ni section), you said if a person skipped out on a meeting, “After a half hour or so, I would go about my day with the assumption that they aren't showing up.” The focus, as on other questions’ answers, seemed to be on the logic, “well I guess I’d do this”, but with no focus given on how it would affect your feelings; also when asked about confrontations (in the Fi section), you said if somebody gives you a negative attitude, “I'll probably be like "hey, whats up...?"”, and if you had negative feelings for someone else (other than a boss), you wouldn’t feel like you needed to hide that; you would simply express anything that needed to be expressed. You say “Giving the silent treatment isn't my thing - I like problems to actually be resolved. I forgive easily when transgressions are minor and one time.” Which gives me the feel of the no-drama Alpha quadra.
    ime, there are people who would strongly disagree that wanting a quick and straightforward resolution to interpersonal problems is "drama free" and prefer the silent treatment as a way to de-escalate. the easy forgiveness might be a fair point.

    It is as if, you do not give unnecessary attention to negative emotions. You will have them, obviously, and you will deal with them, and then they will be out of the way.
    I aim for this kind of attitude and find it admirable - so maybe that's the impression I give when talking about myself - but others, like people who see me in the chatbox regularly, might disagree with that interpretation...

    When answering the question of how to improve society’s morals, you said “the latter would be divisively political.” and left it at that. If you are a logic type, then that would suggest to me Alpha Ti w/ Fe valuing, over Gamma Te, since I have a gamma LIE sister, and she seems to love the opportunity to express her divisive political and/or religious views.
    same as above. my political views have frequently been a source of conflict with other members here. my comment in the OP was sort of offhand as a way of brushing things off to the next question, so I probably gave the wrong impression.

    Also, and this isn’t actually a very good piece of evidence, but this answer you wrote here - to the question “Does your understanding of [boorishness] correlate with the generally accepted notion?”, answered “Maybe, in that I don't really care about "politeness" or manners per se.” - I have an LIE and an alpha SEI sister, and that sentence sounds 100% like a sentence my ILE brother would write, down to the “per se”, and 0% like an answer either of my sisters would write. /end insubstantial piece of evidence
    ok. I don't know how to respond to this

    Thus, given your similar writing manner to my ILE sibling, the way your answers seem more Ti>Te to me, T in general > F, and no unnecessary drama / politics, I would say you are the ILE/ENTp. Would you say that this makes sense, given descriptions of ILE / Alpha, or is there something that particularly confuses/sways you away from that?
    I see myself as more likely to be logical than other forum members do, so that part of your analysis is interesting, but if I were, I'd be Fe polr. EP temperament and even moreseo Fe HA would be nearly impossible for me to swallow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 666 View Post
    what I said in chat was, they are both static so would defer primarily to structure and function rather than whatever emergent situational voodoo dynamic types like to toy with,
    this makes a lot of sense to me.

    to which I'll add that I think it matters which two functions are blocked together (eg, does sensing go with ethics or with logics ...) so perhaps democracy also plays a part. in conflict relations I think part of the issue is similar consciousness with opposite strengths and opposite values (eg ILE and ESI would both be conscious of static functions blocked in the democratic way)
    what are you going on about here and what does it have to do with me

    my gluteus medius feels puckish
    lmao shut the fuck up

    though all in all lungs is super enigmatic so I say Ni all over the place
    I can't believe you said this after typing yourself LSE. I'm crying.

    I think what you are seeing as T>F might be constructivism. Most reinins don't necessarily wash ime but emotivism/constructivism does because it's directly related to model A == in model A inert and contact ethics just so happen to describe emotivism/constructivism. constructivists contacting the world via logic with ethics inert (EXX and XLX), and emotivists contacting the world using ethics with logics inert (XEX and LXX), which matches nicely with Reinin's descriptions of constructivists focusing primarily on the, uh, constructive aspects of any situation, and emotivists focusing primarily on the emotional aspects

    okay now I will work on my deltoids so I can win the chick LSE beer pong champion of the universe........ I am so winning right now

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post

    what are you going on about here and what does it have to do with me
    Gosh lungs not everything is about you

    I have only read this indirectly in socionics literature, but it makes sense that there's a functional anastomosis between the two democratic quadras. So alpha sees evolutionary Ne/Si and involutionary Fe/Ti (one article describes this as positive and negative but I think gulenko said evolutionary involutionary), and gamma sees evolutionary Se/Ni and involutionary Te/Fi, so I kinda think it makes sense to say an ESI would be conscious of alpha -Ti and not beta +Ti, which means ESI superego would literally be ILE ego (not the Ti of beta ST nor the Ne of delta NF)

    So rotten was saying you demonstrate alpha Ti, and I thought of this. Model A describes a TIM's unique contact with the world as creative function plus role function

    lmao shut the fuck up

    I can't believe you said this after typing yourself LSE. I'm crying.
    I didn't say Ni ego~ girl we know u Se polr but check my TIM

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    ▐ symbol indicates

    General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean?
    Generally, the bus driver picks people up and drops them off. Specifically, he picks me up at 6:38 and drops me off downtown at 6:59. It could get more general and more specific than this. The question seems to imply movement between the two, which I don't understand.
    ▐ Ni.

    What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view?
    Something is illogical in my understanding when it can't be supported by a reasonable explanation corresponding with reality or facts.
    ▐ Te.
    I think the common view of logic consists of a more specific definition... And there are things like math that have little correspondence with reality or facts - I think I can sometimes judge the veracity of those things, but I don't know how.
    ▐ Te.

    How do you explain fractions on the dial of the clock?
    The bigger ones represent hours and the smaller ones represent minutes.

    What is a rule? What rules do you have to follow?
    Rules are behaviors/actions that are expected at the risk of consequences inflicted by the rulemaking party.
    ▐ .Ti-Se-Ni
    For example I pay my rent on time so I don't get evicted.

    What is hierarchy? Do you need to follow it? Why or why not?
    Hierarchy is the positioning of some people with authority or influence over others. It doesn't need to be followed, unless somebody has codified privileges due to their position (for example I can't fire one of my coworkers). I personally find it makes life easier, to know who to defer to and who to delegate to.
    ▐ Te.

    What do you think of instructions? Do you use them? Could you write an instruction manual? If so, what type of instruction manual would you most likely write?
    Instructions are useful when you don't know how to do something.
    ▐ Te.
    Pretty much anyone could write an instruction manual for an activity they understand, but enjoyment of doing it and level of detail included are another matter - I think I could do a decent job and I wouldn't enjoy it. Maybe I could enjoy writing up a recipe.
    ▐ Si.
    A recipe is a sort of instruction manual.

    Please explain: "Freedom is in complying with the laws, but not in ignoring the laws"? Do you agree with the statement? Why?
    Lmao, only insofar as you won't end up imprisoned.
    ▐ Ni.
    Otherwise, bullshit.

    Tell us how consistent you are.
    Overly consistent in my daily habits, very consistent in my opinions and sentiments.
    ▐ Fi.
    I feel a great deal of inner inconsistency I don't know how to explain. (Mental?)

    What is a "standard"? Why do people need it?
    A standard is an example of a thing for other things to be compared to in order to determine quality. Without it, it would be difficult to set goals, determine quality, or have order.
    ▐ Te.

    You need to put your home library in order. How do you feel about this activity? How will you approach this task?
    This can be sort of enjoyable, unless they won't go in the order I've chosen because of lack of room, or if I'm going alphabetically and it ends up looking too ugly
    ▐ Si.
    and I get frustrated or something. It's also mostly a waste of time. I generally try to keep the books I haven't read yet on separate shelves from the ones I've read so that they're easier to find. I don't re-read much, so any other form of organization is totally arbitrary.
    ▐ Te


    What is work in your opinion?
    Action taken towards an objective.

    Why do people go to work?
    It's usually necessary for survival. It's also a way to stay occupied. Some lucky people find fulfillment through it.

    Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?
    Do I know how and/or is adequate instruction provided? Are the skills required within my known capacity?
    ▐ Se.
    (ie if it requires an in-depth understanding of complicated mathematical concepts, no amount of instruction will get me there).

    Is there any correlation between quality and quantity?
    I dunno. Quantity and value, yeah, but quantity and quality, probably not.

    Tell us if or how the price depends on quality?
    Higher quality things can demand a higher price than lower quality things.

    How do people determine the quality of work?
    Comparison to a standard and/or amount of production.

    How do you determine such quality?
    Um, the same way? I guess I have my own quirks that are kind of irrelevant to the objective quality - like if two people gave me completed forms and they were both filled out the same way, I'd still deem the overall quality of the one with nicer looking handwriting and less smudge marks to be better.
    ▐ Si.
    But that's not something I would want to influence the distribution of reward or punishment.

    How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?
    How long it lasts is probably the best determiner. To a lesser degree, the price and the amount of bells and whistles. I don't pay much attention to it.

    How do you feel if you didn't finish some work? Does it ever happen? What are the reasons?
    On edge, thinking about how/when I will finish it. I'm confused because generally work has to be finished one way or the other, so I guess this means not finished on time. It happens occasionally, usually due to factors outside of my control (maybe not properly accounted for). Or due to spending too much time trying to make it perfect.
    ▐ Ni.

    What is "interesting work" for you? Please explain in detail.
    Interesting work challenges my mental faculties but doesn't overwhelm me. Or doing something physical alongside people I like, while listening to music and having a good time - maybe interesting would be the wrong word for that, but its the opposite of uninteresting.
    ▐ Si and Fi

    You go to the store and see something you're interested in buying; there is a price tag on it. What parameters are you going to use to understand if it's overpriced, underpriced, or priced correctly?
    Simply whether its a price I think is worth paying for it.

    When you work and someone tells you: "You don't do it right." What is your reaction?
    Okay, rudeass, how should I do it then? (I wouldn't actually say rudeass at work.)
    ▐ Fi and Se lmaoo

    There is a professional right next to you. You always see that you can't perform the way they do. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?
    Lol, I feel like this all the time and take it for long as I'm doing well enough to keep my job I don't care. If they've been in the position for less time than I have, I would worry about what my employer would notice wrt to my future prospects.
    ▐ Ni
    Otherwise, they're probably just more experienced than me and I can learn from them (I guess that's the "action," whether they're more experienced or not).

    When you have to ask someone else to help you with the task, how do you feel?
    I worry a little about interrupting/bothering them, and I'm nervous that it's something I should have been able to figure out myself.
    ▐ Fi

    You need to build a pyramid exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?
    Thoughts: Why? There's no reason for this...
    Feelings: Being intimated and stressed out.
    Actions: Finding people who could help me locate the appropriate materials and scope out a location would be first on the agenda.
    ▐ Fi


    What is beauty?
    A feeling of resonance or awe in response to something.

    Do you change your opinion about beauty? Does your understanding correlate with the generally accepted notion? What goes beyond the generally accepted notion?
    I guess my opinion fluctuates and evolves, but not to a sharp degree.
    ▐ Ni
    It frequently diverges from the generally accepted notion - I find beauty in dissonant or 'grotesque' things. The generally accepted notion of beauty tends to be more symmetrical, pleasant, and non-offensive.
    ▐ Se

    Please describe your understanding of a beautifully dressed person. What is the core of beauty? How do you explain what is beautiful to a person who has never heard about beauty before?
    A beautifully dressed person is one who's attire gives me a feeling of awe, envy, or inspiration - the core of beauty, which goes back to the definition I offered. If I was trying to explain it, maybe I'd ask the person to describe how they feel when they look at different things.
    ▐ Fi

    Is there a template of understanding what beautiful means for everyone to use?
    There is - symmetry, color combination, etc. I'd only find it interesting or important if I wanted to sell something.
    ▐ Te

    Is there such a term as "classical beauty"?
    This makes me think of renaissance paintings or old movie actresses. Maybe its a combination of beauty and nostalgia.
    ▐ Ni

    What is comfort?
    Lack of pain or tightness in the body or mind. Like when you've finished a yoga session and you're lying in corpse pose - that would be an example of being comfortable.

    What is coziness?
    Being enveloped in warmth. Like a blanket or another person's body around you, or being next to a fire.

    How do you create your comfort and coziness?
    Stretch, lie under a blanket.

    How do others evaluate your skill in doing so? Do you agree with them?
    Nobody cares? I guess sometimes someone will comment something like that I should crack a window in my apartment because its hot. And then I'm either like, "yeah, I guess you're right," or "really? I'm kinda chilly." But either way I just crack the window for their benefit.

    How do you pick your own clothes?
    I find them aesthetically pleasing and they don't make my body look fat or weird.

    Do you follow fashion? Why?
    No. I don't really see the point in spending the money it would cost to do so.
    ▐ Te

    Do you know how to select clothes for different types of figures?
    Not really.

    How do you cook? Do you follow recipes?
    I choose what I cook based on the ingredients I have on hand - its like a constant race to use things before they go bad.
    ▐ Ni
    I frequently find new recipes to make based on those ingredients and I enjoy seeing how they turn out. I have certain fallback things that I always keep ingredients for to make if I don't have anything planned, like quesadillas.

    What do others think of your skill?
    I've gotten compliments and criticisms. I'm probably an average cook.

    Are you good at color patterns and mixing them and matching?

    If someone is telling you what is beautiful and what is not, what goes with what color and what is not, do you agree with this person?
    If they're referring to the standard in fashion or the shoulds and should-nots, I'll take their word for it. What I find beautiful is another matter.

    Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself or trust someone else to do it? Why?
    I'd like to get input, but have the final say.
    ▐ Te,Se
    Sometimes others notice things I wouldn't have come up with and I'm like "hey, good idea!" But I have my own tastes and preferences.

    How do you know if a person has bad taste? Could you give us an example? Do you always trust your own taste or do you seek opinions from others?
    If the stuff they like is ugly and tacky. Like, if they have a neon poster of some stupid computer-generated fantasy scene on their wall. I trust my own taste because its subjective. If I was trying to impress or sell something, I would seek opinions from others (and be slightly irritated about it).
    ▐ Te


    Can you line up human resources and make them do things?
    Only if they're inclined toward the activity in the first place, and just unmotivated or something.
    ▐ Fi
    I might try to use some persuasion if they're completely uninterested or if there are higher stakes for myself, but I don't like making a dictator of myself.

    What methods do you use?
    I usually allude to the costs of not acting - ie. "if we don't do this right now, X will happen, so hurry."
    ▐ Ni
    I try to use reason by clearly framing the consequences of not acting immediately. But sometimes emotional influence like saying how important it is to me or goofily sleeve-pulling.
    ▐ Fi

    Can you press people? If so, how does it happen?
    The only time I'm relentless is when I'm emotional.
    ▐ Fi
    So its usually just a prolonged onslaught of why they suck and should listen to me, lol. When I'm calm, I'm a lot more live and let live.

    What is incursion? How do you deal with this?
    "An invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one.”
    The only scenario I can think of is somebody verbally attacking me. In which case it depends a lot on the person and their method. If its out of the blue, I usually go into a calm, placating, reasonable sort of state to try to manipulate them into mirroring me and chilling out.

    Can you repulse? How easy can you do it?
    With strangers, its the easiest thing in the world - just something I turn on with my body language (often by reflex/accident...). With others I can do it by being a dismissive bitch, but I prefer not to do that if I like them and I don't want them to see me poorly.
    ▐ Fi
    Nobody wants to deal with someone who is being unreasonable and not even listening to or mirroring them, lol - so they go away.

    What does "my people" and "strangers" mean? When do "my people" become "strangers" and why?
    My people are the people in my circle. Strangers are people I don't know. My people can fall out of my circle but they never are strangers again.
    ▐ Fi

    Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified?
    I react in the moment, I don't think about strategies. Attacking is justified to defend yourself.

    Do you think it's ok to occupy someone else's territory? In what situations?
    Like breaking into their house?, if I was visiting a new person and we were socializing in the living room I'd feel weird going into their bedroom without a good reason.
    ▐ Fi, Te, Si

    What are the methods of volitional force? When is it most effective and in what situations?
    I don't know, this confuses me.

    How do you protect yourself and your interests?
    Keeping a small circle and avoiding people who want to control me. I've noticed that threats to myself and my interests have usually come from people I let in the door and I shouldn't have. If I'm trying to protect loved ones from others I am ruder than I am trying to protect myself from others because I want to convey that I will be annoying and I can't mind my own business.
    ▐ Fi

    Describe your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?
    I guess the most "force" I use in "opposition" is telling creepy guys in bars to stop following my friends (stepping between them and saying "fuck off" with a rude expression) or repeatedly texting someone when I'm mad, lmao. I mean, in most typical situations I aim for diplomacy.

    Do others think of you as a strong person? Do you think you are a strong person?
    I have been called strong and I have been called naïve and scared (which I see as the same as weak). I think I am strong, but more skilled in resilience and grit, not so much in being a tough ass or taking control.

    How do you understand if a person is strong? Are there any signs of a strong person? (I combined these questions).
    They can simultaneously meet situations head-on while keeping their cool. They don't expect others to carry them.

    What is the core of any force?
    For me, there needs to be an emotional impetus, but I don't think this is the correct answer.
    ▐ Fi

    Why do people listen to one person, but not the other?
    One person is smarter, more persuasive, has more authority, they like them better...any/all of these reasons.
    ▐ Fe


    What is boorishness?
    The dictionary definition? I guess I'd say its being hurtful for your own amusement, or dismissive of other people's emotional reactions to you.

    Does your understanding of it correlate with the generally accepted notion?
    Maybe, in that I don't really care about "politeness" or manners per se.

    How would you explain what boorishness mean to a 10 year old child?
    I would tell them to think about other people before speaking or acting, and listen to other people when they say they don't like something.

    How would you explain the same to an adult who does not behave ethically?
    I would tell them how I and/or others react to their behavior and explain why that matters to them/gets in the way of their objectives.

    How would you improve the moral of the society?
    The morale or morals? These would be two very different answers...
    The former, I don't really know, and the latter would be divisively political.

    Can you justify somebody's bad behavior by thinking that he/she wasn't taught how to do so?
    I tend to use this to contextualize the behavior of people (including myself) who make bad decisions that hurt themselves (ie. getting into abusive relationships) but I am less sympathetic about people (including myself) who make bad decisions that hurt others (ie. abusing a partner). I think because I feel the latter deserves more shame and culpability, and there needs to be standards.

    Give us your understanding of love. Can you love and punish at the same time?
    Love is when somebody feels like home to you and their happiness and well-being is of paramount importance to you. You can both love and punish children, who are in need of adult guidance, and for whom consistent rules and consequences are an act of love. But control shouldn't be an aspect of adult relationships consisting of mutuality.

    What is sympathy? When do you need to express it? When is it advised not to?
    Sympathy is feeling pity for someone. It's better expressed in the form of empathy or advice/help. Sometimes it's just clear that someone would rather hide what they're dealing with, and it might be kinder for their ego to stay away (with an ear perked for if they change their mind).

    Are there any norms of behavior in the society? Do you follow them? Do people always have to follow them? Why?
    Yes - just the things we're raised to believe are normal. I generally follow them to make life easier. People only have to follow them insofar as they're willing to deal with the consequences, ie. growing a beard to your knees might make it difficult to find a job and yelling about UFOs in the street might get you put an institution, but going to the grocery store with hearts drawn all over your face in magic marker will probably just get you weird looks.
    ▐ Ni.
    People who do not follow norms in a way that I like get extra respect from me.

    How do you know what attitude among people is right or wrong?
    What? I agree or disagree with peoples attitudes towards yes?

    What does moral mean? What is immoral? Does your understanding correlate with the others?
    This is a complicated question - best I can answer is that certain behaviors invoke feelings of bone-deep disgust in a person and those are the things they find immoral. My understanding more or less correlates with the common view in my culture and peer group, with bits of variation, but I care strongly about certain things that other people don't care about and vice versa.

    How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?
    Looking for internal contradictions in my understanding and running it through filters in the outside world (applicability,
    ▐ Te
    other peoples reactions to it, etc.)

    Somebody is giving you a negative attitude – what is your reaction?
    It depends. If I care and I know them, I'll probably be like "hey, whats up...?"

    Could you show your own negative attitude toward someone else? If so, how? Could you give a person the silent treatment? How easily do you forgive people?
    Yes, if I'm not restrained by conditions like having to work with them. I just say/show my negative feelings..? Giving the silent treatment isn't my thing - I like problems to actually be resolved. I forgive easily when transgressions are minor and one time. Its much harder to forgive when transgressions are major or repeated. Unforgiveness/dislike are kind of blended - often its not a matter of forgiveness. Its a matter of you've shown what you're about and I don't like it.


    "Whole world does not cost one tear of child" – how do you understand this phrase? Do you agree with this opinion?
    The tear of a child is worth more than the rest of the world. Um, it sounds nice I guess? But the whole world has a bunch of other children in it...
    ▐ Te, Fi

    Is it acceptable to express emotions? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.
    Of course its acceptable to express emotions. Punching somebody because you're angry is an obvious example of inappropriate expression.
    ▐ Fi

    Can you use negative emotions? In what situations?
    I don't "use" emotions on purpose, like emotional manipulation - I used to be much more prone to that when I was younger, but even then, it wasn't calculated. It was done out of desperation, like if I didn't want a boyfriend to leave me.
    ▐ Fi

    How do you express negative emotions? What does it look like? What do others think about it?
    In most normal situations, I just become sort of stiff, and my face gives away sadness or anger even if I would prefer it didn't. Crying or shouting is extremely rare for me these days, either because of emotional maturity or the quality of the people I surround myself with (probably a combination). People react in different ways to it. My boyfriend finds my anger 'aggressive' whereas my best friend easily rolls it off her shoulders and my dad finds it amusing. Fi

    Shallow emotions – what does it mean? Are there any other emotions?
    I guess shallow emotions are easier to ignore, or ones you wouldn't really notice until somebody asked you about it. Getting excited over a cupcake has a different depth level than grieving over a death.

    What are right or wrong emotions?
    There are no wrong emotions. Sometimes an emotion is perceived by others as disproportionate or unfitting to the situation, but what can you do.

    Can you change the emotional state of yourself? Of others? To what side – positive or negative?
    A little, I guess. I can make myself slightly less sad, but I can't make myself happy.
    ▐ Fi.
    Same for others, I think.

    What does it mean to "pour out your emotions"? How does it happen? Does your internal emotional state correlate with what you show externally?
    Pouring out your emotions sounds like some kind of outburst. For myself, I can't really separate it from finally letting someone know what's on my mind - an emotionally flavored dissertation. My emotional state frequently shows what I'm feeling externally, but I don't have much control - sometimes it shows much more than I would like, and sometimes it shows much less than I would like. It causes problems when I want to show affection to somebody who needs more of that kind of communication than I can provide.
    ▐ Fi

    Do you track what mood you are in throughout the day? Do you notice the mood of others?
    I don't "track" it unless I'm in some kind of stressful situation where I'm sulky and especially paying attention. But I always notice it. I more or less notice the moods of others - but if they are someone I am not close to, I might not notice unless they are naturally expressive.
    ▐ Fi


    Do you like surprises?
    Not usually. I can't complain if they are nice, but I hope they don't get in the way of my plans or anything.
    ▐ Ni, Te

    How people change? How do you feel about those changes? Can others see the changes?
    Yes, everybody goes through gradual internal changes. I get some gratification from tracking those changes in myself and seeing how I have grown, but I also get stressed thinking of how stupid I will find out I am in the future. The changes aren't all that visible to others, usually.

    Is it true that whatever happens is only for the best?
    Its not objectively true, but its a good mindset and I tell it to myself sometimes.
    ▐ Te
    It can be helpful to see the lesson learned instead of just thinking, "well, that was a shit experience."

    What do you think of horoscopes, fortune telling etc.? Do you believe in luck, lucky fortuity?
    I don't believe in horoscopes or fortune telling in terms of faith. I still enjoy them because I think they are tools to stimulate self-reflection and to activate helpful ideas that you wouldn't have had otherwise. Luck happens, I guess - people win the lottery - but I don't see what there is to believe in. I don't play the lottery.

    Can you forecast events? Is it even real?
    I can guess, but I don't usually try because it usually turns out there were things I didn't account for. Some people are very good at guessing, based on spotting trends and seeing clues. Its not crystal ball real.

    What is time? How do you feel time? Can you "kill" time? How?
    Time is the movement of seconds and minutes - past into future. I feel time in changes? (I don't really "feel" it.) I think killing time is wasting it doing things that don't count for anything, things that you don't value and bring you no closer to what you want.
    ▐ Se

    Is it easy for you to wait for some important event? What if you don’t know when it is supposed to happen?
    Its pretty easy to wait when I know when its supposed to happen - I guess excited, anxious, etc, but its not so bad.
    ▐ Fi
    When I don't know when it will happen, I think it won't happen and I want assurances or I will just assume that it won't happen.

    Do you need help creating forecasts and determining how something will end? Do you trust those forecasts?
    I don't think I need them, but sometimes I ask for them and I appreciate them from people I trust only. I am particular about who I take this kind of advice from as it applies to my life because it is so speculative.
    ▐ Fi

    Are you normally late? How do you react if someone is late?
    I'm almost always on time. My best friend is always super late. I complain, and get irritated, and then quickly get over it.
    ▐ Fi
    I make the occasional sharp retort at her for it but I can't hold it against her.
    ▐ Se
    I anticipate it and plan to keep myself occupied.

    Imagine the situation where you agreed to meet with someone. Your feelings and actions:
    a) 20 minutes before the meeting starts
    I'm on my way there, not really thinking about it, playing on my phone.

    b) 5 minutes before the meeting starts,
    I'm internally gathering myself to be sociable with this person, whatever that entails.
    ▐ Fi

    c) it is time for the meeting to start, but the person is not here,
    Not unexpected, being 2 minutes late isn't out of the norm, they should still be here any second, whatever.

    d) 20 minutes after the meeting start time and the person is not here,
    Irritated, anxious, texting them.
    ▐ Fi

    e) more time and the person is still not here…
    After a half hour or so, I would go about my day with the assumption that they aren't showing up.


    Is there a meaning of life? In what? Is it the same for everybody?
    The only meaning of life I can come up with is the sort of existentialist notion that it's whatever you make of it. Which would obviously be different for everybody.
    ▐ Fi

    What should be done so people can be happy?
    Freedom, lack of poverty and violence.
    ▐ Fi

    In the situations with a lot of potential and volatility will you trust your own guts, logically calculating everything or will you ask people you trust what should be done?
    Definitely ask people I trust, and try my best to feel it out and play thing by ear.
    ▐ Fi
    Calculating what will happen or which actions are safest in a constantly shifting situation is extremely difficult, so it would be kind of like just holding on to the sides of the boat.
    ▐ Ni, Si

    When you meet a stranger, what can you say about them right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone's talents?
    I get vibes relating to how I feel about them and whether we could have chemistry.
    ▐ Fi
    Within a few minutes I notice some things like whether they are quiet or loud, or simple or thoughtful.
    ▐ Fe, Fi
    I might say something like "he seems like the kind of person who...(raises chickens, or something)" but in a joking way related to a vague impression - not literal.
    ▐ Si

    Remember an interesting person and call out 5-6 qualities you think are interesting in them. What makes an interesting person? Are you an interesting person? Why? What if someone calls you "boring" and "not interesting"?
    My boyfriend - internally predisposed towards beliefs that fall outside the norm, creative and comes up with stories, has personality traits that are unaligned with his gender, not hooked up to social media (doesn't even have a smartphone), has lived in a foreign country. I don't know if I see myself as interesting - I have an interesting internal life but I'm easily boring to people who don't really know me because I keep myself hidden.
    ▐ Fi
    I've been called boring - I don't like it, but its understandable considering I have a pretty stable lifestyle and I don't show a lot of depth outside my circle.
    ▐ Fi

    What opinions, from people who know you, seem:
    a) fair;

    I'm quiet/aloof (yea)
    ▐ Fi

    b) not fair;
    I'm uncaring (bcuz I can't show affection the way they want)
    ▐ Fi

    c) hurtful;
    I'm unworldly (I can't help if I don't have the money or opportunity for the experiences others have had, and I feel bad/envious
    ▐ Fi
    about it)

    d) strange.
    I'm cool (I think they're being nice?)
    ▐ Fi

    (Actually I think these didn't have to be opinions about myself but I saw niffer answered that way and copied it, and now I don't want to go back and change it)

    Do you fantasize? What kind of fantasies do you have?
    All bout sex, baby. Other than that, I might imagine myself on stage singing a song I'm listening to if I'm really into it.
    ▐ Fe, Fi

    What qualities should a person have to be successful and why?
    Bravery, social skills,
    ▐ Se
    talent in a certain area.

    What qualities can stop a person from being successful and why?
    The opposite ^

    What is more important in life – to be a good person or be a successful one? Why?
    To be a successful one, honestly. Most people see themselves as generally good on an intrinsic level anyway, and aren't likely to face problems in this society for being bad (lol see current presidential election).
    ▐ Fi
    I don't know... I don't want to downplay the importance of being a "good person."
    ▐ Fi
    But I'm certainly not running out to donate all my belongings to the poor and volunteer at a soup kitchen every night after work, so I don't expect this of others.
    ▐ Fe, Si, Ni
    And I don't downplay the importance of money wrt having a good life, sorry.
    ▐ Te

    Is a good person always successful? If not, then why?
    No, more frequently the opposite. Goodness requires some altruism and lack of self-interest.
    ▐ Fi


    Super strong Fi (only two minor transfers unlike during all other IE blocks, also used in every other segment, excellent and confident use). Utter lack of Ne. Se is a very hesitant moderator, Ni and Si demo jumped in more often. Te is open for suggestion.

    Tadah, ESI-Fi!

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    Thank you!

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    Thank you!
    ¡De nada!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Auciel Rotte View Post
    I wasn’t typing from little tidbits. I was trying to give concrete examples from the answers given for the type I saw.
    Good to give examples but these were really ambiguous tidbits.

    Does someone else have an idea for a type, quadra, or type’s relationships that lungs could look into, instead of telling me why my impressions are oh-so-wrong?
    You mean apart from ESI/EII?

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