Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
Producing subtypes don't understand at all PoLR. It's like an aspect of reality that they are missing in their brains. So they need something to cover that absence; usually it is done with creative and the opposite sign IM of the same type that is in their HA (for example, in the case of LIE-Ni, they don't have +Si at all, but they cover it with +Ni creative and -Si that is in their HA).
I work with an LIE-Ni, and he's always dressed well for business, until you look at his feet. Instead of wingtips, he's wearing sandals with dark fuzzy socks. He says it's because his feet perspire too much in leather shoes, but I think he's just Si-clueless.

Despite this sartorial faux pas, he's actually very good at business.