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Thread: Two subtype functional analysis - accepting and producing

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    Default Two subtype functional analysis - accepting and producing

    This is all based on observation. This analysis was construed with the aid of Hitta's interpretation of model B.

    Accepting subtype:

    *Energized base
    *Creative may be under-developed. Used ocasionally.
    *May be somewhat proficient at PoLR. Engages in it sometimes (especially in private).
    *Role may be under-developed. Due to emphasis on base, it is seldom used.
    *The need for DS is emphasized.
    *HA is naturally strong, but not as important for the user as in the other subtype.
    *Demonstrative is semi-valued.
    *Energized Observant, which is strong. However, infomation is not readily absorbed via it due to constant need of DS (and due to antithetical nature of DS and Observant).

    -Dynamics: Base and observant act together in a pack, constantly supplying DS. HA is used frequently to mobilize.
    -Development: Starts off with proficiency in Base, Observant, HA, and Demonstrative. Over time time learns DS, Role, Creative. Greatest potential at mastering DS.
    -Unhealth: User becomes fixated on their PoLR. Role might also "invade" the ego functions, replacing base. Demonstrative is also used inadequately.

    Producing subtype:

    *Base is “loose”, and may be not very proficient. Doesn’t possess the full skillset of the function.
    *Creative is energized, very important and used permanently.
    *PoLR is completely disregarded. Creative is used everytime in place of PoLR (the áreas that PoLR are supposed to cover, are covered by creative instead)
    *Role is emphasized and used permanently. The Creative-Role pathway dynamic of model A is strengthened.
    *Proficient at producing DS. Can go a long time without needing DS. Voices judgements in áreas pertaining to DS. Frequently these judgments are more accurate than the ones produced by others who have said function in the ego or demonstrative.
    *HA is not initially as strong as in the other subtype, but has much greater importance. It is energized and needs it more than DS.
    *Demonstrative is very strong and also energized. However, it is not valued at all (the focus is on creative+HA).
    *Observant may be like a second PoLR. However, due to not a great need of DS, information is readily accepted.

    -Dynamics: Creative, Role, HA and Demonstrative are used in a team, to further satiating the need of HA.
    -Development: Starts off with a very strong demonstrative and creative. Over time learns HA, Role. Has the highest potential for HA mastery. The remaining functions don’t vary by a whole lot.
    -Unhealth: User becomes fixated on their HA in detriment of all other functions. Develops phobia towards DS. No longer seeks equilibrium between Role and Base, and Base overtakes the functioning of the type.

    Overall the accepting subtype is a more stable type. Producing subtypes have more pronounced weaknesses.

    This diagram shows which functions are energized/linked in each subtype. Linked and unlinked functions have a different flavor in the usage (say, -Te linked behaves slightly different--with a different "flavor" than -Te unlinked. Same with all other functions). PoLR is always unlinked: in accepting is it unlinked, in producing it is nonexistant. Also, linked functions seem to have both +/- elements (the full element, i.e -Ti/+Te) and not only the valued +/- element.

    Last edited by mclane; 02-07-2020 at 06:37 PM.

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