Alright. So I met this guy over the summer and we both were extremely attracted to eachother ... making out, getting to know eachother, cuddling, etc. ensued =) Then, he went away on vacation. Missed him terribly for a while (about a month) but then I got over it and started to "deal" with other guys.

However, he came back =D And when we hung out again, just yesterday, and everything about other guys has been forgotten, haha. Thing is, I've been so curious about his type! We seem to get along fabulously and energize eachother (reminiscent of activity partners? but he's not ISTj, definitely right?)

He is extremely quiet at first. Kind of the "strong, silent" type is how I best describe him. I've known a lot of F type guys and they're very emotional in that way, (I can always tell)... but he has a very masculine appeal. When I first met him ... RAWR! So much sexual attraction between us, it's crazzzaaay.

Weird part is, we talk like mad. Just non-stop. After the initial few minute awkwardness is gone. And it is always extremely random stuff. We love to trade funny anecdotes and stories. Some people wouldn't "get" me being weird, but everything I say seems to be amusing to him.

Also...maybe it's just cause he likes me, but he is verrrry affectionate and touchy. But in a gentle way, not an agressive, COME HERE ESTp way. Haha. If I don't respond, he won't push it. But he loooves cuddling, and just holding me <3

He loves sports. He was so into the Fifa World Cup when it was happening. Unfortunately I hate sports. =P He plays rugby .. etc. He definitely shares my IxxP traits though. VERY pronounced introvert and perciever. But when we're together, our double introvertedness doesn't hinder us... I really like how we give eachother time to talk and the silences are comfortable. He's not rambling on and on like some extraverts tend to do (ugh)

First, I thought he was ISTp.. but I'm not sure. That would make him my super-ego? =s I know another ISTp, and we basically hate eachother. There was always a strange tension between me and the ISTp I don't get along with -- no connection like I have with him.

INFp? My identical? I hope this relationship works out. We're just beginning it and I wanna know what to expect...

OH... and also, he loves kinda pushing the boundaries. Just doing little pranks, and he thinks the thrill of getting caught is fun. His fav music is old rock like Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, The Clash, The Beatles.

Very unpretentious.