An interesting observation i made, based on my last post, is that the Ni-dom types showed distinct preferences for music with an ethereal, wall of sound like quality, like Shoegaze and Dream Pop, where ILI liked the more rock sounding music (Shoegaze) and IEI liked softer, more mellow versions of the same conceptual style of music.

ILE showed preference for experimental types of music, which is interesting because Ne-dom types are depicted as the most innovative, creative thinking types. IEE, the other Ne-dom, showed preference for Art Rock, a blanket term for more experimental or offbeat types of rock music.
LIIs, who are Ti-dom types and Ne creative types, showed preference for progressive rock, a complex and brooding sort of music, which may cater to complex understanding of systematics, such as music theory. EIEs showed the same preference for progressive rock, but even stronger. EIEs may like the expressiveness and gradiosity of the instrumentation and the lyrics. SEI and SLI showed preferences for music which is a bit more laid back, albeit SLI also liked abrasive music such as experimental hip hop. SEI seemed to prefer more easygoing styles to SLI. LSE and EII seemed to compliment each other, with preferences for folk and acoustic rock, and i imagine that the Fi-Ne axis likes music with a clear, and complex narrative style, or another sentiment shown through lyrical means.