Quote Originally Posted by SpreeFirit View Post
OH MY GOD. Lmao that is LITERALLY what my EIE/LSI duality experiences have been built on. And that is how I have been able to differentiate them from my semi-duals. INTj's and I have this awesome exchange of banter going on usually, but lacking what I assume is Se... THE INTENSITY!!!! Lol. INTj's give it back, but not as hard as LSI's Meow...
I can get as fucking angry as I want to be and LSI's will laugh in my face and just grab me tight and understand that I'm joking.
INTj's just kind of get lost and don't know how to respond lmfao.
Don't get me wrong, I do love INTj's. But I can't seem to get them to play choke me....Hmm. Too bad.
At least I know where I can get that from when I need it.
You fucking sadistic rapist cunts.
I see what you are saying, because when I am talking to ESE, I get a good dose of Fe from them but, like you said, there is a lack of intensity.
Also, who would want to rape your ugly ass?