Quote Originally Posted by SpreeFirit View Post
I know what this duality looks like. I am EIE and I have lived it multiple times. It's fucking intense, to say the least.
I become myself. With all of my intensity. All of my anger and passion and fluctuating emotions. It's beautiful.
I am so glad for socionics to be able to understand what these relationships are, and how to recognize these people. Knowing them is a privilege, and I hope you can experience the same thing I have.
To be honest, it really isn't something I am romanticizing, although I know full-well it sounds that way. I promise you, I'm not, And I really don't want to scare you off by sounding unrealistic about it.
It is not unrealistic or a fantasy. It is just real and raw and honest. Staring into the eyes of your dual and knowing what they are. Knowing what they see. Seeing into their world. It's beautiful to know someone. To KNOW them. Does that make sense to you?
I have grown so much.. I happen to work with a SHIT TON of LSI's. A SHIT TON. I love each and every one of them very much...

I was play fighting with one of my dual friends today, saying really insulting things to him and vice versa (like usual, lmao. which seems to be a running theme within this dual pair, at least for me..probably just because I'm a crazy-ass bitch) Everyone around us is like gasping at the horrible shit we were saying to each other lmfao, although we were OBVIOUSLY JOKING. Well, anyways, there was a silent moment between us and he just looked into my eyes and grabbed my hand. He nodded and told me he loved me. I told him I loved him also. That's what I fucking live for-those moments. To be seen. To be seen is to know what it is to be alive...in part, at least.

I have SO many exchanges and experiences I can relate to you, if you are interested. You can always PM me too if you want to have a more private conversation. You can ask me ANYTHING YOU WANT. And nothing is off limits. So please, feel free, Pole Ninja!!! Rip my mind apart and dissect me, I dare you.
That is hilarious. I love it when I can insult someone and they know it's a joke and it's this everlasting of the battle of come backs. I'm amused by the way you insist that it's not unrealistic, like you are anticipating me, an LSI, to immediately shoot back that that's a bunch of non-sense. No, I tell my conflictors that they are being unrealistic LOL. Basically what you are describing is a phase I went through in my teens when the chemicals in my brain turned me into a temporary EIE.